(lib-load "collect-skip.scm")
(lib-load "file-read.scm")
(define xml-parser-preserve-white-space #f)
(define white-space-preserving-tags '())
(define (parse-error . x)
(display-message (string-append "PARSE ERROR: " (apply string-append (map as-string x))))
(define (parse-message . x)
(if xml-parse-verbose
(display-message (string-append (apply string-append (map as-string x))))))
(define recently-skipped-white-space "")
(define (skip-white-space)
(skip-while is-white-space?))
(define (skip-white-space)
(let ((skipped-white-space (collect-until (negate is-white-space?))))
(set! recently-skipped-white-space (string-append recently-skipped-white-space skipped-white-space))))
(define (reset-white-space)
(set! recently-skipped-white-space ""))
(define (already-skipped-white-space)
(define (skip-white-space-and-comments)
(ensure-look-ahead 4)
(if (and (not end-of-file?) (match-look-ahead? "<!--"))
(parse-message "Skipping comment")
(read-a-string 4)
(skip-until-string "-->" #t)
(define (parse-xml-file in-file-path out-file-path)
(let ((init-in-path (file-name-initial-path in-file-path))
(in-file-name-prop (file-name-proper in-file-path))
(in-ext (file-name-extension in-file-path))
(let* ((input-port (open-input-file (string-append init-in-path in-file-name-prop "." (if (empty-string? in-ext) "xml" in-ext)))))
(set! ip input-port)
(let ((parse-tree (parse-xml-ip))
(target-file-name out-file-path))
(set! resulting-parse-tree parse-tree)
(if (file-exists? target-file-name) (delete-file target-file-name))
(let ((op (open-output-file target-file-name)))
(write parse-tree op)
(close-output-port op)))
(display-message (string-append "DONE. The parse tree is in " out-file-path))
(display-message "Use (scheme-pp <file>) to pretty pring the parse tree.")
(display-message "The result is also in the variable resulting-parse-tree for interactive use.")
(close-input-port ip))))
(define (parse-xml file-path)
(let ((init-path (file-name-initial-path file-path))
(file-name-prop (file-name-proper file-path))
(ext (file-name-extension file-path))
(let* ((input-port (open-input-file (string-append init-path file-name-prop "." (if (empty-string? ext) "xml" ext)))))
(set! ip input-port)
(let ((parse-tree (parse-xml-ip)))
(close-input-port ip)
(define (parse-xml-string xml-string)
(set! ip xml-string)
(let ((parse-tree (parse-xml-ip)))
(define (reset-xml-parser)
(set! parse-stack '()))
(define (parse-xml-file-to-ast in-file-path out-file-path xml-language)
(let ((init-in-path (file-name-initial-path in-file-path))
(in-file-name-prop (file-name-proper in-file-path))
(in-ext (file-name-extension in-file-path))
(let* ((input-port (open-input-file (string-append init-in-path in-file-name-prop "." (if (empty-string? in-ext) "xml" in-ext)))))
(set! ip input-port)
(let ((parse-tree (parse-tree-to-ast (parse-xml-ip) xml-language))
(target-file-name out-file-path))
(set! resulting-parse-tree parse-tree)
(if (file-exists? target-file-name) (delete-file target-file-name))
(let ((op (open-output-file target-file-name)))
(write parse-tree op)
(close-output-port op)))
(display-message (string-append "DONE. The XML-in-LAML AST is in " out-file-path))
(display-message "The result is also in the variable resulting-parse-tree for interactive use.")
(close-input-port ip))))
(define (parse-xml-to-ast file-path xml-language)
(let ((init-path (file-name-initial-path file-path))
(file-name-prop (file-name-proper file-path))
(ext (file-name-extension file-path))
(let* ((input-port (open-input-file (string-append init-path file-name-prop "." (if (empty-string? ext) "xml" ext)))))
(set! ip input-port)
(let ((parse-tree (parse-tree-to-ast (parse-xml-ip) xml-language)))
(close-input-port ip)
(define (parse-xml-string-to-ast xml-string xml-language)
(set! ip xml-string)
(let ((parse-tree (parse-tree-to-ast (parse-xml-ip) xml-language)))
(define xml-parse-verbose #f)
(define parse-stack '())
(define (parse-stack-push x)
(set! parse-stack (cons x parse-stack)))
(define (parse-stack-pop)
(if (not (parse-stack-empty?))
(set! parse-stack (cdr parse-stack))
(parse-error (string-append "Trying to pop an empty parse stack"))))
(define (parse-stack-top)
(if (not (parse-stack-empty?))
(car parse-stack)
(parse-error (string-append "Trying to access the top of an empty parse stack"))))
(define (parse-stack-empty?)
(null? parse-stack))
(define (parse-stack-but-top)
(if (not (parse-stack-empty?))
(cdr parse-stack)
(parse-error (string-append "Trying to access the top of an empty parse stack"))))
(define (parse-stack-top-and-pop)
(if (not (parse-stack-empty?))
