; =>man/xml-in-laml.sdoc
;;;; The XML-in-LAML common parts, which are shared between all XML-in-LAML languages. ;;;; The library is used together with ;;;; <a href="../mirrors/man/xhtml10-transitional-mirror.html">XHTML 1.0 transitional</a>, ;;;; <a href="../mirrors/man/xhtml10-strict-mirror.html">XHTML 1.0 strict</a>, ;;;; <a href="../mirrors/man/xhtml10-frameset-mirror.html">XHTML 1.0 frameset</a>, ;;;; <a href="../mirrors/man/xhtml11-mirror.html">XHTML1.1</a>, ;;;; <a href="../mirrors/man/svg11-mirror.html">SVG 1.1</a>, ;;;; <a href="../../../styles/xml-in-laml/lecture-notes/man/lecture-notes.html">LENO</a>, ;;;; and other similar mirrors.<p> ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; This library loads <a href="../../man/final-state-automaton.html">the the LAML finite state automation library</a> ;;;; for the sake of full document validation at document generation time.<p> ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; <a href="../../../tools/xml-in-laml/man/xml-in-laml.html">The XML-in-LAML Mirror Generation tool</a> ;;;; is able to create a set of Scheme mirror functions for a given XML DTD. The generated mirror functions together with ;;;; the shared XML-in-LAML common library (this file) make up the effective mirror of an XML language.<p> ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; This library is also designed to co-exists with non-validating HTML mirrors, such as ;;;; <a href="../../html4.0-loose/man/surface.html"> Html4.0</a> ;;;; (mainly the sake of LENO). ;;;; However, it <b>cannot</b> be used together with other validating AST-based HTML mirrors, such as ;;;; <a href="../../html4.01-transitional-validating/man/surface.html"> Html4.01 transitional validating</a>. ;;;; You should use a 100% XML-IN-LAML solution instead. By that we mean a solution, where also the ;;;; HTML stuff is based on XML-in-LAML. In practical terms, it means that you should use one of the XHTML mirrors mentioned above.<p> ;;;; .title Reference Manual of the XML-in-LAML library
(lib-load "final-state-automaton.scm")
;;; XML front matters and end matters stuff. ;;; This section contains the XML declaration and other XML front matter stuff. ;;; In addition it holds the end-laml function. ;;; .section-id front-matters

(define (standard-prolog . optional-parameter-list) (let* ((language (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f)) (doc-type-decl (xml-document-type-declaration-in language)) ) (string-append (xml-declaration) (as-string #\newline) doc-type-decl (if (not (empty-string? doc-type-decl)) (as-string #\newline) "") (copyright-clause) (if (not (empty-string? (copyright-clause))) (as-string #\newline) ""))))
(define laml-xml-version "1.0")
(define laml-character-encoding "iso-8859-1") ; Alternative: "utf-8"

(define (xml-declaration) (string-append "<?xml version=" (string-it laml-xml-version) " " "encoding" "=" (string-it laml-character-encoding) "?>"))
(define (end-laml) ; Check for XML constraints of ID and IDREF(S) attributes
(check-id-and-idref-attributes!) ; Do the final part of link checking - first relative links
(if (memq xml-link-checking (list 'all 'relative-urls)) (if (> (length relative-url-list-for-later-checking) 0) (begin (display-message "Checking" (length relative-url-list-for-later-checking) "relative links...") (check-relative-url-list! relative-url-list-for-later-checking) (if (= 0 relative-url-problem-count) (display-message "All relative links are OK")) (set! relative-url-list-for-later-checking '()) (set! relative-url-problem-count 0) ) (display-message "No relative links to check")) ) ; Next absolute links
(if (and (memq xml-link-checking (list 'all 'absolute-urls)) (> (length absolute-url-list-for-later-checking) 0)) (begin (display-message "Checking" (length absolute-url-list-for-later-checking) "absolute links...") (check-absolute-url-list! absolute-url-list-for-later-checking) (if (= 0 absolute-url-problem-count) (display-message "All absolute links are OK")) (set! absolute-url-list-for-later-checking '()) (set! absolute-url-problem-count 0) ) ) (original-end-laml))
;;; XML-in-LAML processing parameters. ;;; The variables and functions in this part control a number of general properties of XML-in-LAML processing. Some of these ;;; are generic for all XML-in-LAML languages; Others are specific to a single language. ;;; A number of the properties are related to the checking, validation, and error reporting of the XML mirror functions. ;;; .section-id processing-par

(define laml-internal-representation 'laml)
(define xml-check-attributes? #t)
(define xml-validate-contents? #t)
(define xml-link-checking 'relative-urls)
(define xml-check-language-overlap? #t)
(define (xml-transliterate-character-data-in? language) (assert-known-xml-language language "xml-transliterate-character-data-in?") (eval-cur-env (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-transliterate-character-data?")))
(define (set-xml-transliterate-character-data-in language new-value) (assert-known-xml-language language "set-xml-transliterate-character-data-in") (eval-cur-env (list 'set! (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-transliterate-character-data?") new-value)))
(define (xml-char-transformation-table-in language) (assert-known-xml-language language "xml-char-transformation-table-in") (eval-cur-env (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-char-transformation-table")))
(define (set-xml-char-transformation-table-in language new-value) (assert-known-xml-language language "set-xml-char-transformation-table-in") (eval-cur-env (list 'set! (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-char-transformation-table") new-value)))
(define (xml-non-transliteration-elements-in language) (assert-known-xml-language language "xml-non-transliteration-elements-in") (eval-cur-env (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-non-transliteration-elements")))
(define (xml-preformatted-text-elements-in language) (assert-known-xml-language language "xml-preformatted-text-elements-in") (eval-cur-env (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-preformatted-text-elements")))
(define xml-error-truncation-length 130)
(define (xml-pass-default-dtd-attributes-in? language) (assert-known-xml-language language "xml-pass-default-dtd-attributes-in?") (eval-cur-env (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-pass-default-dtd-attributes?")))
(define (xml-accept-only-string-valued-attributes-in? language) (if language (begin (assert-known-xml-language language "xml-accept-only-string-valued-attributes-in?") (eval-cur-env (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-accept-only-string-valued-attributes?")) ) #t))
(define (set-xml-accept-only-string-valued-attributes-in language new-value) (assert-known-xml-language language "set-xml-accept-only-string-valued-attributes-in") (eval-cur-env (list 'set! (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-accept-only-string-valued-attributes?") new-value)))
(define (xml-accept-extended-contents-in? language) (if language (begin (assert-known-xml-language language "xml-accept-extended-contents-in?") (eval-cur-env (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-accept-extended-contents?")) ) #f))
(define (set-xml-accept-extended-contents-in language new-value) (assert-known-xml-language language "set-xml-accept-extended-contents-in") (eval-cur-env (list 'set! (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-accept-extended-contents?") new-value)))
(define (xml-document-type-declaration-in language) (if language (begin (assert-known-xml-language language "xml-document-type-declaration-in") (eval-cur-env (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-document-type-declaration"))) ""))
(define (xml-represent-white-space-in? language) (if language (begin (assert-known-xml-language language "xml-represent-white-space-in?") (eval-cur-env (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-represent-white-space?")) ) #t))
(define (xml-duplicated-attribute-handling language) (if language (begin (assert-known-xml-language language "xml-duplicated-attribute-handling") (eval-cur-env (aggregated-variable (as-string language) "xml-duplicated-attribute-handling")) ) 'keep-all)) ; Form a variable of language-string variable-string and return the symbol.
(define (aggregated-variable language-string variable-string) (as-symbol (string-append language-string "-" variable-string))) ; Assert that language is legal relative to the XML-in-LAML languages in use. ; The optional second parameter is intended to hold the operation causing the problems. ; If not, stop the program (fatal error)
(define (assert-known-xml-language language . optional-parameter-list) (let ((context (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) (if (not (symbol? language)) (laml-error (if context (string-append (as-string context) ":") "") "The XML-in-LAML language must be given as a symbol:" language)) (if (not (memq language (languages-in-use))) (laml-error (if context (string-append (as-string context) ":" (as-string #\newline)) "") "Fatal error: The language" language "is not among the currently loaded XML-in-LAML languages:" (list-to-string (map as-string (languages-in-use)) ", "))))) ; A map from XML language names (symbols) to lists of url-extractor and base-url-extractor functions.
(define xml-link-checking-map '())
(define (set-xml-link-checking-functions xml-language url-extractor-function base-url-extractor-function) (set! xml-link-checking-map (cons (cons xml-language (list url-extractor-function base-url-extractor-function)) xml-link-checking-map)))
(define (url-extractor-of-xml-language xml-language) (let ((res (assq xml-language xml-link-checking-map))) (if res (first (cdr res)) #f)))
(define (base-url-extractor-of-xml-language xml-language) (let ((res (assq xml-language xml-link-checking-map))) (if res (second (cdr res)) #f)))
;;; Other Constants. ;;; .section-id other-const

(define explicit-space #t)
(define explicit-space-suppress #f)
(define _ explicit-space-suppress)
(define preferred-maximum-width 90)
(define indentation-delta 3)
(define xml-always-render-white-space? #f) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; AST constructors and basic selector selectors. ;;; In this section we document the functions that work on abstract syntax trees (ASTs). ;;; More specifically, we describe the AST constructor function and the most basic functions that ;;; select a constituent of an AST. An AST copy function is also included in this section. ;;; Abstract syntax trees make up the internal representation of XML documents in LAML. ;;; All XML mirror functions return abstract syntax trees, and as such they can be thought as ;;; convenient, high level AST constructors. Notice that the implementation of the functions in this ;;; section depend heavily on the value of the variable laml-internal-representation. ;;; .section-id ast-cons-sel
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The original LAML internal representation.
(define (laml-make-ast element-name contents attributes kind language . optional-parameter-list) (let ((internal-attributes (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list '())) (subtrees (cond ((ast? contents) (list contents)) ((cdata? contents) (list contents)) ((forced-white-space? contents) (list contents)) ((delayed-procedural-contents-element? contents) (list contents)) ((char-ref? contents) (list contents)) ((xml-comment? contents) (list contents)) ((cdata-section? contents) (list contents)) ((processing-instruction? contents) (list contents)) ((list? contents) contents) (else (laml-error "make-ast: Contents must be a single content item or a list of these: " (as-string contents)))))) (list 'ast (as-string element-name) subtrees attributes (as-symbol kind) (as-symbol language) internal-attributes))) (define laml-ast-element-name (make-selector-function 2 "ast-element-name")) (define laml-ast-subtrees (make-selector-function 3 "ast-subtrees")) (define laml-ast-attributes (make-selector-function 4 "ast-attributes")) (define laml-ast-kind (make-selector-function 5 "ast-kind")) (define laml-ast-language (make-selector-function 6 "ast-language")) (define laml-ast-internal-attributes (make-selector-function 7 "ast-internal-attributes")) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The SXML internal representation.
(define (sxml-make-ast element-name contents attributes-proplist kind language . optional-parameter-list) (let ((internal-attributes (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list '())) (subtrees (cond ((ast? contents) (list contents)) ((cdata? contents) (list contents)) ((forced-white-space? contents) (list contents)) ((delayed-procedural-contents-element? contents) (list contents)) ((char-ref? contents) (list contents)) ((xml-comment? contents) (list contents)) ((cdata-section? contents) (list contents)) ((processing-instruction? contents) (list contents)) ((list? contents) contents) (else (laml-error "make-ast: Contents must be ast, cdata, forced white space, or a list of these: " (as-string contents)))))) (cons (as-symbol element-name) (cons (sxml-attributes attributes-proplist) (cons (sxml-aux-list kind language) subtrees))))) (define (sxml-attributes attributes-proplist) (let ((attributes-alist (propertylist-to-alist attributes-proplist))) (cons '@ (map (lambda (aname-aval-pair) (list (as-symbol (car aname-aval-pair)) (as-string (cdr aname-aval-pair)))) attributes-alist)))) (define (sxml-aux-list kind language) (cons '@@ (cons (list '*NAMESPACES*) (cons (list 'element-kind kind) (cons (list 'language language) '()))))) (define sxml-ast-element-name (compose as-string car)) (define (sxml-ast-subtrees ast) (cond ((null? (cdr ast)) '()) ((not (sxml-attribute-or-aux-related? (cadr ast))) ; at least two elements
(cdr ast)) ((null? (cddr ast)) '()) ((not (sxml-attribute-or-aux-related? (caddr ast))) ; at least three elements
(cddr ast)) (else (cdddr ast)))) (define (sxml-attribute-or-aux-related? x) (or (sxml-attribute-related? x) (sxml-aux-related? x))) (define (sxml-attribute-related? x) (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) '@))) (define (sxml-aux-related? x) (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) '@@))) (define (sxml-ast-attributes ast) ; if there are attributes in x, it will have to be the second element.
(if (null? (cdr ast)) '() (if (sxml-attribute-related? (cadr ast)) (let ((attribute-pair-list (cdr (cadr ast)))) (flatten attribute-pair-list)) '()))) ; Return the kind, single or double of ast. ; This function first attempt to extract the information from the aux list of the AST node. ; Second, the function tries to look up the information in the content model of XML element. ; If all this fails, it returns double.
(define (sxml-ast-kind ast) (let* ((aux-constituent (sxml-aux-constituent-of-ast ast))) ; a structure of the form (X (*NAMESPACES*) ...) where X is two at characters
(if aux-constituent (let ((candidate (defaulted-get 'element-kind (cdr aux-constituent) #f))) (if candidate (car candidate) (let* ((aux-language (defaulted-get 'language (cdr aux-constituent) #f)) (language (if aux-language aux-language (ast-language ast))) ) (if language (let ((content-model (content-model-of (ast-element-name ast) language))) (if (eq? content-model 'empty) 'single 'double)) 'double)))) (let ((language (ast-language ast))) (if language (let ((content-model (content-model-of (ast-element-name ast) language))) (if (eq? content-model 'empty) 'single 'double)) 'double))))) ; Return the XML language used by AST. ; If no registration exists in the SXML aux list, return the earliest registered xml language of the ; current LAML document (corresponding the language whose mirror is loaded first).
(define (sxml-ast-language ast) (let* ((default-language (last (languages-in-use))) (aux-constituent (sxml-aux-constituent-of-ast ast)) ; a structure of the form (X (*NAMESPACES*) ...) where X is two at characters
) (if aux-constituent (let ((candidate (defaulted-get 'language (cdr aux-constituent) #f))) (if candidate (car candidate) default-language )) default-language))) ; Return the internal attributes of AST.
(define (sxml-ast-internal-attributes ast) (laml-error "sxml-ast-internal-attributes: Not yet supported")) ; Return the aux constituent of ast (either second or third element), ; or #f if it does not exist.
(define (sxml-aux-constituent-of-ast ast) (cond ((null? (cdr ast)) #f) ((sxml-aux-related? (cadr ast)) ; at least two elements
(cadr ast)) ((null? (cddr ast)) #f) ((sxml-aux-related? (caddr ast)) ; at least three elements
(caddr ast)) (else #f))) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; A boolean variable that controls whether or not we check the internal soundness of ASTs. ; If the basic mirror is used directly, it makes good sense to set this variable to #t. ; Else we recommend a #f value.
(define check-ast-constituents? #f)
(define make-ast (cond ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'laml) laml-make-ast) ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'sxml) sxml-make-ast) (else (laml-error "make-ast: Unknown value of laml-internal-representation:" laml-internal-representation)))) ; AST selectors.