(let ((res (car parse-stack)))
(set! parse-stack (cdr parse-stack))
(parse-error (string-append "Trying to access the top of an empty parse stack"))))
(define (parse-stack-bottom)
(if (not (parse-stack-empty?))
(last parse-stack)
(parse-error (string-append "Trying to access the bottom of an empty parse stack"))))
(define (make-tag-structure kind tag-name attribute-property-list)
(cons 'tag (cons kind (cons tag-name attribute-property-list))))
(define (kind-of-tag-structure tag-structure)
(as-symbol (cadr tag-structure)))
(define (tag-of-tag-structure tag-structure)
(as-string (caddr tag-structure)))
(define (attributes-of-tag-structure tag-structure)
(cdddr tag-structure))
(define (attribute-value attribute-key attribute-list)
(let ((a-list (propertylist-to-alist attribute-list)))
(defaulted-get attribute-key a-list #f)))
(define (make-comment-structure comment-string)
(list 'comment comment-string))
(define (make-processing-instruction-structure pi-two-element-list)
(cons 'processing-instruction pi-two-element-list))
(define (make-declaration-structure kind val)
(list 'declaration kind val))
(define (make-xml-declaration-structure attribute-plist)
(list 'xml-declaration attribute-plist))
(define (comment-of-comment-structure node)
(cadr node))
(define (kind-of-declaration-structure node)
(cadr node))
(define (value-of-declaration-structure node)
(caddr node))
(define (attributes-of-xml-declaration-structure node)
(cadr node))
(define (html-tree-node? x)
(and (list? x) (>= (length x) 1) (eq? (car x) 'html-tree)))
(define (xml-tree-node? x)
(and (list? x) (>= (length x) 1) (eq? (car x) 'xml-tree)))
(define (start-node? x)
(and (list? x) (>= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'tag) (eq? (cadr x) 'start)))
(define (start-end-node? x)
(and (list? x) (>= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'tag) (eq? (cadr x) 'start-end)))
(define (comment-node? x)
(and (list? x) (= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'comment)))
(define (processing-instruction-node? x)
(and (list? x) (>= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'processing-instruction)))
(define (declaration-node? x)
(and (list? x) (= (length x) 3) (eq? (car x) 'declaration)))
(define (xml-declaration-node? x)
(and (list? x) (= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'xml-declaration)))
(define resulting-parse-tree #f)
(define (make-parse-tree node subtree-list)
(cons 'tree (cons node subtree-list)))
(define (root-of-parse-tree tree)
(cadr tree))
(define (subtrees-of-parse-tree tree)
(cddr tree))
(define subtrees-of-xml-html-parse-tree cdr)
(define (parse-tree? x)
(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'tree)))
(define textual-content-node? string?)
(define (terminal-node? tree)
(or (string? tree)
(and (list? tree) (= 2 (length tree)) (string? (cadr tree)))
(and (list? tree) (= 2 (length tree)) (start-end-node? (cadr tree)))
(start-end-node? tree)
(comment-node? tree)
(declaration-node? tree)
(xml-declaration-node? tree)))
(define (inner-node? tree)
(not (terminal-node? tree)))
(define (node-of-tree tree)
(cond ((terminal-node? tree)
(cond ((string? tree) tree)
((start-end-node? tree) tree)
((comment-node? tree) tree)
(else (root-of-parse-tree tree))))
((inner-node? tree)
(root-of-parse-tree tree))))
(define (node-info node)
(cond ((text-contents-entry? node)
(if (string? node) node (car node)))
((tag-entry? node)
(as-symbol (tag-of-tag-structure node)))
((comment-entry? node)
(comment-of-comment-structure node))
(else (error "node-info: Should not happen"))))
(define (node-attribute-info node)
(cond ((text-contents-entry? node)
((tag-entry? node)
(attributes-of-tag-structure node))
(else (error "node-attribute-inf: Should not happen"))))
(define (tag-entry? x)
(and (list? x) (>= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'tag)))
(define (comment-entry? x)
(and (list? x) (= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'comment)))
(define (declaration-entry? x)
(and (list? x) (= (length x) 3) (eq? (car x) 'declaration)))
(define (xml-declaration-entry? x)
(and (list? x) (= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'xml-declaration)))
(define (start-tag-entry? x)
(and (tag-entry? x) (eq? (cadr x) 'start)))
(define (start-end-tag-entry? x)
(and (tag-entry? x) (eq? (cadr x) 'start-end)))
(define (tree-entry? x)
(and (list? x) (>= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'tree)))
(define (text-contents-entry? x)
(or (string? x) (and (list? x) (= 1 (length x)) (string? (car x)))))
(define (html-root? x)
(and (list? x) (>= (length x) 1) (eq? (car x) 'html-tree)))
(define (xml-root? x)
(and (list? x) (>= (length x) 1) (eq? (car x) 'xml-tree)))
(define (parse-xml-ip)
(if (not end-of-file?) (skip-white-space))
(cond ((and end-of-file? (not (parse-stack-empty?)) (>= (length parse-stack) 1))
(aggregate-final-parse-tree 'xml-tree))
((and end-of-file? (parse-stack-empty?))