(define ast-element-name (cond ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'laml) laml-ast-element-name) ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'sxml) sxml-ast-element-name) (else (laml-error "ast-element-name: Unknown value of laml-internal-representation:" laml-internal-representation))))
(define ast-subtrees (cond ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'laml) laml-ast-subtrees ) ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'sxml) sxml-ast-subtrees ) (else (laml-error "ast-subtrees : Unknown value of laml-internal-representation:" laml-internal-representation))))
(define ast-attributes (cond ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'laml) laml-ast-attributes) ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'sxml) sxml-ast-attributes) (else (laml-error "ast-attributes : Unknown value of laml-internal-representation:" laml-internal-representation))))
(define ast-kind (cond ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'laml) laml-ast-kind) ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'sxml) sxml-ast-kind) (else (laml-error "ast-kind : Unknown value of laml-internal-representation:" laml-internal-representation))))
(define ast-language (cond ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'laml) laml-ast-language) ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'sxml) sxml-ast-language) (else (laml-error "ast-language : Unknown value of laml-internal-representation:" laml-internal-representation))))
(define ast-internal-attributes (cond ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'laml) laml-ast-internal-attributes) ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'sxml) sxml-ast-internal-attributes) (else (laml-error "ast-internal-attributes : Unknown value of laml-internal-representation:" laml-internal-representation))))
(define (ast-copy ast) (if (ast? ast) (make-ast (ast-element-name ast) (ast-subtrees ast) (shallow-copy-list (ast-attributes ast)) (ast-kind ast) (ast-language ast) (shallow-copy-list (ast-internal-attributes ast))) ast))
(define (free-single-element element-name) (xml-in-laml-positional-abstraction 1 0 (lambda (xml-language cont attr) (make-ast element-name '() attr 'single xml-language))))
(define (free-double-element element-name) (xml-in-laml-positional-abstraction 1 0 (lambda (xml-language cont attr) (make-ast element-name cont attr 'double xml-language))))
;;; High-level AST selector functions. ;;; In this section we describe a set of more elaborate functions that access the constituents of an AST. ;;; In many contexts, the functions in this section are more convenient than the basic selector functions ;;; from the previous section. ;;; .section-id highlevel-ast-sel

(define (ast-subtree ast el-name . optional-parameter-list) (let ((n (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list 1)) (subtrees (ast-subtrees ast))) (sub-ast-1 subtrees (as-string el-name) n))) (define (sub-ast-1 subtree-list el-name n) (cond ((null? subtree-list) #f) ((and (and (ast? (car subtree-list)) (equal? el-name (ast-element-name (car subtree-list)))) (= n 1)) (car subtree-list)) ((and (and (ast? (car subtree-list)) (equal? el-name (ast-element-name (car subtree-list)))) (> n 1)) (sub-ast-1 (cdr subtree-list) el-name (- n 1))) (else (sub-ast-1 (cdr subtree-list) el-name n))))
(define (ast-attribute ast name . optional-parameter-list) (let ((default-attribute-value (if (null? optional-parameter-list) #f (car optional-parameter-list))) (attr-list (ast-attributes ast))) (defaulted-get-prop name attr-list default-attribute-value)))
(define (has-ast-attribute? ast name) (let ((attr-list (ast-attributes ast))) (turn-into-boolean (find-in-property-list name attr-list))))
(define (attribute-getter attribute-name . optional-parameter-list) (let ((default-value (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) (if default-value (lambda (ast) (let ((attribute-plist (ast-attributes ast))) (defaulted-get-prop attribute-name attribute-plist default-value))) (lambda (ast) (let ((attribute-plist (ast-attributes ast))) (get-prop attribute-name attribute-plist)))))) ; Return a string of the aggregated CDATA contents of ast. ; White space markers are taken into account, but ast subtrees of ast are ignored in this aggregation. ; All other AST constituents are ignored. ; .internal-references "alias" "ast-text"
(define (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents ast) (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-1 (ast-subtrees ast) "")) (define (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-1 contents-list res) (cond ((null? contents-list) res) ((cdata? (car contents-list)) (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-1 (cdr contents-list) (string-append res (car contents-list)))) ((forced-white-space? (car contents-list)) (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-1 (cdr contents-list) (string-append res " "))) (else (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-1 (cdr contents-list) res)))) ; Return a string of the aggregated CDATA contents of ast. ; White space markers are taken into account, and text from ast subtrees does also contribute recursively. ; All other AST constituents are ignored. ; .internal-references "alias" "ast-text-deep"
(define (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-deep ast) (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-deep-1 (ast-subtrees ast) "")) (define (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-deep-1 contents-list res) (cond ((null? contents-list) res) ((cdata? (car contents-list)) (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-deep-1 (cdr contents-list) (string-append res (car contents-list)))) ((forced-white-space? (car contents-list)) (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-deep-1 (cdr contents-list) (string-append res " "))) ((ast? (car contents-list)) (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-deep-1 (cdr contents-list) (string-append res (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-deep (car contents-list))))) (else (aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-deep-1 (cdr contents-list) res))))
(define ast-text aggregated-ast-cdata-contents)
(define ast-text-deep aggregated-ast-cdata-contents-deep)
(define (ast-internal-attribute ast name . optional-parameter-list) (let ((default-attribute-value (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) (defaulted-get-prop name (ast-internal-attributes ast) default-attribute-value)))
(define (has-internal-ast-attribute? ast name) (let ((internal-attr-list (ast-internal-attributes ast))) (turn-into-boolean (find-in-property-list name internal-attr-list))))
(define (selected-internal-attributes ast prefix) (let ((all-attributes (ast-internal-attributes ast))) (selected-attributes-in all-attributes prefix))) ; Helping function of selected-internal-attributes. ; As a precondition, assume that attribute-prop-list is in fact a property list (has an even number of elements).
(define (selected-attributes-in attribute-prop-list prefix) (cond ((null? attribute-prop-list) '()) (else (let ((key (as-string (first attribute-prop-list))) (val (second attribute-prop-list))) (if (looking-at-substring? key 0 prefix) (let ((new-key (as-symbol (substring key (string-length prefix) (string-length key) )))) (cons new-key (cons val (selected-attributes-in (cddr attribute-prop-list) prefix)))) (selected-attributes-in (cddr attribute-prop-list) prefix))))))
;;; AST Mutators. ;;; Both the attributes and the internal attributes of an AST can be mutated imperatively. ;;; In this section you will find procedures for attribute mutation. ;;; The name of the procedures include an exclamation mark to emphasize their imperative nature. ;;; Don't use them if you do not really need them! ;;; In addition we provide a functional attribute mutator called copy-ast-mutate-attributes. ;;; .section-id ast-mutators

(define (copy-ast-mutate-attributes ast . new-attributes) (let ((new-attributes-1 (alist-to-propertylist (map (lambda (pair) (cons (car pair) (as-string (cdr pair)))) (propertylist-to-alist new-attributes))))) (make-ast (ast-element-name ast) (ast-subtrees ast) (append new-attributes-1 (but-props (ast-attributes ast) (every-second-element new-attributes))) (ast-kind ast) (ast-language ast) (ast-internal-attributes ast))))
(define (set-internal-ast-attributes! ast prop-list) (set-car! (list-tail ast 6) prop-list))
(define (set-ast-attributes! ast prop-list) (set-car! (list-tail ast 3) prop-list))
(define (set-ast-attribute! ast name value) (let* ((attr-list (ast-attributes ast)) (p-list-section (find-in-property-list name attr-list)) ) (if p-list-section (set-car! (cdr p-list-section) value) (set-ast-attributes! ast (cons name (cons value attr-list))))))
(define (set-internal-ast-attribute! ast name value) (let* ((internal-attr-list (ast-internal-attributes ast)) (p-list-section (find-in-property-list name internal-attr-list)) ) (if p-list-section (set-car! (cdr p-list-section) value) (set-internal-ast-attributes! ast (cons name (cons value internal-attr-list))))))
(define (remove-internal-ast-attribute! ast name) (let* ((internal-attr-list (ast-internal-attributes ast))) (set-internal-ast-attributes! ast (remove-prop! name internal-attr-list))))
(define (remove-ast-attribute! ast name) (let* ((attr-list (ast-attributes ast))) (set-ast-attributes! ast (remove-prop! name attr-list))))
(define (remove-ast-attributes! ast name-list) (let* ((attr-list (ast-attributes ast))) (set-ast-attributes! ast (remove-props! name-list attr-list))))
;;; XML-in-LAML Predicates. ;;; The functions in this section are predicates that work on ASTs and their constituents. ;;; .section-id ast-pred
; (define (laml-ast? x) ; (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'ast) ; (list? x) (= 7 (length x))))
(define (laml-ast-safe? x) (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'ast) (do ((y x (cdr y)) (i 1 (+ i 1))) ((or (null? y) (= i 7)) (and (= i 7) (not (null? y)) (null? (cdr y))))) ) ) ; Simplified, much faster, but weaker version.
(define (laml-ast-fast? x) (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'ast))) (define (sxml-ast? x) (and (pair? x) (symbol? (car x)))) (define (sxml-ast-strong? x) (and (list? x) (>= (length x) 3) (symbol? (first x)) (list? (second x)) (eq? (car (second x)) '@) (list? (third x)) (eq? (car (third x)) '@@)))
(define ast? (cond ((and (eq? laml-execution-mode 'safe) (eq? laml-internal-representation 'laml)) laml-ast-safe?) ((and (eq? laml-execution-mode 'fast) (eq? laml-internal-representation 'laml)) laml-ast-fast?) ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'sxml) sxml-ast?) (else (laml-error "ast?: Unknown value of laml-internal-representation:" laml-internal-representation))))
(define ast-strong? (cond ((and (eq? laml-execution-mode 'safe) (eq? laml-internal-representation 'laml)) laml-ast-safe?) ((and (eq? laml-execution-mode 'fast) (eq? laml-internal-representation 'laml)) laml-ast-fast?) ((eq? laml-internal-representation 'sxml) sxml-ast-strong?) (else (laml-error "ast-strong?: Unknown value of laml-internal-representation:" laml-internal-representation))))
(define cdata? string?)
(define (contents-data? x . optional-parameter-list) (let ((language (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) (if language (if (xml-accept-extended-contents-in? language) (or (cdata? x) (ast? x) (char-ref? x) (cdata-section? x) (extended-contents-data? x)) (or (cdata? x) (ast? x) (char-ref? x) (cdata-section? x))) (or (cdata? x) (ast? x) (char-ref? x) (cdata-section? x))))) ; Is the parameter x a contents element item, with ASTs recognized in the strong form (using ast-strong?) ; .form (contents-data-strong? x [language]) ; .internal-references "strong ASTs" "ast-strong?" ; (define (contents-data-strong? x . optional-parameter-list) ; (let ((language (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) ; (if language ; (if (xml-accept-extended-contents-in? language) ; (or (cdata? x) (ast-strong? x) (char-ref? x) (cdata-section? x) (extended-contents-data? x)) ; (or (cdata? x) (ast-strong? x) (char-ref? x) (cdata-section? x))) ; (or (cdata? x) (ast-strong? x) (char-ref? x) (cdata-section? x)))))
; More efficient version. The function contents-data-strong? is a bottleneck in xml-sort-tag-parameters

(define (contents-data-strong? x . optional-parameter-list) (if (or (cdata? x) (ast-strong? x) (char-ref? x) (cdata-section? x)) #t (let ((language (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) (if language (if (xml-accept-extended-contents-in? language) (extended-contents-data? x) #f ) #f)))) ; Is x considered as extended contents data.
(define (extended-contents-data? x) (or (number? x) (char? x)))
(define (delayed-procedural-contents-element? x) (procedure? x))
(define (char-ref? x) (and (list? x) (>= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'char-ref) (or (number? (cadr x)) (symbol? (cadr x)))))
(define (forced-white-space? x) (eq? x explicit-space))
(define (white-space-suppress? x) (eq? x explicit-space-suppress))
(define (white-space-related? x) (or (eq? x explicit-space) (eq? x explicit-space-suppress)))
(define (terminal-ast-node? x) (and (ast? x) (null? (ast-subtrees x))))
(define (xml-comment? x) (and (list? x) (>= (length x) 1) (eq? (car x) 'xml-comment)))
(define (cdata-section? x) (and (list? x) (>= (length x) 1) (eq? (car x) 'cdata-section)))
(define (processing-instruction? x) (and (list? x) (>= (length x) 1) (eq? (car x) 'processing-instruction)))
(define (ast-of-type? type name) (cond ((eq? type 'element-name) (lambda (ast) (and (ast? ast) (equal? (as-string (ast-element-name ast)) (as-string name))))) ((eq? type 'kind) (lambda (ast) (and (ast? ast) (equal? (as-string (ast-kind ast)) (as-string name))))) ((eq? type 'language) (lambda (ast) (and (ast? ast) (equal? (as-string (ast-language ast)) (as-string name))))) (else (laml-error "ast-of-type?: Unknown first parameter (type): " type))))
;;; Character Entities. ;;; The function char-ref returns a character-reference. In XML, character references are used to ;;; denote characters which are not directly accessible from normal input devices. Notice that ;;; the predicated char-ref? is located in the AST predicate section. ;;; .section-id char-ent

(define (char-ref x) (list 'char-ref (cond ((number? x) x) ((string? x) (as-symbol x)) ((symbol? x) x) (else (laml-error "char-ref: Invalid parameter:" x)))))
(define (char-ref-value char-ref-structure) (cadr char-ref-structure)) (define (xml-render-char-ref char-ref) (if (not (char-ref? char-ref)) (laml-error "xml-render-char-ref: XML rendering non char-ref:" char-ref)) (letrec ((char-ref-render (lambda (x) (cond ((number? x) (string-append "&#" (as-string x) ";")) ; we do not enforce a three-digit representation
((symbol? x) (string-append "&" (as-string x) ";")) (else (laml-error "xml-render-char-ref: the parameter must be numeric, a symbol, or a string" x))))) (three-digit-string (lambda (n) (cond ((and (>= n 0) (< n 10)) (string-append "00" (as-string n))) ((and (>= n 10) (< n 100)) (string-append "0" (as-string n))) ((< n 1000) (as-string n)) (else (error "three-digit-string: parameter must be between 0 and 999"))))) ) (char-ref-render (char-ref-value char-ref)))) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; XML Comments. ;;; The xml-comment form documented below allows for native XML comments in an XML-in-LAML document. ;;; Use the xml-comment form if it is important for you that LAML outputs native XML comments. ;;; In other cases, you may use Scheme comments in your LAML document. ;;; XML comments are not rendered if they occur in empty elements. ;;; .section-id xml-comments

(define (xml-comment . comment-text-list) (list 'xml-comment (map as-string comment-text-list)))
(define (xml-comment-contents xml-comment) (cadr xml-comment))
(define (xml-render-xml-comment xml-comment) (string-append "<!--" (list-to-string (xml-comment-contents xml-comment) " ") "-->")) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; XML CDATA Sections. ;;; CDATA sections are typically used in script and style elements, to protect the characters '<', '>', and others. ;;; Most browsers do not render CDATA sections, if they appear within the textual contents. ;;; .section-id cdata-sections

(define (cdata-section . cdata-text-list) (list 'cdata-section (map as-string cdata-text-list)))
(define (cdata-section-contents cdata-section) (cadr cdata-section))
(define (xml-render-cdata-section cdata-section) (string-append "<![CDATA[" (list-to-string (cdata-section-contents cdata-section) " ") "]]>")) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; XML Processing Instructions. ;;; A processing instruction is an XML technicality for telling something to an application, which ;;; processes the document. Processing instructions are only rendered if they occur in non-empty elements. ;;; .section-id processing-instructions

(define (processing-instruction pi-target . text-list) (list 'processing-instruction (as-string pi-target) (map as-string text-list)))
(define (processing-instruction-target pi) (cadr pi))
(define (processing-instruction-contents pi) (caddr pi))
(define (xml-render-processing-instruction pi) (string-append "<?" (processing-instruction-target pi) " " (list-to-string (processing-instruction-contents pi) " ") "?>")) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; XML Language Bookkeeping. ;;; XML-in-LAML keeps track of the XML-in-LAML languages in use, and it will warn you if an ambiguously named mirror function is used. ;;; The boolean variable xml-check-language-overlap? can be used to control the reporting of language overlaps (use of ambiguous mirror functions.)<p> ;;; Each XML language has a name when used in LAML. The names of all loaded mirrors is returned by the parameter-less function languages-in-use. ;;; If N is the name of an XML-in-LAML language, (N 'el-name) returns the mirror function named el-name in N.<p> ;;; A language map is an association list that maps mirror function names to the mirror functions. ;;; Via use of a language map, it is always possible to acces a mirror function independt of name clashes with ;;; other XML language mirrors. ;;; .section-id language-bookkeeping

(define xml-in-laml-name-clashes '())
(define (register-xml-in-laml-language language language-map) (set! xml-in-laml-name-clashes (precompute-name-clashes language-map xml-in-laml-name-clashes)) (if (not (memq language (languages-in-use))) (set! xml-in-laml-languages-in-use (cons (cons language language-map) xml-in-laml-languages-in-use))) ) ; Return the new name clashes given that new-language-map is about to be registered. ; The existing name clashes is passed as the parameter existing-name-clashes.
(define (precompute-name-clashes new-language-map existing-name-clashes) (let* ((all-existing-names (flatten (map element-names-of-language (languages-in-use)))) (new-names (map car new-language-map)) (intersection (list-intersection-by-predicate new-names all-existing-names eq?)) ) (remove-duplicates-by-predicate (append existing-name-clashes intersection) eq?)))
(define (language-map-of language) (defaulted-get language xml-in-laml-languages-in-use #f))
(define (language-in-use? language) (let ((lg-map (defaulted-get language xml-in-laml-languages-in-use #f))) (if lg-map #t #f)))
(define (languages-in-use) (map car xml-in-laml-languages-in-use))
(define (element-names-of-language language) (let ((lg-map (defaulted-get language xml-in-laml-languages-in-use '()))) (map car lg-map)))
(define (causes-xml-in-laml-name-clash? name) (memq name xml-in-laml-name-clashes))
(define (activator-via-language-map language) (lambda (element-name) (let ((lg-map (language-map-of language))) (get-mirror-function lg-map element-name)))) ; A global variable which holds bindings of a set of variables.
(define the-name-binding-stack '()) ; Push an entry with namebindings for name-list on the name binding list.
(define (push-name-bindings name-list) (let ((name-fu-map (map (lambda (n) (cons n (eval-cur-env n))) name-list))) (set! the-name-binding-stack (cons name-fu-map the-name-binding-stack)))) ; Pop the name binding list, and reestablish the bindings in the top entry. ; As a precondition it is assumed that the name binding stack is not empty.
(define (pop-and-restore-name-bindings) (let ((name-fu-map (car the-name-binding-stack))) (set! the-name-binding-stack (cdr the-name-binding-stack)) (for-each (lambda (name-fu-pair) (if (procedure? (cdr name-fu-pair)) (eval-cur-env `(set! ,(car name-fu-pair) ,(cdr name-fu-pair))) (eval-cur-env `(set! ,(car name-fu-pair) (quote ,(cdr name-fu-pair))))) ) name-fu-map))) ; Assign the variables in xml-element-variable-list to the corresponding mirror functions in xml-language. ; xml-element-variable-list is a list of symbols. ; xml-language is the name of an xml language in use (a symbol).
(define (establish-xml-in-laml-name-bindings xml-element-variable-list xml-language) (let ((lang-map (language-map-of xml-language))) (for-each (lambda (xml-element-name) (eval-cur-env `(set! ,xml-element-name ,(get-mirror-function lang-map xml-element-name))) ) xml-element-variable-list)))
(define-syntax with-xml-language (syntax-rules () ((with-xml-language xml-language-name form ...) (let ((name-clashes xml-in-laml-name-clashes)) (push-name-bindings (append (list 'xml-id-attribute-list 'xml-idref-attribute-list) name-clashes)) (establish-xml-in-laml-name-bindings name-clashes xml-language-name) (set! xml-id-attribute-list '()) (set! xml-idref-attribute-list '()) (let ((result (begin form ...))) (check-id-and-idref-attributes!) (pop-and-restore-name-bindings) result)))))
(define-syntax with-xml-language! (syntax-rules () ((with-xml-language! xml-language-name minus-elements form ...) (let ((name-clashes (list-difference (element-names-of-language xml-language-name) minus-elements))) (push-name-bindings (append (list 'xml-id-attribute-list 'xml-idref-attribute-list) name-clashes)) (establish-xml-in-laml-name-bindings name-clashes xml-language-name) (set! xml-id-attribute-list '()) (set! xml-idref-attribute-list '()) (let ((result (begin form ...))) (check-id-and-idref-attributes!) (pop-and-restore-name-bindings) result))))) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; The Language Map. ;;; The language map is a mapping that allows us to access the element mirror functions independent of ;;; any name clash. ;;; In this version of LAML the language map is an association that maps element names (symbols) to function objects. ;;; In the longer run, it should be a more efficient search structure. ;;; .section-id language-map
; An auxilary variable used by the XML-in-LAML mirror libraries.
(define temp-language-map '()) ; An auxilary variable used by the XML-in-LAML mirror libraries.
(define temp-mirror-function #f)
(define (get-mirror-function language-map element-name) (let ((element-name-symbol (as-symbol element-name))) (defaulted-get element-name-symbol language-map #f)))
(define (put-mirror-function language-map element-name mirror-function) (let ((element-name-symbol (as-symbol element-name))) (if (get-mirror-function language-map element-name-symbol) (laml-error "put-mirror-function: The name" element-name "is defined twice.") (cons (cons element-name-symbol mirror-function) language-map)))) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; XML Navigation Information. ;;; XML navigation information provides for "smart searching" of XML ASTs. The smartness ;;; is based on the following knowledge: (1) The possible direct and indirect sub-elements ;;; of a given element. (2) The possible attributes of an element and its direct and indirect ;;; sub-elements. This information is pre-computed in the XML-in-LAML mirror generation tool. ;;; The functions in this section provides access to this pre-computed information. ;;; Notice that the functions in this section return static information, as derived from the DTD. ;;; .section-id xml-navigation