(make-final-parse-tree 'xml-tree '()))
((not end-of-file?)
(let ((next-parse-tree (parse-xml-balanced-expression xml-parser-preserve-white-space)))
(parse-stack-push next-parse-tree)
(else (error (string-append "parse-xml-ip: strange parse error.")))))
(define (skip-front-matters)
(parse-message "Skipping front matter")
(ensure-look-ahead 2)
(cond ((match-look-ahead? "<?")
(read-a-string 2)
(skip-until-string "?>" #t)
((match-look-ahead? "<!")
(let ((comment (collect-balanced-until (lambda (ch) (eqv? ch #\<)) (lambda (ch) (eqv? ch #\>)))))
(define (parse-xml-balanced-expression preserve-white-space)
(parse-message "Parsing balanced expression.")
(if (not end-of-file?) (skip-white-space))
(let ((what (what-is-ahead)))
(cond ((eq? what 'tag)
(let* ((tag (read-tag))
(or (member (tag-of-tag-structure tag) white-space-preserving-tags)
(kind (kind-of-tag-structure tag)))
(cond ((eq? kind 'start)
(parse-stack-push tag)
(read-and-push-subtrees-until-end-tag (tag-of-tag-structure tag) is-tag-white-space-preserving?)
(build-tree-from-stack (tag-of-tag-structure tag))
((eq? kind 'start-end)
((eq? kind 'end) (parse-error "end tag encountered without matching start tag: " (as-string tag)))
(else (parse-error "parse-xml-balanced-expression: unknown kind of tag"))
((eq? what 'contents-string)
(let ((contents-string (read-contents-string preserve-white-space)))
((eq? what 'comment)
(let ((comment-string (read-comment)))
(make-comment-structure comment-string)))
((eq? what 'processing-instruction)
(let ((pi-structure (read-processing-instruction)))
(make-processing-instruction-structure pi-structure)))
((eq? what 'declaration)
(let ((declaration-structure (read-declaration)))
(kind-of-declaration-structure declaration-structure)
(value-of-declaration-structure declaration-structure))))
((eq? what 'xml-declaration)
(let ((attributes (read-xml-declaration)))
(make-xml-declaration-structure attributes)))
(else (parse-error "parse-xml-balanced-expression: Parse problem")))))
(define (read-comment)
(parse-message "Reading comment")
(ensure-look-ahead 4)
(if (match-look-ahead? "<!--")
(read-a-string 4)
(let ((res (collect-until-string "--")))
(read-a-string 2)
(ensure-look-ahead 1)
(if (match-look-ahead? ">")
(parse-error "End of comment char '>' expected"))
(parse-error "Beginning of comment '<!--' expected")))
(define (read-comment)
(parse-message "Reading comment")
(ensure-look-ahead 4)
(if (match-look-ahead? "<!--")
(read-a-string 4)
(let ((res (collect-until-string "-->")))
(parse-error "Beginning of comment '<!--' expected")))
(define (read-processing-instruction)
(parse-message "Reading processing instruction")
(ensure-look-ahead 4)
(if (match-look-ahead? "<?")
(read-a-string 2)
(let ((pi-target (collect-until is-white-space?)))
(let ((pi-string (collect-until-string "?>")))
(read-a-string 2)
(list pi-target pi-string))))
(parse-error "Beginning of processing instruction <? expected")))
(define (read-declaration)
(parse-message "Reading declaration")
(ensure-look-ahead 2)
(if (match-look-ahead? "<!")
(read-a-string 2)
(let ((kind (collect-until is-white-space?)))
(let ((val (collect-until-string ">")))
(make-declaration-structure kind val))))
(parse-error "Beginning of decaration '<!' expected")))
(define (read-xml-declaration)
(parse-message "Reading xml declaration")
(ensure-look-ahead 5)
(if (match-look-ahead? "<?xml")
(read-a-string 5)
(let ((attributes (read-tag-attributes)))
(ensure-look-ahead 2)
(if (match-look-ahead? "?>")
(read-a-string 2)
(parse-error "?> expected"))
(parse-error "Beginning of declaration '<?xml' expected")))
(define (what-is-ahead)
(ensure-look-ahead 5)
(cond ((match-look-ahead? "<!--") 'comment)
((match-look-ahead? "<!") 'declaration)
((match-look-ahead? "<?xml") 'xml-declaration)
((match-look-ahead? "<?") 'processing-instruction)
((match-look-ahead? "<") 'tag)
(else 'contents-string)))
(define (read-contents-string preserve-white-space)
(let ((cont-string (collect-until (lambda (ch) (eqv? ch #\<)))))
(if preserve-white-space
(string-append (already-skipped-white-space) cont-string)
(remove-redundant-white-space cont-string))))
(define (white-space-preserving-context? parse-stack)
(define (remove-redundant-white-space str)
(remove-redundant-white-space-1 str "" 0 (string-length str) #f))
(define (remove-redundant-white-space-1 str res i lgt removing)
(cond ((= i lgt) res)
((and removing (is-white-space? (string-ref str i)))
(remove-redundant-white-space-1 str res (+ i 1) lgt #t))
((and removing (not (is-white-space? (string-ref str i))))
(remove-redundant-white-space-1 str (string-append res (as-string (string-ref str i))) (+ i 1) lgt #f))
((and (not removing) (is-white-space? (string-ref str i)))
(remove-redundant-white-space-1 str (string-append res (as-string #\space)) (+ i 1) lgt #t))
((and (not removing) (not (is-white-space? (string-ref str i))))
(remove-redundant-white-space-1 str (string-append res (as-string (string-ref str i))) (+ i 1) lgt #f))
(else (error "remove-redundant-white-space-1: should not happen"))))
(define (read-and-push-subtrees-until-end-tag end-tag-name preserve-white-space)
(let* ((n (+ (string-length end-tag-name) 3))
(end-tag-string (string-append (as-string #\<) (as-string #\/) end-tag-name (as-string #\>)))
(ensure-look-ahead n)
(if (match-look-ahead? end-tag-string)
(read-a-string n)
(let ((subtree (parse-xml-balanced-expression preserve-white-space)))
(parse-stack-push subtree)
(read-and-push-subtrees-until-end-tag end-tag-name preserve-white-space)
(define (build-tree-from-stack end-tag-name)
(build-tree-from-stack-1 end-tag-name '()))
(define (build-tree-from-stack-1 tag-name tree-list)
(let ((top (parse-stack-top-and-pop)))
(if (and (start-tag-entry? top) (matches-stack-entry top tag-name))
(make-parse-tree top tree-list)
(build-tree-from-stack-1 tag-name (cons top tree-list)))))
(define (matches-stack-entry top-tag-structure tag-name)
(equal? (downcase-string (tag-of-tag-structure top-tag-structure)) (downcase-string tag-name)))
(define (read-tag)
(parse-message "Reading tag")
(ensure-look-ahead 1)
(if (match-look-ahead? "<")
(parse-error "'<' expected"))
(ensure-look-ahead 1)
(if (match-look-ahead? "/")
(let ((tag-name (collect-until (lambda (ch) (or (eqv? ch #\>) (is-white-space? ch))))))
(ensure-look-ahead 1)
(if (match-look-ahead? ">")
(parse-error "An end tag must not contain anything after the tag name"))
(parse-message " " "End: " tag-name)
(make-tag-structure 'end tag-name '())))
(let ((tag-name (collect-until (lambda (ch) (or (eqv? ch #\>) (eqv? ch #\/) (is-white-space? ch))))))
(ensure-look-ahead 2)
(cond ((and (>= (string-length (max-look-ahead-prefix)) 2) (match-look-ahead? "/>"))
(read-a-string 2)
(make-tag-structure 'start-end tag-name '()))
((and (>= (string-length (max-look-ahead-prefix)) 1) (match-look-ahead? ">"))
(make-tag-structure 'start tag-name '()))
(else (let ((attribute-list (read-tag-attributes)))
(ensure-look-ahead 2)
(cond ((and (>= (string-length (max-look-ahead-prefix)) 2) (match-look-ahead? "/>"))
(read-a-string 2)
(parse-message " " "Start end: " tag-name ". Attributes: " (as-string attribute-list))
(make-tag-structure 'start-end tag-name attribute-list))
((and (>= (string-length (max-look-ahead-prefix)) 1) (match-look-ahead? ">"))
(parse-message " " "Start: " tag-name ". Attributes: " (as-string attribute-list))
(make-tag-structure 'start tag-name attribute-list))
(else (parse-error "read-tag: end of tag expected"))))
(define (read-tag-attributes)
(let ((attr-val (read-attribute-value-pair)))
(if attr-val
(car attr-val)
(cdr attr-val)
(define (read-attribute-value-pair)
(ensure-look-ahead 2)
(if (or (match-look-ahead? "/>") (match-look-ahead? "?>") (match-look-ahead? ">"))