(define (register-xml-in-laml-navigator language navigator-structure) (set! xml-in-laml-navigator-structures (cons (cons language navigator-structure) xml-in-laml-navigator-structures)) )
(define (xml-navigator-of language) (defaulted-get language xml-in-laml-navigator-structures #f)) ; Is x an xml-navigator?
(define (xml-navigator? x) (and (list? x) (= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'xml-navigator))) ; Return the navigator vector of xml-navigator. ; As a precondition, it is assumed that the parameter satisfy the predicate xml-navigator?
(define (xml-navigator-vector xml-navigator) (cadr xml-navigator)) ; Navigator triple selectors
(define navigator-triple-element-name (make-selector-function 1 "navigator-triple-element-name")) (define navigator-triple-possible-element-vector (make-selector-function 2 "navigator-triple-possible-element-vector")) (define navigator-triple-possible-attribute-vector (make-selector-function 3 "navigator-triple-possible-attribute-vector"))
(define (possible-elements-rooted-by-element element-name language) (let* ((nav-vector (xml-navigator-vector (xml-navigator-of language))) (relevant-tripple (binary-search-in-vector nav-vector (as-symbol element-name) navigator-triple-element-name eq? symbol-leq?)) ) (if relevant-tripple (let ((element-vector (navigator-triple-possible-element-vector relevant-tripple))) (vector->list element-vector)) (laml-error "possible-elements-rooted-by-element: Cannot locate" element-name "in" language))))
(define (possible-attributes-rooted-by-element element-name language) (let* ((nav-vector (xml-navigator-vector (xml-navigator-of language))) (relevant-tripple (binary-search-in-vector nav-vector (as-symbol element-name) navigator-triple-element-name eq? symbol-leq?)) ) (if relevant-tripple (let ((attribute-vector (navigator-triple-possible-attribute-vector relevant-tripple))) (vector->list attribute-vector)) (laml-error "possible-attributes-rooted-by-element: Cannot locate" element-name "in" language))))
(define (can-have-element-constituent? ast el-name) (can-have-element-constituent-help (ast-element-name ast) el-name (xml-navigator-of (ast-language ast)))) ; Can el-name be a constituent of an AST rooted by in-element-name, using xml-navigator. ; The function doing the real work of can-have-element-constituent?
(define (can-have-element-constituent-help in-element-name el-name xml-navigator) (let* ((nav-vector (xml-navigator-vector xml-navigator)) (relevant-tripple (binary-search-in-vector nav-vector (as-symbol in-element-name) navigator-triple-element-name eq? symbol-leq?)) ) (if relevant-tripple (let ((element-vector (navigator-triple-possible-element-vector relevant-tripple))) (turn-into-boolean (binary-search-in-vector element-vector (as-symbol el-name) id-1 eq? symbol-leq?))) #f))) ; Is symbol sym1 considered less than or equal to symbol sym2
(define (symbol-leq? sym1 sym2) (string<=? (symbol->string sym1) (symbol->string sym2)))
;;; Mirror Generation Functions. ;;; The function generate-xml-mirror-function is the (higher-order) function that generates the mirror of XML elements in Scheme. ;;; In addition, this section contains the function that implement the LAML parameter passing rules of the mirror functions, ;;; namely, xml-sort-tag-parameters. ;;; .section-id mirror-gen