(let* ((attr-name (collect-until (lambda (ch) (or (eqv? ch #\=) (eqv? ch #\>) (is-white-space? ch))))))
(ensure-look-ahead 1)
(cond ((match-look-ahead? "=")
(ensure-look-ahead 1)
(cond ((match-look-ahead? "\"")
(let ((value (collect-until (char-predicate #\"))))
(cons (as-symbol attr-name) value)))
((match-look-ahead? "'")
(let ((value (collect-until (char-predicate #\'))))
(cons (as-symbol attr-name) value)))
(let ((value (collect-until (lambda (ch) (or (is-white-space? ch) (eqv? ch #\>))))))
(cons (as-symbol attr-name) value)))))
(cons (as-symbol attr-name) (as-string attr-name))
(define (aggregate-final-parse-tree kind)
(make-final-parse-tree kind (reverse (shallow-list-copy parse-stack))))
(define (make-final-parse-tree kind subtrees)
(cons kind subtrees))
(define (shallow-list-copy lst)
(cond ((null? lst) '())
(else (cons (car lst) (shallow-list-copy (cdr lst))))))
(define (traverse-and-collect-from-parse-tree tree node-interesting? result-transformer)
(cond ((or (html-tree-node? tree) (xml-tree-node? tree))
(let ((subtree-results
(lambda (subtr) (traverse-and-collect-from-parse-tree subtr node-interesting? result-transformer))
(cdr tree))))
(flatten subtree-results)))
((and (terminal-node? tree) (node-interesting? tree)) (list (result-transformer tree)))
((and (terminal-node? tree) (not (node-interesting? tree))) '())
((inner-node? tree)
(let ((subtree-results
(lambda (subtr) (traverse-and-collect-from-parse-tree subtr node-interesting? result-transformer))
(subtrees-of-parse-tree tree))))
(if (node-interesting? tree)
(result-transformer tree)
(flatten subtree-results))
(flatten subtree-results))))))
(define (collect-attributes-in-tree tree attr-key)
(filter (lambda (x) (if x #t #f))
(traverse-and-collect-from-parse-tree tree
(lambda (tr) (tag-entry? (node-of-tree tr)))
(lambda (tr) (attribute-value attr-key (attributes-of-tag-structure (node-of-tree tr)))))))
(define (is-tag-of-kind? tag-kind)
(lambda (x)
(and (tag-entry? x) (equal? (downcase-string (as-string tag-kind)) (downcase-string (as-string (tag-of-tag-structure x)))))
(and (tree-entry? x) (tag-entry? (node-of-tree x)) (equal? (downcase-string (as-string tag-kind)) (downcase-string (as-string (tag-of-tag-structure (node-of-tree x)))))))))
(define (parser-status)
(display (stack-status)) (newline)
(display (input-status))
(define (stack-status)
(string-append "THE PARSE STACK: " (as-string #\newline) (stack-status-1 parse-stack)))
(define (stack-status-1 lst)
(if (null? lst)
(let ((top (car lst)))
(cond ((text-contents-entry? top) (as-string (node-info top)))
((tag-entry? top) (as-string (node-info top)))
((tree-entry? top) (as-string (node-info (node-of-tree top))))
(else "???"))
(as-string #\newline)
(stack-status-1 (cdr lst))))))
(define (input-status)
(ensure-look-ahead 100)
(string-append "PREFIX OF REMAINING INPUT: " (as-string #\newline) (as-string #\")
(max-look-ahead-prefix) (as-string #\") (as-string #\newline)))
(define (pretty-print-xml-parse-tree-file in-file-path . optional-parameters)
(let ((out-file-path (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameters in-file-path)))
(let ((parse-tree (file-read in-file-path)))
(pretty-print-xml-parse-tree parse-tree)
(define (pretty-print-xml-parse-tree parse-tree)
(set! res '())
(pretty-print-xml-html-parse-tree-1 parse-tree 0 #f)
(linearize-pp-result (reverse res)))
(define indentation-delta 3)
(define use-single-lining #t)
(define prefered-maximum-width 90)
(define res '())
(define (add-to-res x)
(set! res (cons x res)))
(define (add-list-to-res lst)
(lambda (el) (add-to-res el))
(define (remove-from-res i)
(if (> i 0)
(set! res (cdr res))
(remove-from-res (- i 1)))))
(define (linearize-pp-result lst)
(apply string-append
(map as-string lst)))
(define (trailing-whitespace-on-res?)
(if (null? res)
(let ((lst-el (car res)))
(cond ((string? lst-el)
(let ((lgt (string-length lst-el)))
(eqv? #\space (string-ref lst-el (- lgt 1)))
(start-tag-string? lst-el)
((char? lst-el)
(or (eqv? lst-el #\space) (eqv? lst-el #\newline)))
(else #f)))))
(define (start-tag-string? x)
(and (> (string-length x) 1)
(eqv? (string-ref x 0) #\<)
(not (eqv? (string-ref x 1) #\/))))
(define trailing-whitespace-pending #f)
(define (add-white-space single-lining?)
(if #t
(if (not single-lining?)
(add-to-res #\newline))
(set! trailing-whitespace-pending #t)))
(define (add-indentation i)
(if #t
(add-to-res (indentation i))))
(define (indentation n)
(make-string n #\space))
(define (single-liner-form? x start-col max-width)
(if use-single-lining
(let ((width (meassure-html-xml-form x)))
(<= (+ width start-col) max-width))
(define problem-form #f)
(define (pretty-print-xml-html-parse-tree-1 form start-col single-lining?)
(cond ((html-root? form)
(add-subtrees-to-res (cdr form) start-col single-lining?))
((xml-root? form)
(add-subtrees-to-res (cdr form) start-col single-lining?))
((tree-entry? form)
(if (single-liner-form? form start-col prefered-maximum-width)
(pretty-print-start-tag (root-of-parse-tree form) start-col #t)
(add-white-space #t)
(add-subtrees-to-res (subtrees-of-parse-tree form) (+ start-col indentation-delta) #t)
(pretty-print-end-tag (root-of-parse-tree form) start-col #t))
(pretty-print-start-tag (root-of-parse-tree form) start-col single-lining?)
(add-white-space single-lining?)
(add-subtrees-to-res (subtrees-of-parse-tree form) (+ start-col indentation-delta) single-lining?)
(if (not single-lining?) (add-indentation start-col))
(pretty-print-end-tag (root-of-parse-tree form) start-col single-lining?))))
((text-contents-entry? form)
(add-list-to-res (break-long-string (node-info form) start-col (max 10 (- prefered-maximum-width start-col)))))
((comment-entry? form)
(pretty-print-comment (comment-of-comment-structure form)))
((declaration-entry? form)
(pretty-print-declaration (kind-of-declaration-structure form) (value-of-declaration-structure form)))
((xml-declaration-entry? form)
(pretty-print-xml-declaration (attributes-of-xml-declaration-structure form)))
((start-end-tag-entry? form)
(pretty-print-empty-tag form start-col single-lining?))
(else (begin (set! problem-form form) (error (string-append "pretty-print-xml-html-parse-tree-1: Unknown structure encountered: " (as-string form)))))))
(define (break-long-string str indentation max-length)
(if (and (string? str) (not (empty-string? str)))
(let* ((str1 (transliterate str #\newline (as-string #\space)))
(indentation-string (string-append (as-string #\newline) (make-string indentation #\space)))
(broken-strings (break-long-string-1 str1 (string-length str) 0 max-length '()))
(lgt (length broken-strings))
broken-strings (make-list (- lgt 1) indentation-string)))
(list str)))
(define (break-long-string-1 str str-lgt i max-length res)
(cond ((>= i str-lgt) (reverse (cons str res)))
((and (< i str-lgt) (member (string-ref str i) white-space-char-list))
(if (> i max-length)
(let ((first (substring str 0 i))
(rest (substring str (+ i 1) str-lgt)))
(break-long-string-1 rest (string-length rest) 1 max-length (cons first res)))
(break-long-string-1 str str-lgt (+ i 1) max-length res)))
(else (break-long-string-1 str str-lgt (+ i 1) max-length res))))
(define (add-subtrees-to-res subtree-list start-col single-lining?)
(lambda (tree)
(if (not single-lining?) (add-indentation start-col))
(pretty-print-xml-html-parse-tree-1 tree start-col single-lining?)
(add-white-space single-lining?))
(define (pretty-print-start-tag tag-structure start-col single-lining?)
(let ((tag-name (tag-of-tag-structure tag-structure))
(attributes (attributes-of-tag-structure tag-structure)))
(if (null? attributes)
(add-to-res (string-append (as-string #\<) (as-string tag-name) (as-string #\>)))
(add-to-res (string-append (as-string #\<) (as-string tag-name)))
(add-to-res #\space)
(add-attributes-to-res attributes (+ start-col 2 (string-length tag-name)) single-lining?)
(remove-from-res 1)
(add-to-res #\>)))))
(define (add-attributes-to-res attributes start-col single-lining?)
(cond ((and (not (null? attributes)) (>= (length attributes) 2))
(let ((key (car attributes))
(val (cadr attributes))
(res-attributes (cddr attributes)))
(add-single-attribute-to-res key val start-col single-lining?)
(add-attributes-to-res (cddr attributes) start-col single-lining?)))
((and (not (null? attributes)) (< (length attributes) 2))
(error (string-append "add-attributes-to-res: malformed attribute list: " (as-string attributes))))))
(define (add-single-attribute-to-res key val start-col single-lining?)
(add-to-res key) (add-to-res "=")
(add-to-res (string-it val)) (add-to-res #\space))
(define (pretty-print-empty-tag tag-structure start-col single-lining?)
(let ((tag-name (tag-of-tag-structure tag-structure))
(attributes (attributes-of-tag-structure tag-structure)))
(if (null? attributes)
(add-to-res (string-append (as-string #\<) (as-string tag-name) (as-string #\/) (as-string #\>)))
(add-to-res (string-append (as-string #\<) (as-string tag-name)))
(add-to-res #\space)
(add-attributes-to-res attributes (+ start-col 2 (string-length tag-name)) single-lining?)
(remove-from-res 1)
(add-to-res (string-append (as-string #\/) (as-string #\>) ))))))
(define (pretty-print-end-tag tag-structure start-col single-lining?)