(define (xml-sort-tag-parameters parameters tag-name . optional-parameter-list) (let* ((language (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) (xml-sort-tag-parameters-1 parameters tag-name language #f)))
(define (xml-sort-superficially-tag-parameters parameters tag-name . optional-parameter-list) (let ((language (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) (xml-sort-tag-parameters-1 parameters tag-name language #t))) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Start of xml-sort-tag-parameters-1 and its helping functions
(define strip-initial-explicit-spaces-stp (lambda (cl) (if (and (pair? cl) (eq? (car cl) explicit-space)) (strip-initial-explicit-spaces-stp (cdr cl)) cl))) (define list-not-laml-special-stp? (lambda (x) (and (list? x) (not (or (ast-strong? x) (char-ref? x) (xml-comment? x) (cdata-section? x) (processing-instruction? x)))))) (define maybe-string-stp (lambda (x) (if (extended-contents-data? x) (as-string x) x))) (define as-string-attr-val-stp (lambda (x) (cond ((char-ref? x) (xml-render-char-ref x)) (else (as-string x))))) (define xml-flatten-parameters-stp (lambda (parameters) (xml-flatten-parameters-1 parameters '()))) (define xml-flatten-parameters-1 (lambda (parameters res) (cond ((null? parameters) res) ((list-not-laml-special-stp? (car parameters)) (xml-flatten-parameters-1 (cdr parameters) (append (xml-flatten-parameters-1 (car parameters) '()) res))) (else (xml-flatten-parameters-1 (cdr parameters) (cons (car parameters) res)))))) (define xml-split-parameters-stp ; Do a basic split of parameters in contents and attributes. ; Parameters is reversed in the starting point. ; Do not perform any error checking. ; Return a cons pair of contents and attributes.
(lambda (parameters) (xml-split-parameters-1 parameters '() '()))) (define xml-split-parameters-1 (lambda (parameters content-list attribute-list) ; parameter is reversed
(cond ((null? parameters) (cons content-list attribute-list)) ((and (not (null? (cdr parameters))) ; thus parameters has at least two elements
(symbol? (cadr parameters))) ; input is reversed
(let ((attr-name (cadr parameters)) (attr-val (car parameters))) (xml-split-parameters-1 (cddr parameters) content-list (cons attr-name (cons attr-val attribute-list))))) ((symbol? (car parameters)) (let ((attr-name (car parameters))) (xml-split-parameters-1 (cdr parameters) content-list (cons attr-name attribute-list)))) (else (xml-split-parameters-1 (cdr parameters) (cons (car parameters) content-list) attribute-list))))) (define xml-process-contents-stp (lambda (contents-list tag-name language superficial? white-space?) (xml-process-contents-1 contents-list '() tag-name language superficial? white-space?))) (define xml-process-contents-1 (lambda (content-parameters res tag-name language superficial? white-space?) (cond ((null? content-parameters) res) ; CONTENTS DATA - CDATA, CHAR-REF, XML-comment, PI, DELAYED-PROCEDURAL-CONTENT or AST - ; and then a space suppress value - no space after
((and (x-contents-data-strong? (car content-parameters) language) (not (null? (cdr content-parameters))) (white-space-related? (cadr content-parameters)) (white-space-suppress? (cadr content-parameters))) (xml-process-contents-1 (cddr content-parameters) (if white-space? (if superficial? (cons explicit-space-suppress (cons (maybe-string-stp (car content-parameters)) res)) (cons (maybe-string-stp (car content-parameters)) res)) (cons (maybe-string-stp (car content-parameters)) res)) tag-name language superficial? white-space?)) ; CONTENTS DATA - CDATA, CHAR-REF, XML-comment, PI, DELAYED-PROCEDURAL-CONTENT, or AST - ; and then a space value - space after (not typical)
((and (x-contents-data-strong? (car content-parameters) language) (not (null? (cdr content-parameters))) (white-space-related? (cadr content-parameters)) (forced-white-space? (cadr content-parameters))) ; space after
(xml-process-contents-1 (cddr content-parameters) (if white-space? (cons explicit-space (cons (maybe-string-stp (car content-parameters)) res)) (cons (maybe-string-stp (car content-parameters)) res)) tag-name language superficial? white-space?)) ; CONTENTS DATA - CDATA, CHAR-REF, XML-comment, PI, DELAYED-PROCEDURAL-CONTENT or AST -
((x-contents-data-strong? (car content-parameters) language) ; space after
(xml-process-contents-1 (cdr content-parameters) (if white-space? (cons explicit-space (cons (maybe-string-stp (car content-parameters)) res)) (cons (maybe-string-stp (car content-parameters)) res)) tag-name language superficial? white-space?)) ; White space in other situations - just ignore it
((white-space-related? (car content-parameters)) (xml-process-contents-1 (cdr content-parameters) res tag-name language superficial? white-space?)) (else (let* ((extended-contents (xml-accept-extended-contents-in? language)) (hint (if (not extended-contents) (string-append (as-string #\newline) "You may consider use of extended contents: (set-xml-accept-extended-contents-in " "'" (as-string language) " #t" ")") "")) ) (xml-sort-error (string-append "Fatal error in an XML-in-LAML " tag-name " element." hint) (xml-render-error-message content-parameters))) )))) (define xml-process-attributes-stp (lambda (attributes tag-name language) (xml-process-attributes-1 attributes '() tag-name language))) (define xml-process-attributes-1 (lambda (attribute-prop-list res tag-name language) (cond ((null? attribute-prop-list) res) ((and (symbol? (car attribute-prop-list)) (not (null? (cdr attribute-prop-list)))) (let* ((attr-name (car attribute-prop-list)) (attr-val (cadr attribute-prop-list)) (problematic-attr-value-type? (or (ast-strong? attr-val) (char-ref? attr-val) (xml-comment? attr-val) (processing-instruction? attr-val) (delayed-procedural-contents-element? attr-val)) ) ) (if (and (not (string? attr-val)) (xml-accept-only-string-valued-attributes-in? language)) (cond (problematic-attr-value-type? (xml-check-error "An unpsupported attribute value type is passed as the value of the attribute" (as-string #\newline) " " (as-string attr-name) " in an instance of the " tag-name " element. " (as-string #\newline) " " "The attribute is ignored.")) (else (let* ((extended-attributes? (not (xml-accept-only-string-valued-attributes-in? language))) (hint (if (not extended-attributes?) (string-append (as-string #\newline) " You may consider use of relaxed attributes:" (as-string #\newline) " " "(set-xml-accept-only-string-valued-attributes-in " "'" (as-string language) " #f" ")") "")) ) (xml-check-error "A non-string value " (as-string attr-val) " is passed as the value of the attribute" (as-string #\newline) " " (as-string attr-name) " in an instance of the " tag-name " element." (as-string #\newline) " " "The attribute value is converted to a string." hint)))) (cond (problematic-attr-value-type? (xml-check-error "An unsupported attribute value type is passed as the value of the attribute" (as-string #\newline) " " (as-string attr-name) " in an instance of the " tag-name " element. " (as-string #\newline) " " "The attribute is ignored.")) (else #f)) ) (xml-process-attributes-1 (cddr attribute-prop-list) (if (not problematic-attr-value-type?) (cons (as-string-attr-val-stp attr-val) (cons attr-name res)) res) tag-name language) )) ((and (symbol? (car attribute-prop-list)) (null? (cdr attribute-prop-list)) ) (xml-sort-error (string-append "Fatal error in an XML-in-LAML element: " "Attributes of the " tag-name " element must be of the form 'symbol \"value\" " (as-string #\newline) " " "Only the symbol " (as-string (car attribute-prop-list)) " appears in last encountered attribute." ))) (else (laml-error (string-append "Fatal error in XML-in-LAML element: Malformed attribute list") )) )) ) (define (xml-sort-tag-parameters-1 parameters tag-name language superficial?) (let* ((white-space? (xml-represent-white-space-in? language))) (let* ((flat-parameters (xml-flatten-parameters-stp parameters)) (splited-flat-parameters (xml-split-parameters-stp flat-parameters)) (raw-contents (car splited-flat-parameters)) (raw-attributes (cdr splited-flat-parameters)) (contents (xml-process-contents-stp raw-contents tag-name language superficial? white-space?)) (attributes (xml-process-attributes-stp raw-attributes tag-name language)) ) (cons (reverse (strip-initial-explicit-spaces-stp contents)) (xml-modify-attribute-list (reverse attributes) (xml-duplicated-attribute-handling language)))))) ; End of xml-sort-tag-parameters-1 and its helping functions ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; (define (x-contents-data-strong? x . optional-parameter-list) ; (let ((language (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) ; (if language ; (or (contents-data-strong? x language) ; (xml-comment? x) ; (processing-instruction? x) ; (delayed-procedural-contents-element? x) ; ) ; (or (contents-data-strong? x) ; (xml-comment? x) ; (processing-instruction? x) ; (delayed-procedural-contents-element? x) ; ))))
; A extended variant of contents-data-strong?, which also takes XML comments and XML processing instructions into account. ; Used in xml-sort-tag-parameters.
(define (x-contents-data-strong? x . optional-parameter-list) (if (or (cdata? x) (ast-strong? x) (char-ref? x) (cdata-section? x)) ; test easy cases first - for efficiency reasons
#t (let ((language (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) ; do full and original test in case the easy cases fail
(if language (or (contents-data-strong? x language) (xml-comment? x) (processing-instruction? x) (delayed-procedural-contents-element? x) ) (or (contents-data-strong? x) (xml-comment? x) (processing-instruction? x) (delayed-procedural-contents-element? x) ))))) (define (xml-modify-attribute-list attribute-prop-list kind) (cond ((eq? kind 'keep-all) attribute-prop-list) ((eq? kind 'keep-first) (remove-duplicate-properties-keep-first attribute-prop-list)) ((eq? kind 'keep-last) (remove-duplicate-properties-keep-last attribute-prop-list)) (else (laml-error "xml-modify-attribute-list: Unknown kind of attribute modification" kind)))) ; Remove duplicate properties non-destructively. Keep first duplicate. Comparison done by eq?
(define (remove-duplicate-properties-keep-first proplist) (letrec ((remove-duplicate-properties-keep-first-help (lambda (proplist seen-keys) (cond ((null? proplist) '()) ((memq (car proplist) seen-keys) (remove-duplicate-properties-keep-first-help (cddr proplist) seen-keys)) (else (cons (car proplist) (cons (cadr proplist) (remove-duplicate-properties-keep-first-help (cddr proplist) (cons (car proplist) seen-keys))))))))) (remove-duplicate-properties-keep-first-help proplist '()))) ; Remove duplicate properties non-destructively. Keep last duplicated. Comparison done by eq?
(define (remove-duplicate-properties-keep-last proplist) (letrec ((memq-prop-list (lambda (prop proplist) (if (null? proplist) #f (or (eq? (car proplist) prop) (memq-prop-list prop (cdr proplist)))))) (remove-duplicate-properties-keep-last-help (lambda (proplist) (cond ((null? proplist) '()) ((memq-prop-list (car proplist) (cddr proplist)) (remove-duplicate-properties-keep-last-help (cddr proplist))) (else (cons (car proplist) (cons (cadr proplist) (remove-duplicate-properties-keep-last-help (cddr proplist)))))))) ) (remove-duplicate-properties-keep-last-help proplist))) (define (xml-sort-error message parameters) (let* ((max-str-lgt xml-error-truncation-length) (parameters-2 (if (> (string-length parameters) max-str-lgt) (string-append (substring parameters 0 (- max-str-lgt 1)) "...") parameters))) (laml-error "***" message (as-string #\newline) " The list of parameters: " parameters-2 (as-string #\newline))))
(define (laml-source-prepare laml-lst) (cond ((null? laml-lst) laml-lst) ((and (white-space-related? (car laml-lst)) (forced-white-space? (car laml-lst))) ; always remove forced-white-space marker
(laml-source-prepare (cdr laml-lst))) ((and (not (null? (cdr laml-lst))) (not (white-space-related? (car laml-lst))) (not (white-space-related? (cadr laml-lst)))) ; insert white space suppress
(cons (car laml-lst) (cons explicit-space-suppress (laml-source-prepare (cons (cadr laml-lst) (cddr laml-lst)))))) (else (cons (car laml-lst) (laml-source-prepare (cdr laml-lst)))))) ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(define (generate-xml-mirror-function validation-procedure tag-name default-dtd-attributes single-double-kind language overlap-check? action-procedure) (cond ((eq? single-double-kind 'double) (lambda parameters (let* ((contents-attributes (xml-sort-tag-parameters parameters tag-name language)) (contents (car contents-attributes)) (attributes (if (xml-pass-default-dtd-attributes-in? language) (append (cdr contents-attributes) default-dtd-attributes) (cdr contents-attributes))) (split-attributes (split-xml-and-internal-attributes attributes)) (xml-attributes (car split-attributes)) (internal-attributes (cdr split-attributes)) (run-action-procedure? (as-boolean (defaulted-get-prop 'run-action-procedure internal-attributes #t))) ) (if (not (has-procedural-content-items? contents)) (if (or xml-check-attributes? xml-validate-contents? overlap-check?) ; checked here for improved efficiency
(validation-procedure tag-name xml-attributes contents overlap-check?)) ) ; postpone validation in case of procedural contents!
(if action-procedure (let ((real-action-procedure (cond ((boolean? action-procedure) (action-procedure-of-language tag-name language)) ((procedure? action-procedure) action-procedure) (else (laml-error "generate-xml-mirror-function: Invalid action procedure")))) (the-ast (make-ast tag-name contents xml-attributes 'double language internal-attributes))) (if run-action-procedure? (real-action-procedure the-ast)) the-ast) (make-ast tag-name contents xml-attributes 'double language internal-attributes) )))) ((eq? single-double-kind 'single) (lambda parameters (let* ((contents-attributes (xml-sort-tag-parameters parameters tag-name language)) (contents (car contents-attributes)) (attributes (if (xml-pass-default-dtd-attributes-in? language) (append (cdr contents-attributes) default-dtd-attributes) (cdr contents-attributes))) (split-attributes (split-xml-and-internal-attributes attributes)) (xml-attributes (car split-attributes)) (internal-attributes (cdr split-attributes)) (run-action-procedure? (as-boolean (defaulted-get-prop 'run-action-procedure internal-attributes #t))) ) (if (not (has-procedural-content-items? contents)) (if (or xml-check-attributes? xml-validate-contents? overlap-check?) ; checked here for improved efficiency
(validation-procedure tag-name xml-attributes contents overlap-check?)) ; postpone validation in case of procedural contents!
) (if action-procedure (let ((real-action-procedure (cond ((boolean? action-procedure) (action-procedure-of-language tag-name language)) ((procedure? action-procedure) action-procedure) (else (laml-error "generate-xml-mirror-function: Invalid action procedure")))) (the-ast (make-ast tag-name contents xml-attributes 'single language internal-attributes))) ; Before June 4, 2008: Empty contents.
(if run-action-procedure? (real-action-procedure the-ast)) ; Pass contents because it may hold delayed procedure content items.
the-ast) (make-ast tag-name contents xml-attributes 'single language internal-attributes) ; Before June 4, 2008: Empty contents.
) ) ) ) (else (error (string-append "generate-xml-mirror-function: unknown single-double-kind: " (as-string single-double-kind)))) ) ) ; Return a cons pair of ordinary XML attributes and the internal attributes. ; Strips the 'internal:' part of the name of internal attributes.
(define (split-xml-and-internal-attributes prop-list) (split-xml-and-internal-attributes-1 prop-list '() '())) (define (split-xml-and-internal-attributes-1 prop-list prop-list-xml prop-list-internal) (cond ((null? prop-list) (cons (reverse prop-list-xml) (reverse prop-list-internal))) ((internal-attribute-name? (car prop-list)) (split-xml-and-internal-attributes-1 (cddr prop-list) prop-list-xml (cons (cadr prop-list) (cons (drop-internal-prefix (car prop-list)) prop-list-internal)))) (else (split-xml-and-internal-attributes-1 (cddr prop-list) (cons (cadr prop-list) (cons (car prop-list) prop-list-xml)) prop-list-internal)))) ; Is attr-name (a symbol) an internal attribute name. ; True if it has the prefix 'internal:'
(define (internal-attribute-name? attr-name) (let ((attr-name-string (as-string attr-name))) (and (>= (string-length attr-name-string) 9) (equal? (substring attr-name-string 0 9) "internal:")))) ; Precondition: internal-attr-name is a name (symbol) with prefix 'internal:' ; Return the attribute name (a symbol) without the 'internal:' prefix.
(define (drop-internal-prefix internal-attr-name) (let* ((internal-attr-name-string (as-string internal-attr-name)) (str-lgt (string-length internal-attr-name-string))) (as-symbol (substring internal-attr-name-string 9 str-lgt)))) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Contents Validation. ;;; The definitions in this section carry out the content validation. ;;; Throughout the procedures in this section it is assumed that delayed procedural content items have been expaneded ;;; before content validation is attempted. ;;; .section-id validation
; XML document validation. ; The non-trivial validation cases are based on the automata generated by tools/xml-in-laml/xml-in-laml.scm.
; The symbol which is assumed to end all input to the dfa. ; The value of this variable must comply with the similar constant in tools/xml-in-laml/xml-in-laml.scm.
(define terminator-symbol 'terminator$$) ; The symbol that represents textual contents (pcdata) during validation.
(define textual-content-symbol 'textual-contents$$) ; The symbol that represents "non textual contents", such as XML comments.
(define non-textual-content-symbol 'non-textual-contents$$)
(define (validate-contents-by-dfa! contents dfa tag-name) (if (not (list? contents)) (laml-error "Contents passed to validate-contents-by-dfa! is assumed to be a list")) (let* ((augmented-contents (xml-prepare-contents-for-validation contents)) (accepted (automaton-accepts? dfa augmented-contents))) (if (not accepted) (cond ((not last-automaton-input-symbol) (xml-check-error "Empty and insufficient input to" (a-or-an tag-name) (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element." (as-string #\newline) " " (truncate-string (xml-render-error-message contents)))) ((eq? last-automaton-input-symbol terminator-symbol) (xml-check-error "Abrupt termination of" (a-or-an tag-name) (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element:" (as-string #\newline) " " (truncate-string (xml-render-error-message contents)))) ((eq? last-automaton-input-symbol textual-content-symbol) (let ((the-textual-contents (list-ref (filter (negate white-space-related?) contents) (max 0 (- automaton-input-number 1))))) (xml-check-error "Textual contents" (xml-render-error-message the-textual-contents) "is illegal in" (a-or-an tag-name) (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element:" (as-string #\newline) " " (truncate-string (xml-render-error-message contents))))) (else (if (not (extraordinary-allow-element? (as-symbol last-automaton-input-symbol) (as-symbol tag-name))) (xml-check-error "Encountered a misplaced" (as-string-spacy last-automaton-input-symbol) "element within" (a-or-an tag-name) (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element:" (as-string #\newline) " " (truncate-string (xml-render-error-message contents)))))))))
(define (validate-as-pcdata! contents tag-name) (if (not (list? contents)) (laml-error "Contents passed to validate-as-pcdata! is assumed to be a list")) (let ((res (do-validate-pcdata-contents contents))) (cond ((or (symbol? res) (string? res)) (xml-check-error "Encountered a misplaced" (as-string-spacy res) "element in" (a-or-an tag-name) (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element, where only textual contents is allowed." (as-string #\newline) " " (truncate-string (xml-render-error-message contents)))) ((and (boolean? res) (not res)) (xml-check-error "Unindentified problem in" (a-or-an tag-name) (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element." (as-string #\newline) " " (truncate-string (xml-render-error-message contents))))))) (define (do-validate-pcdata-contents contents) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (exit) (do-validate-pcdata-contents-1 contents exit)))) (define (do-validate-pcdata-contents-1 contents return) (cond ((null? contents) #t) (else (let ((content-item (car contents))) (cond ((ast? content-item) (return (ast-element-name content-item))) ((cdata? content-item) #t) ((char-ref? content-item) #t) ((cdata-section? content-item) #t) ((white-space-related? content-item) #t) (else (return #f))) (do-validate-pcdata-contents-1 (cdr contents) return)))))
(define (validate-mixed-contents-by-simple-means! contents symbol-choice-list tag-name) (if (not (list? contents)) (laml-error "Contents passed to validate-mixed-contents-by-simple-means! is assumed to be a list")) (let ((res (do-validate-mixed-contents contents symbol-choice-list tag-name))) (cond ((or (symbol? res) (string? res)) (xml-check-error "Encountered a misplaced" (as-string-spacy res) "in" (a-or-an tag-name) (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element." (as-string #\newline) " " (truncate-string (xml-render-error-message contents)))) ((and (boolean? res) (not res)) (xml-check-error "Unidentified problem in" (a-or-an tag-name) (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element." (as-string #\newline) " " (truncate-string (xml-render-error-message contents))))))) (define (do-validate-mixed-contents contents symbol-choice-list element-name) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (exit) (do-validate-mixed-contents-1 contents symbol-choice-list exit element-name)))) (define (do-validate-mixed-contents-1 contents symbol-choice-list return element-name) (cond ((null? contents) #t) (else (let ((content-item (car contents))) (cond ((ast? content-item) (if (or (memq (as-symbol (ast-element-name content-item)) symbol-choice-list) (extraordinary-allow-element? (as-symbol (ast-element-name content-item)) (as-symbol element-name))) #t (return (ast-element-name content-item)))) ((cdata? content-item) #t) ((char-ref? content-item) #t) ((xml-comment? content-item) #t) ((processing-instruction? content-item) #t) ((cdata-section? content-item) #t) ((white-space-related? content-item) #t) (else (return #f))) (do-validate-mixed-contents-1 (cdr contents) symbol-choice-list return element-name)))))
(define (extraordinary-allow-element? element-name context-element-name) #f) (define (xml-prepare-contents-for-validation contents) (append (map (lambda (content-item) (cond ((ast? content-item) (as-symbol (ast-element-name content-item))) ((cdata? content-item) textual-content-symbol) ((char-ref? content-item) textual-content-symbol) ((cdata-section? content-item) textual-content-symbol) (else (laml-error "xml-prepare-contents-for-validation: Unknown element content item:" content-item)))) (filter (negate (disjunction processing-instruction? (disjunction white-space-related? xml-comment?))) contents)) (list terminator-symbol))) ; Empty contents checking of empty elements. Allow XML comments and processing instructions.
(define (xml-check-for-empty-contents! contents tag-name) (let ((filtered-contents ; filtering away PIs and XML comments. Notice that these are (p.t.) not rendered anyway in empty elements.
(filter (negate (disjunction white-space-related? (disjunction processing-instruction? xml-comment?))) contents))) (if (not (null? filtered-contents)) (xml-check-error (string-append "The empty element" (as-string-spacy tag-name) "is not supposed to have any content:" (as-string #\newline) " " (xml-render-error-message filtered-contents) (as-string #\newline) " " "The element content is ignored."))))) ; Return "a" or "an" depending on following-word. ; following-word is string-converted by this function.
(define (a-or-an following-word) (let ((following-word-1 (as-string following-word))) (cond ((blank-string? following-word-1) "a") ((> (string-length following-word-1) 0) (let ((first-char (string-ref following-word-1 0))) (if (memv first-char (list #\a #\e #\i #\o #\u #\y )) "an" "a"))) (else "a")))) (define (as-string-spacy x) (string-append " " (as-string x) " ")) (define (indented-terminal-lines line-list) (let ((sep (string-append (as-string #\newline) " "))) (string-append sep (list-to-string line-list sep)))) ; ; A predicate which always gives positive validation. ; ; Used if the xml-in-laml tool constant use-manually-programmed-validation-predicates is #f. ; (define (faked-generice-content-checker x) ; #t)
; and as a function - as opposed to a macro.
(define (and-fn x y) (and x y)) (define (or-fn x y) (or x y)) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Attribute Checking. ;;; The definitions in this section is used by the validation procedures, which are specific ;;; for each supported XML language. ;;; <em> Current status of attribute checking</em>: ;;; From LAML version 27: The constrains regarding ID, IDREF, and IDREFS are now handled. See the function check-id-and-idref-attributes!. ;;; NotationTypes are not dealt with - mostly because I have never encountered them, so the motivation to ;;; program check for this special enumeration type is not high. The #FIXED default keyword is present in the parsed DTD ;;; information, but we do not carry out any check against it (which is: If the attribute is given it must have the fixed default value). ;;; The attribute value normalization called for in section 3.3.3 of the XML specificaiton is not done either. Attribute duplication ;;; is checked for, as well as presence of angle characters in attribute values. ;;; .section-id attribute-check
; A list of attribute values for ID attributes. ; Such attribute values are required to be unique within the document. ; This is checked by the procedure check-id-and-idref-attributes! .
(define xml-id-attribute-list '()) ; A list of attribute values for IDREF attributes. ; Such attribute values are required to refer to one of the ID attributes, collected in xml-id-attribute-list. ; This is checked by the procedure check-id-and-idref-attributes! .
(define xml-idref-attribute-list '()) ; Attribute tripple selectors
(define att-name (make-selector-function 1)) (define att-type (make-selector-function 2)) (define att-status (make-selector-function 3))
(define (xml-check-attributes! attributes dtd-attribute-definition number-of-req-attributes tag-name) (if (even? (length attributes)) ; if not, we report the error elsewhere
(let ((required-attribute-names (map (compose as-symbol att-name) (front-sublist dtd-attribute-definition number-of-req-attributes))) (dtd-attribute-names (map (compose as-symbol car) dtd-attribute-definition)) (attribute-names (if (null? attributes) '() (every-second-element attributes))) (attribute-values (if (null? attributes) '() (every-second-element (cdr attributes)))) ) (xml-check-required-attributes! attribute-names required-attribute-names tag-name) (xml-check-for-attribute-existence! attribute-names dtd-attribute-names tag-name) (xml-check-for-attribute-types! attribute-names attribute-values dtd-attribute-definition tag-name) (xml-check-for-attribute-duplicates! attribute-names tag-name) )))
(define (check-id-and-idref-attributes!) ; See section 3.3.1 of the XML 1.0 Specificatioin.
(let ((id-duplicates (duplicates-by-predicate xml-id-attribute-list equal?))) ; Check that all ID attribute values are unique
(if (not (null? id-duplicates)) (xml-check-error "The following ID attribute values are duplicated:" (list-to-string (map string-it id-duplicates) ","))) ; Check that all IDREF (and IDREFS) attribute values refer to an ID attribute in the current document.
(for-each (lambda (idref-attr-val) (if (not (member idref-attr-val xml-id-attribute-list)) (xml-check-error "The IDREF attribute value" (string-it idref-attr-val) "does not refer to an ID attribute.")) ) (reverse xml-idref-attribute-list)) ; Make sure that we do not make double reporting
(set! xml-id-attribute-list '()) (set! xml-idref-attribute-list '()) )) ; Check that all elements in required-attribute-names are in fact present in attribute-names. ; The last parameter, tag-name is the name of the enclosing tag - used for error message purposes.
(define (xml-check-required-attributes! attribute-names required-attribute-names tag-name) (if (not (null? required-attribute-names)) (begin (xml-check-one-required-attribute! attribute-names (car required-attribute-names) tag-name) (xml-check-required-attributes! attribute-names (cdr required-attribute-names) tag-name)))) (define (xml-check-one-required-attribute! attribute-names required-attribute tag-name) (if (not (memq required-attribute attribute-names)) (xml-check-error "The required attribute" (as-string-spacy required-attribute) "is not present in the" (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element.")))
;;; Link Checking. ;;; Web documents are able to link to other web documents. As an example, in XHTML the href attribute of the a element represents such a link. ;;; The procedures in this section are used to check that links actually address existing resources.
; A number of global variables related to link checking are located in laml.scm ; Reason: Avoids resetting (re-initialization) of this variables in case xml-in-laml.scm (this source file) is reloaded.

(define (collect-links-for-later-checking-in-ast! xml-ast absolute-target-html-file) (letrec ((url-not-deal-with? (lambda (url-string) (or (looking-at-substring? url-string 0 "mailto:") (looking-at-substring? url-string 0 "file://") ; LAML should deal with it!
(looking-at-substring? url-string 0 "ftp://") ; LAML should deal with it!
(looking-at-substring? url-string 0 "prospero://") (looking-at-substring? url-string 0 "wais://") (looking-at-substring? url-string 0 "telnet://") (looking-at-substring? url-string 0 "gopher://") (looking-at-substring? url-string 0 "news:"))))) (let* ((xml-language (ast-language xml-ast)) (url-extractor-fn (url-extractor-of-xml-language xml-language)) (base-url-extractor-fn (base-url-extractor-of-xml-language xml-language)) (base-url (if base-url-extractor-fn (base-url-extractor-fn xml-ast) #f)) (absolute-target-html-file-path (file-name-initial-path absolute-target-html-file)) (url-list-1 (if url-extractor-fn (url-extractor-fn xml-ast) '())) (url-list-2 (if base-url (map (lambda (url) (if (relative-url? url) (url-relative-to-base-url base-url url) ; now ABSOLUTE url, to be further checked as such...
url)) url-list-1) url-list-1)) ) (for-each (lambda (url) (cond ((and (boolean? url) (not url)) ; URL extractor returned #f
'do-nothing) ((url-not-deal-with? url) ; Some URLs, as recognized by the local function url-not-dealt-with?, are not supported (yet).
'do-nothing) ((and (absolute-url? url) (memq xml-link-checking (list 'all 'absolute-urls))) (set! absolute-url-list-for-later-checking (cons url absolute-url-list-for-later-checking))) ((and (relative-url? url) (memq xml-link-checking (list 'all 'relative-urls))) (set! relative-url-list-for-later-checking (cons (list url absolute-target-html-file-path) relative-url-list-for-later-checking))) (else 'do-nothing))) url-list-2)))) ; Resolve relative-url relative to absolute-base-url, as (for instance) provided in a an XHTML base element.
(define (url-relative-to-base-url absolute-base-url relative-url) (cond ((anchor-part-alone? relative-url) (string-append absolute-base-url relative-url)) (else (string-append (file-name-initial-path absolute-base-url) relative-url)))) ; Is url just an anchor part alone, such as "#foo"
(define (anchor-part-alone? url) (and (string? url) (> (string-length url) 0) (eqv? (string-ref url 0) #\#)))
(define (check-relative-url-list! relative-urls) (for-each (lambda (rel-url-entry) (let* ((rel-url (first rel-url-entry)) (rel-url-without-anchor (eliminate-anchor-part-of-url rel-url)) (rel-url-initial-path (file-name-initial-path rel-url-without-anchor)) (rel-url-file-name-proper (file-name-proper rel-url-without-anchor)) (rel-url-extension (file-name-extension rel-url-without-anchor)) (initial-absolute-file-path (second rel-url-entry)) (normalized-absolute-file-path (string-append (normalize-file-path (string-append initial-absolute-file-path rel-url-initial-path)) rel-url-file-name-proper (if (empty-string? rel-url-extension) "" (string-append "." rel-url-extension)))) ) (if (and rel-url (not (empty-string? rel-url-without-anchor)) ; do not check relative urs of the form "#some-anchor" - they are relative to the current XML file.
(and (not (file-exists? normalized-absolute-file-path)) ; check both file and directory existence - some urls address a directory!
(not (directory-exists? normalized-absolute-file-path))) ) (begin (xml-check-error "LINKING PROBLEM: URL " rel-url " RELATIVE TO " initial-absolute-file-path) (set! relative-url-problem-count (+ relative-url-problem-count 1)) ) ) )) relative-urls)) ; Eliminate the anchor part of URL - the part starting with '#'
(define (eliminate-anchor-part-of-url url) (let ((hash-pos (find-in-string-from-end url #\#))) (if hash-pos (substring url 0 hash-pos) url)))
(define (check-absolute-url-list! absolute-urls) (let ((unique-absolute-urls (remove-duplicates absolute-urls))) (for-each (lambda (abs-url) (if (not (url-target-exists? abs-url)) (begin (xml-check-error "LINKING PROBLEM TO " abs-url) (set! absolute-url-problem-count (+ absolute-url-problem-count 1))))) unique-absolute-urls)))
;;; XML validation procedures. ;;; The functions in this section provide access to the XML-in-LAML validation procedures. ;;; The validation functions are part of the mirrors of a given XML language in Scheme. ;;; In normal and native use of XML-in-LAML, the validation procedures are called by the ;;; mirror functions. If the internal AST structure is created by other means (for instance ;;; authored directly, or made via a parser) it is relevant to get access to the validation procedures. ;;; This is the rationale behind the functions in this section. Thus, the procedures in this section ;;; use the functions from the sections Contents Validation and Attribute Checking. ;;; .section-id validation-functions