(let* ((tag-name (tag-of-tag-structure tag-structure))
(end-tag (string-append (as-string #\<) (as-string #\/) (as-string tag-name) (as-string #\>))))
(add-to-res end-tag)))
(define (pretty-print-comment comment-string)
(add-to-res "<!--") (add-to-res #\space)
(add-to-res comment-string)
(add-to-res "-->"))
(define (pretty-print-declaration kind value)
(add-to-res "<!")
(add-to-res (as-string kind))
(add-to-res #\space)
(add-to-res value)
(add-to-res ">"))
(define (pretty-print-xml-declaration attributes)
(add-to-res "<?xml")
(add-to-res #\space)
(let ((dummy 0))
(add-attributes-to-res attributes dummy #f))
(add-to-res #\space)
(add-to-res "?>"))
(define (meassure-html-xml-form form)
(cond ((html-root? form)
(accumulate-right + 0
(map meassure-html-xml-form (cdr form))))
((tree-entry? form)
(+ (meassure-html-xml-form (root-of-parse-tree form))
(accumulate-right + 0
(map meassure-html-xml-form (subtrees-of-parse-tree form)))
(string-length (as-string (tag-of-tag-structure (root-of-parse-tree form)))) 3))
((text-contents-entry? form)
(string-length (node-info form)))
((comment-entry? form)
(+ 7 (string-length (comment-of-comment-structure form))))
((declaration-entry? form)
(+ 3
(string-length (as-string (kind-of-declaration-structure form)))
(string-length (value-of-declaration-structure form))))
((or (start-end-tag-entry? form) (start-tag-entry? form))
(meassure-tag-structure form))
(else (error (string-append "meassure-html-xml-form: Unknown structure encountered: " (as-string form))))))
(define (meassure-tag-structure tag-structure)
(let ((tag-name (tag-of-tag-structure tag-structure))
(attributes (attributes-of-tag-structure tag-structure)))
(+ (string-length (as-string tag-name))
(meassure-attributes attributes))))
(define (meassure-attributes attributes)
(accumulate-right + 0
(map meassure-attribute (propertylist-to-alist attributes))))
(define (meassure-attribute attribute)
(let ((key (car attribute))
(val (cdr attribute)))
(+ (string-length (as-string key))
(string-length (as-string val)))))
(define (parse-tree-to-laml tree output-file)
(let ((prefix (string-append
"(load (string-append laml-dir \"laml.scm\")) "
"(laml-style \"simple-html4.0-loose\")"
"(write-text-file "))
(html-document (parse-tree-2-laml-string tree))
(suffix " (string-append (startup-directory) laml-source-file-name-without-extension \".html\"))")
(write-text-file (string-append prefix html-document suffix) output-file)))
(define (parse-tree-2-laml-string tree)
(if (parse-tree? tree)
(parse-tree-2-laml-string-1 tree)
(let ((the-tree
(lambda (x) (tree-entry? x)) (subtrees-of-xml-html-parse-tree tree))))
(if the-tree
(parse-tree-2-laml-string-1 the-tree)
(laml-error "parse-tree-2-laml-string: Cannot find tree structure...")))))
(define (parse-tree-2-laml-string-1 tree)
(cond ((inner-node? tree)
(cond ((html-tree-node? tree)
(list-to-string (map parse-tree-2-laml-string-1 (cdr tree)) " "))
(let ((root (root-of-parse-tree tree))
(subtrees (subtrees-of-parse-tree tree)))
(downcase-string (tag-of-tag-structure root)) " "
(lamlify-attributes-string (attributes-of-tag-structure root))
(list-to-string (map parse-tree-2-laml-string-1 subtrees) " ")
((terminal-node? tree)
(cond ((text-contents-entry? tree) (string-it (string-protect (node-info tree))))
((start-end-node? tree)
(downcase-string (tag-of-tag-structure tree)) " "
(lamlify-attributes-string (attributes-of-tag-structure tree))
(else "")
(error "parse-tree-2-laml: Should not happen 2")))
(define (lamlify-attributes-string attr-list)
(cond ((null? attr-list) "")
(else (let ((key (downcase-string (as-string (car attr-list))))
(val (cadr attr-list)))
"'" key " " (string-it val) " " (lamlify-attributes-string (cddr attr-list)))))))
(define (string-protect str)
(replace-string str (as-string #\") (string-append (as-string #\\) (as-string #\"))))
(define (parse-tree-to-laml-expression tree)
(cond ((inner-node? tree)
(cond ((and (html-tree-node? tree) (= 1 (length (cdr tree))))
(parse-tree-to-laml-expression (root-of-parse-tree tree)))
((html-tree-node? tree)
(map parse-tree-to-laml-expression (cdr tree)))
(let ((root (root-of-parse-tree tree))
(subtrees (subtrees-of-parse-tree tree)))
(as-symbol (downcase-string (tag-of-tag-structure root)))
(attributes-of-tag-structure root)