(define (validation-procedure-map-of language) (defaulted-get (as-symbol language) xml-in-laml-validator-structures #f)) ; Selector functions of an entry in a validation procedure map
(define validation-element-name-of-validator-entry (make-selector-function 1 "validation-element-name-of-validator-entry")) (define validation-procedure-of-validator-entry (make-selector-function 2 "validation-procedure-of-validator-entry"))
(define (validation-procedure-of element-name language) (let* ((validator-map (validation-procedure-map-of language))) (if validator-map (let ((validator-proc (binary-search-in-vector validator-map (as-string element-name) validation-element-name-of-validator-entry string=? string<=?))) (if validator-proc (validation-procedure-of-validator-entry validator-proc) #f) ) #f)))
(define (register-xml-in-laml-validators language validator-structure) (set! xml-in-laml-validator-structures (cons (cons language validator-structure) xml-in-laml-validator-structures)) )
(define (validate-ast! ast . optional-parameter-list) (let ((given-language (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list (ast-language ast))) (overlap-check? (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list #t)) ) (let* ((el-name (ast-element-name ast)) (attr-prop-list (ast-attributes ast)) (element-content-items (ast-subtrees ast)) (val-proc! (validation-procedure-of el-name given-language)) ) (if val-proc! (val-proc! el-name attr-prop-list element-content-items overlap-check?) (xml-check-error "Using unknown XML element name: " el-name)) (for-each (lambda (ast) (validate-ast! ast given-language overlap-check?)) ; maybe problem with the passing of given-language
(filter ast? element-content-items)))))
;;; XML warning procedures. ;;; .section-id warning-proc

(define (display-xml-warning . messages) (display (string-append "XML Warning: " (laml-aggregate-messages messages))) (newline))
(define xml-check-error display-xml-warning) ; Check that all names in attribute-names found in the list of names dtd-attribute-names ; tag-name is the name of the enclosing tag ; CSS attributes should not be checked for existence.
(define (xml-check-for-attribute-existence! attribute-names dtd-attribute-names tag-name) (if (not (null? attribute-names)) (begin (xml-check-one-attribute-existence! (car attribute-names) dtd-attribute-names tag-name) (xml-check-for-attribute-existence! (cdr attribute-names) dtd-attribute-names tag-name)))) (define (xml-check-one-attribute-existence! name dtd-attribute-names tag-name) (if (and (not (xml-css-key? name)) (not (memq name dtd-attribute-names))) (xml-check-error "The XML attribute" (as-string-spacy name) "is not valid in the" (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element."))) ; Check that the attributes (as splitted into attribute-names and attribute-values - lists of equal lengths) ; have correct types according the dtd-attribute-names.
(define (xml-check-for-attribute-types! attribute-names attribute-values dtd-attributes tag-name) (if (not (null? attribute-names)) (begin (xml-check-one-attribute-type! (car attribute-names) (car attribute-values) dtd-attributes tag-name) (xml-check-for-attribute-types! (cdr attribute-names) (cdr attribute-values) dtd-attributes tag-name)))) (define (xml-check-one-attribute-type! name value dtd-attributes tag-name) (let ((attribute-descriptor (find-in-list (lambda (tripple) (eq? (as-symbol (att-name tripple)) name)) dtd-attributes))) (if attribute-descriptor (xml-check-attribute-value! name value (att-type attribute-descriptor) tag-name)))) ; Is value a 'member of' attribute-type. value is a string. ; '<' characters are allowed, because they are transformed to < by means of the character transformation table.
(define (xml-check-attribute-value! name value attribute-type tag-name) (cond ((list? attribute-type) (if (not (member value attribute-type)) (xml-check-error (string-append "The value " (string-it value) " of the XML attribute " (as-string name) " is not valid in the " tag-name " element.")))) ((equal? "CDATA" attribute-type) #t) ((member attribute-type (list "ID" )) (let ((legal-name? (is-legal-xml-name? value))) (set! xml-id-attribute-list (cons value xml-id-attribute-list)) ; side effect: register ID attribute value
(if (not legal-name?) (xml-check-error "The ID attribute value" (string-it value) "is illegal according to the XML 1.0 Name production.")))) ((member attribute-type (list "IDREF")) (let ((legal-name? (is-legal-xml-name? value))) (set! xml-idref-attribute-list (cons value xml-idref-attribute-list)) ; side effect: register IDREF attribute value
(if (not legal-name?) (xml-check-error "The IDREF attribute value" (string-it value) "is illegal according to the XML 1.0-spec Name production.")))) ((member attribute-type (list "IDREFS")) (let ((name-list (extract-name-list-from-names-attribute value))) (for-each (lambda (value) (let ((legal-name? (is-legal-xml-name? value))) (set! xml-idref-attribute-list (cons value xml-idref-attribute-list)) (if (not legal-name?) (xml-check-error "The IDREFS attribute value" (string-it value) "is illegal according to the XML 1.0-spec Name production."))) ) name-list) )) ((member attribute-type (list "ENTITY" "ENTITIES" "NMTOKEN" "NMTOKENS")) #t) (else (xml-check-error (string-append "DTD error!!! The type " (string-it attribute-type) " of the XML attribute " (as-string name) " is not valid in the " tag-name " element."))) )) ; The parameter names is a white space separated list of names (a string). ; Return the list of individual names (a list of strings).
(define (extract-name-list-from-names-attribute names) (split-string-by-predicate names (lambda (ch) (memv ch white-space-char-list)))) ; Is x a legal XML name, as defined by Name production of the XML 1.0 spec. ; A conservative predicates that only allows english ASCII characters. ; Assume as a precondition that x is a string.
(define (is-legal-xml-name? x) (if (empty-string? x) #f (let ((first-char (string-ref x 0)) (suffix-str (substring x 1 (string-length x))) (digits (list #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 )) (letters (list #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\g #\h #\i #\j #\k #\l #\m #\n #\o #\p #\q #\r #\s #\t #\u #\v #\w #\x #\y #\z #\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F #\G #\H #\I #\J #\K #\L #\M #\N #\O #\P #\Q #\R #\S #\T #\U #\V #\W #\X #\Y #\Z)) ) (and (or (memv first-char letters) (eqv? first-char #\_) (eqv? first-char #\:)) (string-of-char-list? suffix-str (append letters digits (list #\. #\- #\_ #\:))))))) (define (xml-check-for-attribute-duplicates! attribute-names tag-name) (let ((duplicated-attribute-names (duplicates-by-predicate attribute-names eq?))) (cond ((and (not (null? duplicated-attribute-names)) (null? (cdr duplicated-attribute-names))) ; only one duplicated attribute
(xml-check-error "The attribute" (as-string-spacy (car duplicated-attribute-names)) "is not allowed to appear more than once in" (a-or-an tag-name) (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element.")) ((not (null? duplicated-attribute-names)) ; two or more duplicated attribut names
(xml-check-error "The attributes" " " (list-to-string (map as-string duplicated-attribute-names) ", ") " " "are not allowed to appear more than once in" (a-or-an tag-name) (as-string-spacy tag-name) "element.")) (else #t) ; do nothing
))) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Check of language overlap
(define (check-language-overlap! name) (if (causes-xml-in-laml-name-clash? name) (xml-check-error "The mirror function named" (as-string-spacy name) "is ambiguous. Please use it via an appropriate language map."))) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Html character transformation table mutations. ; Mutations that cause literal presentation of the characters #\< , #\>, #", #\' and #\&
(set-html-char-transformation-entry! html-char-transformation-table (char->integer #\<) "&lt;") (set-html-char-transformation-entry! html-char-transformation-table (char->integer #\>) "&gt;") (set-html-char-transformation-entry! html-char-transformation-table (char->integer #\") "&quot;") (set-html-char-transformation-entry! html-char-transformation-table (char->integer #\') "&#39;") (set-html-char-transformation-entry! html-char-transformation-table (char->integer #\&) "&amp;") ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Rendering functions and procedures. ;;; The functions and procedures in this section transform the internal document representation ;;; (abstract syntax trees) to a textual form (text strings) which can be delivered in various ways (as strings or in streams). ;;; Both pretty printed and non pretty printed renderings are supported. ;;; In the start of the section we document a couple of variable that controls aspects of the ;;; .section-id rendering

(define compact-end-tag-rendering? #t)
(define use-empty-tags-for-elements-without-contents #f) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Fast AST rendering.

(define (render-to-output-port xml-clause output-port . optional-parameter-list) (let* ((prolog (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f)) (epilog (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list #f)) (language (if (ast? xml-clause) (ast-language xml-clause) #f)) ; if - just to be conservative.
(prolog-text (cond ((and (symbol? prolog) (eq? prolog 'prolog)) (standard-prolog language)) ((string? prolog) prolog) (else ""))) (epilog-text (cond ((and (symbol? epilog) (eq? epilog 'epilog)) (standard-epilog)) ((string? epilog) epilog) (else ""))) (put-fn (put-in-sink-stream-generator output-port)) ) (put-fn prolog-text) (render-fast xml-clause put-fn xml-always-render-white-space?) (put-fn epilog-text)))
(define (pretty-render-to-output-port xml-clause output-port . optional-parameter-list) (let* ((prolog (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f)) (epilog (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list #f)) (language (if (ast? xml-clause) (ast-language xml-clause) #f)) ; if - just to be conservative.
(prolog-text (cond ((and (symbol? prolog) (eq? prolog 'prolog)) (standard-prolog language)) ((string? prolog) prolog) (else ""))) (epilog-text (cond ((and (symbol? epilog) (eq? epilog 'epilog)) (standard-epilog)) ((string? epilog) epilog) (else ""))) (put-fn (put-in-sink-stream-generator output-port)) ) (put-fn prolog-text) (pp-render-fast xml-clause put-fn xml-always-render-white-space? 0 #f) (put-fn epilog-text)))
(define (render-start-tag-to-output-port xml-clause output-port) (let ((put-fn (put-in-sink-stream-generator output-port))) (render-fast xml-clause put-fn xml-always-render-white-space? 'start-tag)))
(define (render-end-tag-to-output-port xml-clause output-port) (let ((put-fn (put-in-sink-stream-generator output-port))) (render-fast xml-clause put-fn xml-always-render-white-space? 'end-tag)))
(define (xml-render xml-clause . optional-parameter-list) (let* ((prolog (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f)) (epilog (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list #f)) (prolog-text (cond ((and (symbol? prolog) (eq? prolog 'prolog)) (standard-prolog)) ((string? prolog) prolog) (else ""))) (epilog-text (cond ((and (symbol? epilog) (eq? epilog 'epilog)) (standard-epilog)) ((string? epilog) epilog) (else ""))) ) (reset-sink-string) (render-fast xml-clause put-in-sink-text-string xml-always-render-white-space?) (string-append prolog-text (sink-string) epilog-text)))
(define (pretty-xml-render xml-clause . optional-parameter-list) (let* ((prolog (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f)) (epilog (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list #f)) (prolog-text (cond ((and (symbol? prolog) (eq? prolog 'prolog)) (standard-prolog)) ((string? prolog) prolog) (else ""))) (epilog-text (cond ((and (symbol? epilog) (eq? epilog 'epilog)) (standard-epilog)) ((string? epilog) epilog) (else ""))) ) (reset-sink-string) (pp-render-fast xml-clause put-in-sink-text-string xml-always-render-white-space? 0 #f) (string-append prolog-text (sink-string) epilog-text)))
(define (start-tag-of xml-clause) (reset-sink-string) (render-fast xml-clause put-in-sink-text-string xml-always-render-white-space? 'start-tag) (sink-string))
(define (end-tag-of xml-clause) (reset-sink-string) (render-fast xml-clause put-in-sink-text-string xml-always-render-white-space? 'end-tag) (sink-string)) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Contents rendering, for instance for error message purposes
; A variable which controls the style of xml-in-laml related error messages. Either the symbol laml or xml
(define xml-in-laml-error-message-style 'laml) ; Render contents for error message purposes, xml style.
(define (xml-render-error-message contents) (cond ((eq? xml-in-laml-error-message-style 'laml) (xml-render-as-laml contents)) ((eq? xml-in-laml-error-message-style 'xml) (xml-render-as-xml contents)) (else (laml-error "xml-render-error-message" "Problem to render contents of error message")))) ; A slight generalization of xml-render - for error message purposes only.
(define (xml-render-as-xml contents) (cond ((ast? contents) (xml-render contents)) ((cdata? contents) contents) ((char-ref? contents) (xml-render-char-ref contents)) ((cdata-section? contents) (xml-render-cdata-section contents)) ((forced-white-space? contents) "") ((delayed-procedural-contents-element? contents) "#<delayed-procedural-contents-element>") ((list? contents) (list-to-string (map xml-render-as-xml contents) " ")) (else "??"))) (define (truncate-string str) (if (> (string-length str) xml-error-truncation-length) (string-append (substring str 0 xml-error-truncation-length) "...") str))
(define (xml-render-as-laml contents . optional-parameter-list) (let ((contents-after (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list 'none))) (string-append (cond ((ast? contents) (xml-render-ast-as-laml contents)) ((char-ref? contents) (xml-render-char-ref-as-laml contents)) ((cdata-section? contents) (xml-render-cdata-section-as-laml contents)) ((white-space-related? contents) "") ; ignore - already handled
((delayed-procedural-contents-element? contents) "#<delayed-procedural-contents-element>") ((list? contents) (list-to-string (map xml-render-as-laml contents) " ")) (else (as-source-string contents))) (if (not (white-space-related? contents)) (if (not (eq? contents-after 'none)) (cond ((eq? contents-after explicit-space) "") (else " _")) "") "")))) (define (xml-render-ast-as-laml ast) (let ((attributes (ast-attributes ast)) (the-subtrees (ast-subtrees ast)) ) (string-append "(" (ast-element-name ast) (if (not (null? attributes)) " " "") (xml-render-attribute-list-as-laml attributes) (if (not (null? the-subtrees)) " " "") (let ((subtrees the-subtrees)) (string-merge (map-contextual xml-render-as-laml subtrees) (make-list (- (length subtrees) 1) " "))) ")"))) ; A variant of map that passes both the current and the following element (if available) to the function. ; Consequently, f should be prepared (by an optional parameter) to accept two elements.
(define (map-contextual f lst) (cond ((null? lst) '()) ((null? (cdr lst)) (list (f (car lst)))) (else (cons (f (car lst) (cadr lst)) (map-contextual f (cdr lst)))))) (define (xml-render-attribute-list-as-laml attr-property-list) (let ((lgt (length attr-property-list))) (string-merge (map as-source-string attr-property-list) (make-list (- lgt 1) " ")))) (define (xml-render-char-ref-as-laml char-ref) (string-append "(" "char-ref" " " (as-source-string (char-ref-value char-ref)) ")")) (define (xml-render-cdata-section-as-laml cdata-section) (string-append "(" "cdata-section" " " (list-to-string (map as-source-string (cdata-section-contents cdata-section)) " ") ")")) (define (as-source-string x) (cond ((number? x) (number->string x)) ((symbol? x) (string-append "'" (symbol->string x))) ((string? x) (string-it x)) ((boolean? x) (if x "#t" "#f")) ((char? x) (string-append (as-string (as-char 35)) (as-string (as-char 92)) (char->string x))) ((list? x) (string-append "(" (string-merge (map as-source-string x) (make-list (- (length x) 1) " ")) ")")) ((vector? x) (let ((lst (vector->list x))) (string-append "#(" (string-merge (map as-source-string lst) (make-list (- (length lst) 1) " ")) ")"))) ((pair? x) (string-append "(" (apply string-append (map (lambda (y) (string-append (as-source-string y) " ")) (proper-part x)) ) " . " (as-source-string (first-improper-part x)) ")")) ((procedure? x) "<PROCEDURE>") (else "??"))) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Begin June 3, 2007

(define (render-as-laml-to-output-port xml-clause output-port . optional-parameter-list) (let* ((prolog (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f)) (epilog (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list #f)) (language (if (ast? xml-clause) (ast-language xml-clause) #f)) ; if - just to be conservative.
(prolog-text (cond ((string? prolog) prolog) (else ""))) (epilog-text (cond ((string? epilog) epilog) (else ""))) (put-fn (put-in-sink-stream-generator output-port)) ) (put-fn prolog-text) (render-fast-as-laml xml-clause put-fn) (put-fn epilog-text)))
(define (render-as-laml-string xml-clause . optional-parameter-list) (let* ((prolog (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f)) (epilog (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list #f)) (prolog-text (cond ((string? prolog) prolog) (else ""))) (epilog-text (cond ((string? epilog) epilog) (else ""))) ) (reset-sink-string) (render-fast-as-laml xml-clause put-in-sink-text-string) (string-append prolog-text (sink-string) epilog-text))) ; Render ast via the put function. ; render-what is fixed and constant: all.
(define (render-fast-as-laml ast put) (let* ((render-what 'all) (tag-name (ast-element-name ast)) (contents-list (ast-subtrees ast)) (attribute-properlist (ast-attributes ast)) ; split in normal and css here
(attribute-alist (propertylist-to-alist attribute-properlist)) (kind (ast-kind ast)) (extraordinary-preserve-white-space #f) ; fixed and constant
(language (ast-language ast)) ) (cond ((eq? kind 'single) ; empty element
(put #\() (put tag-name) (put #\space) ; Linearize HTML attributes - duplicate code inlined for double elements!
(for-each (lambda (attr-pair) (let ((key (car attr-pair)) (val (cdr attr-pair))) (put #\space) (put #\') (put (symbol->string key)) (put #\space) (put quote-char) (do ((lgt (string-length val)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref val i))) (put ch)) ) (put quote-char) (put #\space)) ) attribute-alist) (put ")")) ((eq? kind 'double) ; non-empty element
(if (or (eq? render-what 'all) (eq? render-what 'start-tag)) (begin (put #\() (put tag-name) (put #\space) ; Linearize HTML attributes
(for-each (lambda (attr-pair) (let ((key (car attr-pair)) (val (cdr attr-pair))) (put #\space) (put #\') (put (symbol->string key)) (put #\space) (put quote-char) (do ((lgt (string-length val)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref val i))) (put ch))) (put quote-char) (put #\space)) ) attribute-alist) )) (if (or (eq? render-what 'all) (eq? render-what 'contents)) (linearize-contents-list-fast-as-laml contents-list put tag-name )) (put ")") ) (else (error "render-fast-as-laml: Either a single or double kind of ast expected."))))) (define (linearize-contents-list-fast-as-laml contents-list put tag-name) (for-each (lambda (contents) (linearize-contents-fast-as-laml contents put tag-name)) contents-list)) (define (linearize-contents-fast-as-laml contents put tag-name) (cond ((char-ref? contents) (put (xml-render-char-ref-as-laml contents))) ((cdata-section? contents) (put (xml-render-cdata-section-as-laml contents))) ((cdata? contents) (put (as-source-string contents)) (put #\space) ) ((forced-white-space? contents) (put " ")) ; not correct rendering. I cannot easily insert "_" due to possitive white space repr. in the AST
((white-space-related? contents) (put "")) ((ast? contents) (render-fast-as-laml contents put)) (else 'do-nothing) ) ) ; End June 3, 2007 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; A very simple pure textual rendering of content (an AST, a list of ASTs, char-ref, etc). Strips all markup. ; No formatting is provided at all. ; .returns a text string without markup and without any formatting. ; Old and primitive version. ; (define (xml-render-as-simple-text contents) ; (cond ((ast? contents) (xml-render-as-simple-text (ast-subtrees contents))) ; ((char-ref? contents) (as-string (char-ref-value contents))) ; ((cdata-section? contents) (xml-render-cdata-section cdata-section)) ; ((and (white-space-related? contents) (eq? contents explicit-space)) " ") ; ((white-space-related? contents) "") ; ((delayed-procedural-contents-element? contents) "") ; ignore ; ((list? contents) (list-to-string (map xml-render-as-simple-text contents) "")) ; (else (as-string contents))))
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Rendering of ASTs (lists of ASTs, etc) as pure and simple text. ; Modelled after the function render-fast.

(define (xml-render-as-simple-text contents) (reset-sink-string) (xml-render-as-simple-text-1 contents) (sink-string)) (define (xml-render-as-simple-text-1 contents) (cond ((ast? contents) (render-fast-simple-text contents put-in-sink-text-string #f)) ; xml-always-render-white-space?
((list? contents) (for-each (lambda (c) (xml-render-as-simple-text-1 c)) contents)) ((char-ref? contents) (put-in-sink-text-string (as-string (char-ref-value contents)))) ((cdata-section? contents) (put-in-sink-text-string (xml-render-cdata-section cdata-section))) ((and (white-space-related? contents) (eq? contents explicit-space)) (put-in-sink-text-string #\space)) ((white-space-related? contents) 'do-nothing) ((delayed-procedural-contents-element? contents) 'do-nothing) ((cdata? contents) (linearize-contents-fast-simple-text contents put-in-sink-text-string #f '() 'no-char-trans-table-needed #f)) ; in order to eliminate extra white space in pure text
(else (put-in-sink-text-string (as-string contents))))) ; Adapted from render-fast
(define (render-fast-simple-text ast put always-render-white-space?) (let* ((render-what 'all) (tag-name (ast-element-name ast)) (contents-list (ast-subtrees ast)) (attribute-properlist (ast-attributes ast)) ; split in normal and css here
(attribute-alist (propertylist-to-alist attribute-properlist)) (reorganized-attribute-alist (html-css-split attribute-alist '() '())) (html-attribute-alist (car reorganized-attribute-alist)) (css-attribute-alist (cdr reorganized-attribute-alist)) (kind (ast-kind ast)) (language (ast-language ast)) (xml-transliterate-character-data? #f) (xml-non-transliteration-elements (xml-non-transliteration-elements-in language)) (xml-preformatted-text-elements (xml-preformatted-text-elements-in language)) ; (list "pre")
(xml-char-transformation-table (xml-char-transformation-table-in language)) ) (cond ((eq? kind 'single) ; empty element
'do-nothing ) ((eq? kind 'double) ; non-empty element
(if (or (eq? render-what 'all) (eq? render-what 'contents)) (linearize-contents-list-fast-simple-text contents-list put xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table (or always-render-white-space? (member tag-name xml-preformatted-text-elements)))) ) (else (error "render-fast-simple-text: Either a single or double kind of ast expected."))))) (define (linearize-contents-list-fast-simple-text contents-list put xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table always-render-white-space?) (for-each (lambda (contents) (linearize-contents-fast-simple-text contents put xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table always-render-white-space?)) contents-list)) (define (linearize-contents-fast-simple-text contents put xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table always-render-white-space?) (cond ((char-ref? contents) (put (as-string (char-ref-value contents)))) ; ??
((xml-comment? contents) 'do-nothing) ((processing-instruction? contents) 'do-nothing) ((cdata-section? contents) (put (xml-render-cdata-section contents))) ((cdata? contents) (let ((white-space-printed? #f)) ; true if last printed char is white space
(do ((lgt (string-length contents)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref contents i))) (if always-render-white-space? (put ch) (begin (if (not (and white-space-printed? (memv ch white-space-char-list))) (if (memv ch white-space-char-list) (put #\space) (put ch))) (if (memv ch white-space-char-list) (set! white-space-printed? #t) (set! white-space-printed? #f)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ((forced-white-space? contents) (put #\space)) ((ast? contents) (render-fast-simple-text contents put always-render-white-space?)) ((delayed-procedural-contents-element? contents) 'do-nothing) (else 'do-nothing) ) ) ; End of simple text rendering. ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; String sink in terms of segments (a list) of strings.
(define sink-string-segment-size 20000) (define sink-string-segment-limit (- sink-string-segment-size 1)) (define output-sink-segments '()) (define output-sink-string (make-string sink-string-segment-size)) (define next-sink-ptr 0) ; Put x (string or char) into output sink.
(define (put-in-sink-text-string x) (cond ((char? x) (begin (string-set! output-sink-string next-sink-ptr x) (set! next-sink-ptr (+ 1 next-sink-ptr)) (if (= next-sink-ptr sink-string-segment-size) (prepare-next-sink-segment)))) ((string? x) (do ((lgt (string-length x)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) (j next-sink-ptr (if (< j sink-string-segment-limit) (+ j 1) 0)) ) ((= i lgt) (set! next-sink-ptr j)) (string-set! output-sink-string j (string-ref x i)) (if (= j sink-string-segment-limit) (prepare-next-sink-segment)) )) (else "put-in-sink-string: Can only output chars or strings"))) (define (prepare-next-sink-segment) (set! output-sink-segments (cons (string-copy output-sink-string) output-sink-segments)) (set! next-sink-ptr 0) ) ; Return the resulting sink string
(define (sink-string) (string-append (list-to-string (reverse output-sink-segments) "") (substring output-sink-string 0 next-sink-ptr))) (define (reset-sink-string) (set! output-sink-segments '()) (set! next-sink-ptr 0)) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Stream sink.
; Generate an output port put procedure
(define (put-in-sink-stream-generator port) (lambda (x) (cond ((char? x) (write-char x port)) ((string? x) (do ((lgt (string-length x)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (write-char (string-ref x i) port))) (else "put-in-sink-stream: Can only output chars or strings")))) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Sink independet raw rendering. ; The function render-fast, as shown below, has a 'pretty printing counterpart' called pp-render-fast.
(define quote-char #\") ; Render ast via the put function. ; The optional parameter, render-what is either all, start-tag, contents, end-tag. ; It only applies for double elements (elements with contents). ; The default valus is all. If render-what is start-tag, only the start-tag is rendered. ; If render-what is contents, only the contents in between the start and end tag is rendered. ; If render-what is end-tag, only the end tag is rendered.
(define (render-fast ast put always-render-white-space? . optional-parameter-list) (let* ((render-what (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list 'all)) (tag-name (ast-element-name ast)) (contents-list (ast-subtrees ast)) (attribute-properlist (ast-attributes ast)) ; split in normal and css here
(attribute-alist (propertylist-to-alist attribute-properlist)) (reorganized-attribute-alist (html-css-split attribute-alist '() '())) (html-attribute-alist (car reorganized-attribute-alist)) (css-attribute-alist (cdr reorganized-attribute-alist)) (kind (ast-kind ast)) (extraordinary-preserve-white-space (as-boolean (ast-internal-attribute ast 'white-space-preserve #f))) (alternate-xml-char-transformation-table (ast-internal-attribute ast 'xml-char-transformation-table #f)) (language (ast-language ast)) (xml-transliterate-character-data? (xml-transliterate-character-data-in? language)) (xml-non-transliteration-elements (xml-non-transliteration-elements-in language)) (xml-preformatted-text-elements (xml-preformatted-text-elements-in language)) ; like: (list "pre")
(xml-char-transformation-table (if alternate-xml-char-transformation-table (eval-cur-env (as-symbol alternate-xml-char-transformation-table)) (xml-char-transformation-table-in language))) ) (cond ((eq? kind 'single) ; empty element
(put #\<) (put tag-name) ; Linearize HTML attributes - duplicate code inlined for double elements!
(for-each (lambda (attr-pair) (let ((key (car attr-pair)) (val (cdr attr-pair))) (put #\space) (put (symbol->string key)) (put #\=) (put quote-char) (do ((lgt (string-length val)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref val i))) (if (eqv? ch #\&) (put ch) (put (html-char-transform ch xml-char-transformation-table)))) ) (put quote-char)) ) html-attribute-alist) ; Linearize CSS attributes - duplicate code inlined for double elements!
(if (not (null? css-attribute-alist)) (begin (put #\space) (put "style=") (put quote-char) (for-each (lambda (attr-pair) (let* ((key (symbol->string (car attr-pair))) (non-cssed-key (substring key 4 (string-length key))) (val (cdr attr-pair))) (put non-cssed-key) (put #\:) (do ((lgt (string-length val)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref val i))) (if (eqv? ch #\&) (put ch) (put (html-char-transform ch xml-char-transformation-table))))) (put #\;))) css-attribute-alist) (put quote-char))) (put " />")) ((eq? kind 'double) ; non-empty element
(if (or (eq? render-what 'all) (eq? render-what 'start-tag)) (begin (put #\<) (put tag-name) ; Linearize HTML attributes
(for-each (lambda (attr-pair) (let ((key (car attr-pair)) (val (cdr attr-pair))) (put #\space) (put (symbol->string key)) (put #\=) (put quote-char) (do ((lgt (string-length val)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref val i))) (if (eqv? ch #\&) (put ch) (put (html-char-transform ch xml-char-transformation-table))))) (put quote-char)) ) html-attribute-alist) ; Linearize CSS attributes
(if (not (null? css-attribute-alist)) (begin (put #\space) (put "style=") (put quote-char) (for-each (lambda (attr-pair) (let* ((key (symbol->string (car attr-pair))) (non-cssed-key (substring key 4 (string-length key))) (val (cdr attr-pair))) (put non-cssed-key) (put #\:) (do ((lgt (string-length val)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref val i))) (if (eqv? ch #\&) (put ch) (put (html-char-transform ch xml-char-transformation-table))))) (put #\;))) css-attribute-alist) (put quote-char))) (if (and use-empty-tags-for-elements-without-contents (null? contents-list)) (put " />") (put #\>)) )) (if (or (eq? render-what 'all) (eq? render-what 'contents)) (linearize-contents-list-fast contents-list put tag-name xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table (or always-render-white-space? (member tag-name xml-preformatted-text-elements) extraordinary-preserve-white-space))) (if (not (and use-empty-tags-for-elements-without-contents (null? contents-list))) (if (or (eq? render-what 'all) (eq? render-what 'end-tag)) (begin (put "</") (put tag-name) (put #\>))))) (else (error "render-fast: Either a single or double kind of ast expected."))))) (define (linearize-contents-list-fast contents-list put tag-name xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table always-render-white-space?) (for-each (lambda (contents) (linearize-contents-fast contents put tag-name xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table always-render-white-space?)) contents-list)) (define (linearize-contents-fast contents put tag-name xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table always-render-white-space?) (cond ((char-ref? contents) (put (xml-render-char-ref contents))) ((xml-comment? contents) (put (xml-render-xml-comment contents))) ((processing-instruction? contents) (put (xml-render-processing-instruction contents))) ((cdata-section? contents) (put (xml-render-cdata-section contents))) ((cdata? contents) (let ((white-space-printed? #f)) ; true if last printed char is white space
(if (and xml-transliterate-character-data? (not (member tag-name xml-non-transliteration-elements))) (do ((lgt (string-length contents)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let* ((ch (html-char-transform (string-ref contents i) xml-char-transformation-table)) ; a string!
(ch-white-space? (and (not (empty-string? ch)) (string-of-char-list? ch white-space-char-list))) ) (if always-render-white-space? (put ch) (begin (if (not (and white-space-printed? ch-white-space?)) (if ch-white-space? (put #\space) (put ch))) (if ch-white-space? (set! white-space-printed? #t) (set! white-space-printed? #f)) ) ) ) ) (do ((lgt (string-length contents)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref contents i))) (if always-render-white-space? (put ch) (begin (if (not (and white-space-printed? (memv ch white-space-char-list))) (put ch)) (if (memv ch white-space-char-list) (set! white-space-printed? #t) (set! white-space-printed? #f)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ((forced-white-space? contents) (put #\space)) ((ast? contents) (render-fast contents put always-render-white-space?)) ((delayed-procedural-contents-element? contents) (display-warning "Attempting to render delayed procedural content element - ignored")) (else 'do-nothing) ) ) ; Return whether key is a css-key, for instance a key like css:k or CSS:k ; A true value is the key proper, such as k (as a string).
(define (xml-css-key? key) (let* ((key-str (symbol->string key)) (lgt (string-length key-str))) (if (and (>= lgt 4) (or (eqv? (string-ref key-str 0) #\c) (eqv? (string-ref key-str 0) #\C)) (or (eqv? (string-ref key-str 1) #\s) (eqv? (string-ref key-str 1) #\S)) (or (eqv? (string-ref key-str 2) #\s) (eqv? (string-ref key-str 2) #\S)) (eqv? (string-ref key-str 3) #\:)) (substring key-str 4 lgt) #f))) ; Split attribute-alist in two parts: the HTML attributes and the CSS attributes. ; Return (cons html-alist css-alist) where html-alist is the association lists of HTML attributes ; and css-alist is the association list of CSS attributes.
(define (html-css-split attribute-alist html-alist css-alist) (cond ((null? attribute-alist) (cons (reverse html-alist) (reverse css-alist))) ((xml-css-key? (caar attribute-alist)) (html-css-split (cdr attribute-alist) html-alist (cons (car attribute-alist) css-alist))) (else (html-css-split (cdr attribute-alist) (cons (car attribute-alist) html-alist) css-alist)))) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Pretty printed, fast AST rendering. ; The procedures pp-render-fast, pp-linearize-contents-list-fast, and pp-linearize-contents-fast ; are very similar to render-fast, linearize-contents-list-fast, and linearize-contents-fast. ; This is an important notice for maintenance purposes. ; In case of single line rendering of an XML fragment, pp-render-fast calls render-fast.
(define (pp-render-fast ast put always-render-white-space? start-col single-lining?) (if (single-liner-form? ast start-col preferred-maximum-width) (render-fast ast put #f) (let* ((tag-name (ast-element-name ast)) (contents-list (ast-subtrees ast)) (attribute-properlist (ast-attributes ast)) ; split in normal and css here
(attribute-alist (propertylist-to-alist attribute-properlist)) (reorganized-attribute-alist (html-css-split attribute-alist '() '())) (html-attribute-alist (car reorganized-attribute-alist)) (css-attribute-alist (cdr reorganized-attribute-alist)) (kind (ast-kind ast)) (language (ast-language ast)) (xml-transliterate-character-data? (xml-transliterate-character-data-in? language)) (xml-non-transliteration-elements (xml-non-transliteration-elements-in language)) (xml-preformatted-text-elements (xml-preformatted-text-elements-in language)) ; (list "pre")
(xml-char-transformation-table (xml-char-transformation-table-in language)) (attr-width 0) ; approximative printed attribute width
(attr-cnt 0) (attr-lgt (length attribute-alist)) ) (cond ((eq? kind 'single) ; empty element
(put #\<) (put tag-name) ; Linearize HTML attributes - duplicate code inlined for double elements!
(for-each (lambda (attr-pair) (let ((key (car attr-pair)) (val (cdr attr-pair))) (put #\space) (put (symbol->string key)) (put #\=) (put quote-char) (do ((lgt (string-length val)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref val i))) (if (eqv? ch #\&) (put ch) (put (html-char-transform ch xml-char-transformation-table))))) (put quote-char) (set! attr-width (+ attr-width (string-length (symbol->string key)) (string-length val) 3)) (set! attr-cnt (+ 1 attr-cnt)) (if (and (> (+ attr-width start-col) preferred-maximum-width) (< attr-cnt attr-lgt)) (begin (put #\newline) (put-indentation put (+ (string-length tag-name) start-col 1)) (set! attr-width 0))) ; PP!!
) ) html-attribute-alist) ; Linearize CSS attributes - duplicate code inlined for double elements!
(if (not (null? css-attribute-alist)) (begin (put #\space) (put "style=") (put quote-char) (for-each (lambda (attr-pair) (let* ((key (symbol->string (car attr-pair))) (non-cssed-key (substring key 4 (string-length key))) (val (cdr attr-pair))) (put non-cssed-key) (put #\:) (do ((lgt (string-length val)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref val i))) (if (eqv? ch #\&) (put ch) (put (html-char-transform ch xml-char-transformation-table))))) (put #\;))) css-attribute-alist) (put quote-char))) (put " />")) ((eq? kind 'double) ; non-empty element
(put #\<) (put tag-name) ; Linearize HTML attributes
(for-each (lambda (attr-pair) (let ((key (car attr-pair)) (val (cdr attr-pair))) (put #\space) (put (symbol->string key)) (put #\=) (put quote-char) (do ((lgt (string-length val)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref val i))) (if (eqv? ch #\&) (put ch) (put (html-char-transform ch xml-char-transformation-table))))) (put quote-char) (set! attr-width (+ attr-width (string-length (symbol->string key)) (string-length val) 3)) (set! attr-cnt (+ 1 attr-cnt)) (if (and (> (+ attr-width start-col) preferred-maximum-width) (< attr-cnt attr-lgt)) (begin (put #\newline) (put-indentation put (+ (string-length tag-name) start-col 1)) (set! attr-width 0))) ) ) html-attribute-alist) ; Linearize CSS attributes
(if (not (null? css-attribute-alist)) (begin (put #\space) (put "style=") (put quote-char) (for-each (lambda (attr-pair) (let* ((key (symbol->string (car attr-pair))) (non-cssed-key (substring key 4 (string-length key))) (val (cdr attr-pair))) (put non-cssed-key) (put #\:) (do ((lgt (string-length val)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let ((ch (string-ref val i))) (if (eqv? ch #\&) (put ch) (put (html-char-transform ch xml-char-transformation-table))))) (put #\;))) css-attribute-alist) (put quote-char))) (if (and use-empty-tags-for-elements-without-contents (null? contents-list)) (put " />") (begin (put #\>) (if (not (member tag-name xml-preformatted-text-elements)) (begin (put #\newline) (put-indentation put (+ start-col indentation-delta)))) ; PP!!
(pp-linearize-contents-list-fast contents-list put tag-name xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table (or always-render-white-space? (member tag-name xml-preformatted-text-elements)) (+ start-col indentation-delta) single-lining?) (if (not compact-end-tag-rendering?) ; Jan 17, 2006. Experimentally removed to avoid white space problems.
(begin (put #\newline) (put-indentation put start-col))) ; !!!!!
(put "</") (put tag-name) (put #\>)))) (else (error "pp-render-fast: Either a single or double kind of ast expected.")))))) (define (pp-linearize-contents-list-fast contents-list put tag-name xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table always-render-white-space? start-col single-lining?) (for-each (lambda (contents) (pp-linearize-contents-fast contents put tag-name xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table always-render-white-space? start-col single-lining?)) contents-list)) (define (pp-linearize-contents-fast contents put tag-name xml-transliterate-character-data? xml-non-transliteration-elements xml-char-transformation-table always-render-white-space? start-col single-lining?) (cond ((char-ref? contents) (put (xml-render-char-ref contents))) ((xml-comment? contents) (put (xml-render-xml-comment contents))) ((processing-instruction? contents) (put (xml-render-processing-instruction contents))) ((cdata-section? contents) (put (xml-render-cdata-section contents))) ((cdata? contents) (let ((white-space-printed? #f)) ; true if last printed char is white space
(if (and xml-transliterate-character-data? (not (member tag-name xml-non-transliteration-elements))) (do ((lgt (string-length contents)) ; With HTML transformations
(i 0 (+ i 1)) (j 0 (+ j 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let* ((ch (html-char-transform (string-ref contents i) xml-char-transformation-table)) ; a string!
(ch-white-space? (and (not (empty-string? ch)) (string-of-char-list? ch white-space-char-list))) ) (if always-render-white-space? (put ch) (begin (if (not (and white-space-printed? ch-white-space?)) (if ch-white-space? (if (> (+ j start-col) preferred-maximum-width) (begin (put #\newline) (put-indentation put start-col) (set! j 0)) ; PP!!
(put #\space) ) (put ch)) ) (if ch-white-space? (set! white-space-printed? #t) (set! white-space-printed? #f)) ) ) ) ) (do ((lgt (string-length contents)) ; Without HTML transformations - must be tested carefully.
(i 0 (+ i 1)) (j 0 (+ j 1)) ) ((= i lgt) 'done) (let* ((ch (string-ref contents i)) (ch-white-space? (memv ch white-space-char-list)) ) (if always-render-white-space? (put ch) (begin (if (not (and white-space-printed? ch-white-space?)) (if ch-white-space? (if (> (+ j start-col) preferred-maximum-width) (begin (put #\newline) (put-indentation put start-col) (set! j 0)) ; PP!!
(put #\space) ) (put ch)) ) (if (memv ch white-space-char-list) (set! white-space-printed? #t) (set! white-space-printed? #f)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ((forced-white-space? contents) (put #\newline) (put-indentation put start-col) ; PP!!
) ((ast? contents) (pp-render-fast contents put always-render-white-space? start-col single-lining?) ) ((delayed-procedural-contents-element? contents) (display-warning "Attempting to render delayed procedural content element - ignored")) (else 'do-nothing) ) ) (define (put-indentation put n) (do ((i 1 (+ i 1))) ((> i n) 'done) (put #\space))) (define (single-liner-form? ast start-col max-width) (let ((width (measure-xml-in-laml-form ast))) (<= (+ width start-col) max-width))) ; Approximative measurement of an AST, string, character reference or white space marker.
(define (measure-xml-in-laml-form x) (cond ((string? x) (string-length x)) ; not accurate due to use of the HTML transformation table.
((forced-white-space? x) 1) ((char-ref? x) (let ((value (char-ref-value x))) (cond ((symbol? value) (+ 2 (string-length (symbol->string value)))) ((number? value) (+ 3 (string-length (number->string value)))) (else (laml-error "measure-xml-in-laml-form: Error in character reference" x)))) ) ((xml-comment? x) (let* ((comment-contents (xml-comment-contents x)) ; a list of strings
(contents-sum (sum-list (map string-length comment-contents))) (comment-count (length comment-contents))) (+ contents-sum comment-count 6) ) ) ((processing-instruction? x) (let* ((target (processing-instruction-target x)) (contents (processing-instruction-contents x)) ; a list of strings
(contents-sum (sum-list (map string-length contents))) (count (length contents))) (+ (string-length target) contents-sum count 4) ) ) ((cdata-section? x) (let* ((cdata-contents (cdata-section-contents x)) ; a list of strings
(contents-sum (sum-list (map string-length cdata-contents))) (count (length cdata-contents))) (+ contents-sum count 10)) ) ((ast? x) (let ((tag-name (ast-element-name x)) (attributes (propertylist-to-alist (ast-attributes x))) (content-list (ast-subtrees x)) ) (+ (* 2 (string-length tag-name)) ; tag-names, start and end
5 ; angle brackets in start and end tag, '/' in end tag.
(measure-attribute-list attributes) ; attributes
(sum-list (map measure-xml-in-laml-form content-list)) ; contents
) ) ) ((delayed-procedural-contents-element? x) 0) ; very bad estimate indeed. We actually assume that we never measure ASTs with delayed procedural content elements...
(else (laml-error "measure-xml-in-laml-form: Unknown constituent" x)) ) ) ; Measure attribute-list, which is represented on a-list form. ; Approximative measure - does not take css style attributes into special account
(define (measure-attribute-list attribute-alist) (sum-list (map measure-attribute attribute-alist))) ; Measure a single attribute, non CSS. Approximative.
(define (measure-attribute key-val) (let ((key (car key-val)) (val (cdr key-val))) (+ (string-length (symbol->string key)) (string-length val) 4 ; string quotes, '=', and space after.
))) ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Attribute linearization functions. Linearizes to a string. ; These functions are NOT used in render-fast (which uses an imperative, ; more efficient, html-char-table transformed approach). ; The functions are used in other corners of LAML, such as in relation to AST tree transformation, error messaging, ; and pretty printed rendering.
; Return a pair of strings: The head is the string represeting XML attributes. ; The tail is the string representing the CSS attributes (to go into an HTML style attribute).
(define (xml-linearize-attributes attr-list) (let ((lgt (length attr-list))) ; catch a typical error here: non-symbol key, probably old-fashioned calling convention from html-v1.
(if (and (>= lgt 1) (not (symbol? (car attr-list)))) (error (string-append "xml-linearize-attributes: Non-symbol key encountered: " (as-string (car attr-list)) " in attribute list " (as-string attr-list) ". Maybe conversion problem from html-v1."))) (xml-linearize-attributes-1 (reverse attr-list) "" "" lgt attr-list))) ; Internal helping operation to xml-linearize-attributes. The parameter whole-attr-list is for error messaging purposes
(define (xml-linearize-attributes-1 attr-list html-attr-string css-attr-string lgt whole-attr-list) (cond ((= lgt 0 ) (cons (strip-trailing-characters (list #\space) html-attr-string) css-attr-string)) ((>= lgt 2) (let* ((val (car attr-list)) ; val and key are reversed at this time
(key (cadr attr-list)) (css-key (xml-css-key? key)) ) (cond (css-key ; CSS attribute
(xml-linearize-attributes-1 (cddr attr-list) html-attr-string (string-append (xml-linearize-attribute-pair-css val css-key) ";" css-attr-string) (- lgt 2) whole-attr-list)) (else ; HTML attribute
(xml-linearize-attributes-1 (cddr attr-list) (string-append (xml-linearize-attribute-pair-html val key) " " html-attr-string) css-attr-string (- lgt 2) whole-attr-list))))) ((< lgt 2) (error (string-append "Xml-Linearize-attributes-1: Called with an odd length attribute list. Not a Lisp property list: " (as-string whole-attr-list)))))) (define (xml-linearize-attribute-pair-html val key) (string-append (as-string key) " = " (string-it (as-string val)))) (define (xml-linearize-attribute-pair-css val key) (string-append key ": " (as-string val))) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Element related functions. ;;; This section contains (mostly) higher-order functions that are related to ;;; the mirrors of the XML elements. ;;; .section-id element-mod