(map parse-tree-to-laml-expression subtrees)))))))
((terminal-node? tree)
(cond ((text-contents-entry? tree) (node-info tree))
((start-end-node? tree)
(as-symbol (downcase-string (tag-of-tag-structure tree)))
(attributes-of-tag-structure tree)))
(else "")
(error "parse-tree-to-laml-expression: Should not happen")))
(define (parse-tree-to-ast pt language)
(if (parse-tree? pt)
(parse-tree-to-ast-1 pt language)
(let ((the-tree
(lambda (x) (tree-entry? x)) (subtrees-of-xml-html-parse-tree pt))))
(if the-tree
(parse-tree-to-ast-1 the-tree language)
(laml-error "parse-tree-to-ast: Cannot locate parse tree proper in the parse tree: " pt)))))
(define (parse-tree-to-ast-1 pt language)
(letrec ((make-ast
(lambda (element-name contents attributes kind language)
(list 'ast (as-string element-name) contents attributes (as-symbol kind) (as-symbol language) '())))
(make-xml-comment (lambda (str) (list 'xml-comment str)))
(make-xml-processing-instruction (lambda (pi-target pi-string) (list 'processing-instruction pi-target pi-string)))
(cond ((parse-tree? pt)
(let* ((node (root-of-parse-tree pt))
(subtrees (subtrees-of-parse-tree pt))
(subtrees-1 (space-expand-subtrees subtrees))
(if (start-node? node)
(tag-of-tag-structure node)
(map (lambda (st) (parse-tree-to-ast-1 st language)) subtrees-1)
(attributes-of-tag-structure node)
(laml-error "parse-tree-to-ast-1: Parse tree is expected to have a start-node as root: " pt))))
((textual-content-node? pt)
(if (equal? pt " ") #t pt))
((start-end-node? pt) (make-ast (tag-of-tag-structure pt) '() (attributes-of-tag-structure pt) 'single language))
((start-node? pt)
(laml-error "parse-tree-to-ast-1: Start-end node encountered as direct child of tree node. Should not happen: " pt))
((comment-node? pt)
(make-xml-comment (second pt)))
((processing-instruction-node? pt)
(make-xml-processing-instruction (second pt) (third pt)))
((or (declaration-node? pt) (xml-declaration-node? pt) ""))
(else (laml-error "parse-tree-to-ast-1: Unknown kind of parse tree: " pt)))))
(define (space-expand-subtrees subtree-list)
(space-expand-subtrees-1 subtree-list '()))
(define (space-expand-subtrees-1 subtree-list res)
(cond ((null? subtree-list) (reverse res))
((textual-content-node? (first subtree-list))
(let* ((str (first subtree-list))
(str-len (string-length str))
(init-space? (if (> str-len 0) (eqv? #\space (string-ref str 0)) #f))
(trailing-space? (cond ((> str-len 1) (eqv? #\space (string-ref str (- str-len 1))))
(else #f)))
(new-res (cond ((and init-space? trailing-space?)
(append (list " " (substring str 1 (- str-len 1)) " ") res))
(append (list (substring str 1 str-len) " ") res))
(append (list " " (substring str 0 (- str-len 1))) res))
(else (cons str res)))))
(space-expand-subtrees-1 (cdr subtree-list) new-res)))
(else (space-expand-subtrees-1 (cdr subtree-list) (cons (car subtree-list) res)))))
(define (parse-tree-to-element-structure pt)
(if (parse-tree? pt)
(parse-tree-to-element-structure-1 pt)
(let ((the-tree
(lambda (x) (tree-entry? x)) (subtrees-of-xml-html-parse-tree pt))))
(if the-tree
(parse-tree-to-element-structure-1 the-tree)
(laml-error "parse-tree-to-element-structure: Cannot locate parse tree proper in the parse tree: " pt)))))
(define (parse-tree-to-element-structure-1 pt)
(letrec ((make-element-structure (lambda (name contents attributes) (list 'element name contents attributes))))
(cond ((parse-tree? pt)
(let* ((node (root-of-parse-tree pt))
(subtrees (subtrees-of-parse-tree pt)))
(if (start-node? node)
(as-symbol (tag-of-tag-structure node))
(map parse-tree-to-element-structure-1 subtrees)
(propertylist-to-alist (attributes-of-tag-structure node)))
(laml-error "parse-tree-to-element-structure-1: Parse tree is expected to have a start-node as root: " pt))))
((textual-content-node? pt) pt)
((start-end-node? pt)
(make-element-structure (as-symbol (tag-of-tag-structure pt)) '() (propertylist-to-alist (attributes-of-tag-structure pt))))
((start-node? pt)
(laml-error "parse-tree-to-element-structure-1: Start-end node encountered as direct child of tree node. Should not happen: " pt))
((or (declaration-node? pt) (xml-declaration-node? pt) (comment-node? pt) ""))
(else (laml-error "parse-tree-to-element-structure-1: Unknown kind of parse tree: " pt)))))