(define (xml-modify-element element . attributes-and-contents) (lambda parameters (apply element (append parameters attributes-and-contents))))
(define (xml-modify-element-prepend element . attributes-and-contents) (lambda parameters (apply element (append attributes-and-contents parameters))))
;;; XML in LAML abstraction functions. ;;; The functions in this category are higher-order functions which generate functions that obey XML-in-LAML parameter passing rules. ;;; In other words, the function that are generated use the same parameter conventions as the mirror functions of the HTML and XML elements. ;;; The most useful function is xml-in-laml-abstraction. xml-in-laml-positional-abstraction is a generalized version of xml-in-laml-abstraction. ;;; The function xml-in-laml-parametrization is only useful if you want to interface between XML-in-LAML parameter passing rules ;;; and a function with simple, conventional, positional parameter passing. ;;; .section-id abstraction-fu

(define (xml-in-laml-abstraction f . optional-parameter-list) (let ((parameter-validator! (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list (lambda (co at) #t))) (f-name (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list "ad hoc abstraction")) (language (optional-parameter 3 optional-parameter-list (guess-xml-language-if-possible))) ) (lambda parameters (let* ((ordered-parameters (xml-sort-superficially-tag-parameters parameters f-name language)) (content-parameters (car ordered-parameters)) (attribute-prop-list (cdr ordered-parameters)) ) (parameter-validator! content-parameters attribute-prop-list) (f content-parameters attribute-prop-list)))))
(define (xml-in-laml-positional-abstraction n m f . optional-parameter-list) (let ((parameter-validator! (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list (lambda (co at) #t))) (f-name (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list "ad hoc abstraction")) (language (optional-parameter 3 optional-parameter-list (guess-xml-language-if-possible))) ) (lambda parameters (let ((lgt-parameters (length parameters))) (if (> (+ n m) lgt-parameters) (laml-error "Two few parameters passed to" f-name ":" parameters)) (let* ((prefix-parameters (front-sublist parameters n)) (rest-parameters (list-tail parameters n)) (rest-length (- lgt-parameters n)) (xml-in-laml-parameters (front-sublist rest-parameters (- rest-length m))) (suffix-parameters (rear-sublist parameters m)) (ordered-parameters (xml-sort-superficially-tag-parameters xml-in-laml-parameters f-name language)) (content-parameters (car ordered-parameters)) (attribute-prop-list (cdr ordered-parameters)) ) (parameter-validator! content-parameters attribute-prop-list) (apply f (append prefix-parameters (list content-parameters attribute-prop-list) suffix-parameters)))))))
(define (xml-in-laml-parametrization f parameter-mediator . optional-parameter-list) (let ((parameter-validator! (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list (lambda (co at) #t))) (f-name (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list "some xml-in-laml parametrization")) (language (optional-parameter 3 optional-parameter-list #f)) ) (lambda parameters (let* ((ordered-parameters (xml-sort-tag-parameters parameters f-name language)) (content-parameters (car ordered-parameters)) (attribute-prop-list (cdr ordered-parameters)) ) (parameter-validator! content-parameters attribute-prop-list) (apply f (parameter-mediator content-parameters attribute-prop-list)))))) ; Return the first and only language in (languages-in-use), or else #f.
(define (guess-xml-language-if-possible) (let ((language-list (languages-in-use))) (if (= 1 (length language-list)) (first language-list) #f)))
(define (required-implied-attributes required-attribute-names implied-attribute-names . optional-parameter-list) (let ((tag-name (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list "??"))) (lambda (contents attributes) (let ((attribute-names (every-second-element attributes))) (xml-check-required-attributes! attribute-names required-attribute-names tag-name) (if (not (equal? implied-attribute-names (list '*))) (xml-check-for-attribute-existence! attribute-names (append required-attribute-names implied-attribute-names) tag-name)) ))))
;;; AST traversal and AST transformation functions. ;;; The AST traversal functions extract information from AST by means of traversal and searching. ;;; The "find" functions use guided search, aided by the XML navigation information which is derived from the XML DTD. ;;; The "traverse-and-collect" functions are slightly more general (with a node-interesting? predicate), but they ;;; do not (and cannot) make use of the XML navigation information. Thus, these function do an exhaustive search. ;;; The "find" and "transverse-and-collect" functions in this section constitute a 'minimalistic transformation framework' in LAML, which is useful for ;;; target-controlled transformation of an AST. ;;; The function transform-ast is useful for comprehensive, recursive, source-controlled transformation of an AST (similar to a typical use of XSLT). ;;; The following section contains more sophisticated locator functions. ;;; .section-id ast-transf

(define (find-asts ast el-name . optional-parameter-list) (let ((ast-transformer (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list id-1))) (cond ((equal? (ast-element-name ast) (as-string el-name)) (list (ast-transformer ast))) (else (let* ((sub-asts (filter ast? (ast-subtrees ast))) (possible-sub-asts (filter (lambda (sub-ast) (can-have-element-constituent? sub-ast el-name)) ; static determination, from XML navigator derived from DTD
sub-asts)) ) (flatten (map (lambda (sub-ast) (find-asts sub-ast el-name ast-transformer)) possible-sub-asts)))))))
(define (find-first-ast ast el-name . optional-parameter-list) (let ((ast-transformer (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list id-1))) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (return) (find-first-ast-help ast el-name ast-transformer return))))) (define (find-first-ast-help ast el-name ast-transformer return) (cond ((equal? (ast-element-name ast) (as-string el-name)) (return (ast-transformer ast))) (else (let* ((sub-asts (filter ast? (ast-subtrees ast)))) (for-each (lambda (sub-ast) (if (can-have-element-constituent? sub-ast el-name) (find-first-ast-help sub-ast el-name ast-transformer return))) sub-asts)))) ; We did not find any AST
(define (unique-ast-attribute ast name . optional-parameter-list) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (return) (let ((default-attribute-value (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) (unique-ast-attribute-help ast (as-symbol name) default-attribute-value return) (laml-error "unique-ast-attribute: The attribute named" name "is not found in AST, or it is not unique in AST."))))) (define (unique-ast-attribute-help ast name default-value return) (let* ((alist (propertylist-to-alist (ast-attributes ast))) (res (assq name alist)) (can-be-in-ast (can-attribute-be-in-ast ast name)) (candidate-sub-asts (sub-asts-with-possible-attribute ast name)) (candidate-count (length candidate-sub-asts)) ) (cond ((and res can-be-in-ast (= 0 candidate-count)) (return (cdr res))) ((and (not res) can-be-in-ast (= 0 candidate-count)) (return default-value)) ((= 1 candidate-count) (unique-ast-attribute-help (first candidate-sub-asts) name default-value return)) (else 'do-nothing) ; wait for fall through to fatal error
) ) ) ; Return the list of sub ASTs of ast in which it is possible for an attribute of name to occur ; (from a statical consideration).
(define (sub-asts-with-possible-attribute ast name) (let ((sub-asts (filter ast? (ast-subtrees ast)))) (filter (lambda (sub-ast) (can-attribute-be-in-ast sub-ast name)) sub-asts))) ; Can the attribute name be in one of the subtrees of ast according the statically derived ; XML navigation information from the DTD.
(define (can-attribute-be-in-one-of-subtrees? ast name) (let ((sub-asts (filter ast? (ast-subtrees ast)))) (accumulate-right or-fn #f (map (lambda (ast) (can-attribute-be-in-ast ast name)) sub-asts)))) ; Can the attribute name be in ast according the statically derived ; XML navigation information from the DTD.
(define (can-attribute-be-in-ast ast name) (turn-into-boolean (memq name (possible-attributes-rooted-by-element (ast-element-name ast) (ast-language ast)))))
(define (traverse-and-collect-all-from-ast ast-tree node-interesting? ast-transformer) (cond ((and (terminal-ast-node? ast-tree) (node-interesting? ast-tree)) (list (ast-transformer ast-tree))) ((and (terminal-ast-node? ast-tree) (not (node-interesting? ast-tree))) '()) ((ast? ast-tree) (let ((subtree-results (map (lambda (subtr) (traverse-and-collect-all-from-ast subtr node-interesting? ast-transformer)) (ast-subtrees ast-tree)))) (if (node-interesting? ast-tree) (cons (ast-transformer ast-tree) (flatten subtree-results)) (flatten subtree-results)))) ((list? ast-tree) (flatten (map (lambda (tr) (traverse-and-collect-all-from-ast tr node-interesting? ast-transformer)) (filter ast? ast-tree)))) (else '())))
(define (traverse-and-collect-first-from-ast ast-tree node-interesting? ast-transformer) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (exit) (traverse-and-collect-first-from-ast-help ast-tree node-interesting? ast-transformer exit))) ) (define (traverse-and-collect-first-from-ast-help ast-tree node-interesting? ast-transformer exit) (cond ((and (terminal-ast-node? ast-tree) (node-interesting? ast-tree)) (exit (ast-transformer ast-tree))) ((ast? ast-tree) (if (node-interesting? ast-tree) (exit (ast-transformer ast-tree)) (for-each (lambda (subtr) (traverse-and-collect-first-from-ast-help subtr node-interesting? ast-transformer exit)) (ast-subtrees ast-tree)))) ((list? ast-tree) (for-each (lambda (tr) (traverse-and-collect-first-from-ast-help tr node-interesting? ast-transformer exit)) (filter ast? ast-tree))) (else #f)) ; We did not find a tree
(define (transform-ast transform-specs source-items) (let ((negated-source (cond ((ast? source-items) (positive-to-negative-ast-spacing source-items)) ((list? source-items) (map (lambda (el) (if (ast? el) (positive-to-negative-ast-spacing el) el)) source-items)) (else source-items)))) (letrec ((real-transformer (lambda (source) (cond ((and (not (ast? source)) (list? source)) ; a list of source content items
(map apply-transformation-on source)) (else ; A single source content item
(let ((transform-function (lookup-transform-spec source transform-specs))) (if transform-function (transform-function source) '()))))))) (set! apply-transformation-on real-transformer) (apply-transformation-on negated-source))))
(define apply-transformation-on #f)
(define (transform-ast-list input-list . transform-specs) (if (null? input-list) '() (let* ((ast (car input-list)) (transform-function (lookup-transform-spec ast transform-specs))) (cons (if transform-function (transform-function ast) ast) (apply transform-ast-list (cdr input-list) transform-specs))))) ; Return the appropriate transformation function on ast in the flat list of transform-specs. ; Not used, because we have settled on a non-flat format of transformation specifications.
(define (lookup-transform-spec-flat source transform-specs) (cond ((null? transform-specs) #f) ((not (null? (cdr transform-specs))) ; at least two elements
(let* ((pred (car transform-specs)) (transformer (cadr transform-specs))) (if (pred source) transformer (lookup-transform-spec-flat source (cddr transform-specs))))) (else (laml-error "lookup-transform-spec-flat: Odd length transform-spec passed.")))) ; Return the appropriate transformation function on ast in the list of transform-specs.
(define (lookup-transform-spec ast transform-specs) (if (null? transform-specs) #f (let* ((single-transform-spec (car transform-specs)) (pred (car single-transform-spec)) (transformer (cadr single-transform-spec))) (if (pred ast) transformer (lookup-transform-spec ast (cdr transform-specs))))))
(define (positive-to-negative-ast-spacing ast) (let* ((subtree-list (ast-subtrees ast)) (negative-subtree-list (positive-to-negative-subtree-list subtree-list))) (make-ast (ast-element-name ast) negative-subtree-list (ast-attributes ast) (ast-kind ast) (ast-language ast) (ast-internal-attributes ast)))) (define (positive-to-negative-subtree-list subtree-list) (cond ((null? subtree-list) '()) ; zero elements
((null? (cdr subtree-list)) ; exactly one element
(let ((only-element (first subtree-list))) (list (if (ast? only-element) (positive-to-negative-ast-spacing only-element) only-element)))) (else (positive-to-negative-subtree-list-1-2 (first subtree-list) (second subtree-list) (cdr subtree-list))))) ; next-e is first element of rest ; e is not supposed to be white space related.
(define (positive-to-negative-subtree-list-1-2 e next-e rest) (cond ((forced-white-space? next-e) (cons (if (ast? e) (positive-to-negative-ast-spacing e) e) (positive-to-negative-subtree-list (cdr rest)))) ((and (not (white-space-related? e)) (not (white-space-related? next-e))) (cons (if (ast? e) (positive-to-negative-ast-spacing e) e) (cons explicit-space-suppress (positive-to-negative-subtree-list rest)))) (else ; should not happen
(cons (if (ast? e) (positive-to-negative-ast-spacing e) e) (positive-to-negative-subtree-list rest)))))
;;; LAML location path and steps. ;;; This section contains <a href = "http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath.html">Xpath</a> inspirred matching, extraction, and transformation functions. ;;; The definitions in this section make up an alternative to the minimalistic AST traversal and transformation functions in the previous section. ;;; Eventually, there will be additional documentation and examples of the LAML location path framework. ;;; .section-id location-path-step

(define (match-ast ast . locator-list) (let ((xml-root-node-assigned-on-before-hand #f)) (if (eq? xml-root-node #f) (set! xml-root-node ast) (set! xml-root-node-assigned-on-before-hand #t)) (let ((result (cond (#t (match-asts-1 (list ast) locator-list)) (else (laml-error "match-ast: Final or intermediate result must either be an AST:" ast))))) (if (not xml-root-node-assigned-on-before-hand) (set! xml-root-node #f)) (remove-duplicates-by-predicate result eq?))))
(define xml-root-node #f) ; Apply each function in locator-list on each content element in asts, and flatten the resulting lists of lists before applying the next function in the list. ; content-elements is always a list of content elements, among these ASTs. ; This function has no rest parameter, but a second parameter which is a function list.
(define (match-asts-1 content-elements locator-list) (cond ((null? locator-list) content-elements) (else (let* ((fu (first locator-list)) (res-list (map (compose ensure-list-result-xml-in-laml fu) content-elements))) (match-asts-1 (flatten res-list) (cdr locator-list))))))
(define (location-step axis . optional-parameter-list) (let ((node-test (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f)) (filtering (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list #f))) (letrec ((sequence-location-step ; common support for sequential location steps. The parameter content-element is not used!
(lambda (content-element offsprings) (cond ((and (string? node-test) (equal? node-test "*")) (let* ((last (length offsprings))) (mapping-filter (lambda (child pos) (if (filtering child pos last) child #f)) offsprings (number-interval 1 last)))) ((string? node-test) (let* ((relevant-children-after-node-test (filter (lambda (child) (and (ast? child) (equal? (ast-element-name child) node-test))) offsprings)) (last (length relevant-children-after-node-test))) (mapping-filter (lambda (child pos) (if (filtering child pos last) child #f)) relevant-children-after-node-test (number-interval 1 last)))) ((node-test? node-test 'node 1) ; only (node)
(let* ((relevant-children-after-node-test (filter (lambda (child) (and (ast? child))) offsprings)) (last (length relevant-children-after-node-test))) (mapping-filter (lambda (child pos) (if (filtering child pos last) child #f)) relevant-children-after-node-test (number-interval 1 last)))) ((node-test? node-test 'node 2) ; (node "N")
(let* ((relevant-children-after-node-test (filter (lambda (child) (and (ast? child) (equal? (ast-element-name child) (second node-test)))) offsprings)) (last (length relevant-children-after-node-test))) (mapping-filter (lambda (child pos) (if (filtering child pos last) child #f)) relevant-children-after-node-test (number-interval 1 last)))) ((node-test? node-test 'node 3) ; (node "L" "N")
(let* ((relevant-children-after-node-test (filter (lambda (child) (and (ast? child) (equal? (ast-element-name child) (second node-test)) (equal? (as-string (ast-language child)) (as-string (third node-test))))) offsprings)) (last (length relevant-children-after-node-test))) (mapping-filter (lambda (child pos) (if (filtering child pos last) child #f)) relevant-children-after-node-test (number-interval 1 last)))) ((node-test? node-test 'text 1) ; only (text)
(let* ((relevant-children-after-node-test (filter (lambda (child) (and (cdata? child))) offsprings)) (last (length relevant-children-after-node-test))) (mapping-filter (lambda (child pos) (if (filtering child pos last) child #f)) relevant-children-after-node-test (number-interval 1 last)))) ((node-test? node-test 'comment 1) ; only (comment)
(let* ((relevant-children-after-node-test (filter (lambda (child) (and (xml-comment? child))) offsprings)) (last (length relevant-children-after-node-test))) (mapping-filter (lambda (child pos) (if (filtering child pos last) child #f)) relevant-children-after-node-test (number-interval 1 last)))) ((node-test? node-test 'white-space 1) ; only (white-space)
(let* ((relevant-children-after-node-test (filter (lambda (child) (and (white-space-related? child) (forced-white-space? child))) offsprings)) (last (length relevant-children-after-node-test))) (mapping-filter (lambda (child pos) (if (filtering child pos last) child #f)) relevant-children-after-node-test (number-interval 1 last)))) ((node-test? node-test 'processing-instruction 1) ; only (processing-instruction)
(let* ((relevant-children-after-node-test (filter (lambda (child) (processing-instruction? child)) offsprings)) (last (length relevant-children-after-node-test))) (mapping-filter (lambda (child pos) (if (filtering child pos last) child #f)) relevant-children-after-node-test (number-interval 1 last)))) ((node-test? node-test 'processing-instruction 2) ; (processing-instruction "N")
(let* ((relevant-children-after-node-test (filter (lambda (child) (and (processing-instruction? child) (equal? (processing-instruction-target child) (second node-test)))) offsprings)) (last (length relevant-children-after-node-test))) (mapping-filter (lambda (child pos) (if (filtering child pos last) child #f)) relevant-children-after-node-test (number-interval 1 last)))) (else (laml-error "Unknown location step node test:" node-test)))))) (cond ; The attribute axis is special
((and (eq? axis 'attribute) (not node-test) (not filtering)) (lambda (content-element) (if (ast? content-element) (let* ((attr-prop-list (ast-attributes content-element))) (list attr-prop-list)) '()))) ((and (eq? axis 'attribute) (or (string? node-test) (symbol? node-test)) (not filtering)) (lambda (content-element) (if (ast? content-element) (let* ((attr-name (as-symbol node-test)) (attr-prop-list (ast-attributes content-element))) (if (find-in-property-list attr-name attr-prop-list) (list (list (as-symbol node-test) (get-prop attr-name attr-prop-list))) '())) '()))) ((and (eq? axis 'attribute) (or (string? node-test) (symbol? node-test)) filtering) ; filtering re-interpreted as attibute value!
(lambda (content-element) (if (ast? content-element) (let* ((attr-name (as-symbol node-test)) (attr-value (as-string filtering)) ; renaming and special interpretation
(attr-prop-list (ast-attributes content-element))) (if (and (find-in-property-list attr-name attr-prop-list) (equal? attr-value (get-prop attr-name attr-prop-list))) (list (list (as-symbol node-test) (get-prop attr-name attr-prop-list))) '())) '()))) ; Recursive dispatching in case one of node-test and filtering is not provided
((and (not node-test) (not filtering)) ; all ancestors towards the root
(apply location-step (list axis "*" (lambda (n p l) #t)))) ((and node-test (not filtering)) (apply location-step (list axis node-test (lambda (n p l) #t)))) ; Remaining location steps with both axis, node-test and filtering
((and (eq? axis 'self) node-test filtering) (lambda (content-element) (sequence-location-step content-element (list content-element)))) ((and (eq? axis 'child) node-test (procedure? filtering)) ; filtering: child x node-position x context-size -> boolean
(lambda (content-element) (if (ast? content-element) (let ((children (ast-subtrees content-element))) (sequence-location-step content-element children)) '()))) ((and (eq? axis 'descendant) node-test (procedure? filtering)) ; filtering: child x node-position x context-size -> boolean
(lambda (content-element) (if (ast? content-element) (let* ((descendants (all-children-recursively content-element))) (sequence-location-step content-element descendants)) '()))) ((and (eq? axis 'following-sibling) node-test filtering) (lambda (content-element) (let ((path (ast-path-from-to xml-root-node content-element))) (if (and path (>= (length path) 2)) (let* ((parent (cadr (reverse path))) (children-of-parent (ast-subtrees parent)) (pos (index-in-list-by-predicate children-of-parent content-element eq?))) (sequence-location-step content-element (rear-sublist children-of-parent (- (length children-of-parent) (+ pos 1))))) '())))) ((and (eq? axis 'preceding-sibling) node-test filtering) (lambda (content-element) (let ((path (ast-path-from-to xml-root-node content-element))) (if (and path (>= (length path) 2)) (let* ((parent (cadr (reverse path))) (children-of-parent (ast-subtrees parent)) (pos (index-in-list-by-predicate children-of-parent content-element eq?))) (sequence-location-step content-element (front-sublist children-of-parent pos))) '())))) ((and (eq? axis 'following) node-test filtering) (lambda (content-element) (sequence-location-step content-element (traverse-ast-start-after xml-root-node content-element)))) ((and (eq? axis 'preceding) node-test filtering) (lambda (content-element) (sequence-location-step content-element (traverse-ast-interrupt-before-no-ancestors xml-root-node content-element)))) ((and (eq? axis 'ancestor) node-test filtering) (lambda (content-element) (let ((path (ast-path-from-to xml-root-node content-element))) (if path (sequence-location-step content-element (cdr (reverse path))) '()) ))) ((and (eq? axis 'parent) node-test filtering) (lambda (content-element) (let ((path (ast-path-from-to xml-root-node content-element))) (if (and path (>= (length path) 2)) (sequence-location-step content-element (list (cadr (reverse path)))) '()) ) )) (else (laml-error "location-step: axis not supported yet:" axis)) ) ) )) ; Is the node test list nt of kind with a total of n constituents?
(define (node-test? nt kind n) (and (list? nt) (cond ((= n 1) (and (= (length nt) 1) (eq? (first nt) kind))) ((= n 2) (and (= (length nt) 2) (eq? (first nt) kind))) ((= n 3) (and (= (length nt) 3) (eq? (first nt) kind))) (else #f)))) (define (traverse-ast-start-after ast start-after-content-element) (let ((collecting? #f) (collected-content-elements '())) (letrec ((traverse-ast-start-after-1 (lambda (cont-element) (if collecting? (set! collected-content-elements (cons cont-element collected-content-elements))) (if (ast? cont-element) (for-each (lambda (child) (traverse-ast-start-after-1 child)) (ast-subtrees cont-element))) (if (eq? cont-element start-after-content-element) (set! collecting? #t)) ))) (traverse-ast-start-after-1 ast) (reverse collected-content-elements)))) (define (traverse-ast-interrupt-before ast start-after-content-element) (let ((collecting? #t) (collected-content-elements '()) ) (letrec ((traverse-ast-interrupt-before-1 (lambda (cont-element) (if (eq? cont-element start-after-content-element) (set! collecting? #f)) (if collecting? (set! collected-content-elements (cons cont-element collected-content-elements))) (if (ast? cont-element) (for-each (lambda (child) (traverse-ast-interrupt-before-1 child)) (ast-subtrees cont-element))) ))) (traverse-ast-interrupt-before-1 ast) (reverse collected-content-elements)))) (define (traverse-ast-interrupt-before-no-ancestors ast start-after-content-element) (let ((root-to-start-path (ast-path-from-to ast start-after-content-element))) (list-difference (traverse-ast-interrupt-before ast start-after-content-element) root-to-start-path))) (define (all-children-recursively ast) (if (ast? ast) (let ((children (ast-subtrees ast))) (append children (flatten (map all-children-recursively (filter ast? children))))) '())) ; Find the unique list of AST nodes from ast1 to ast2 via the parent-child relationship in the tree. ; The resulting list starts with ast1, and ends with ast2. In case ast2 is not a descendant of node1, return #f.
(define (ast-path-from-to ast1 ast2) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (returning) (ast-path-from-to-1 ast1 ast2 '() returning) #f)) ) (define (ast-path-from-to-1 ast1 ast2 path-list returning) (if (eq? ast1 ast2) (returning (reverse (cons ast2 path-list))) (if (ast? ast1) (let ((children (ast-subtrees ast1))) (for-each (lambda (child) (ast-path-from-to-1 child ast2 (cons ast1 path-list) returning)) children)))) ; (filter ast? children)
) (define (ensure-list-result-xml-in-laml x) (cond ((ast? x) (list x)) ((cdata? x) (list x)) ((extended-contents-data? x) (list x)) ((forced-white-space? x) (list x)) ((delayed-procedural-contents-element? x) (list x)) ((char-ref? x) (list x)) ((xml-comment? x) (list x)) ((cdata-section? x) (list x)) ((processing-instruction? x) (list x)) ((list? x) x) (else (laml-error "ensure-list-result-xml-in-laml: the parameter must be a single content item or a list of these: " (as-string x)))))
(define (negate-step location-step-procedure) (lambda (content-element) (let ((result (location-step-procedure content-element))) (if (null? result) (list #t) ; something
(define (and-steps . location-step-procedure-list) (letrec ((and-fn (lambda (x y) (and x y)))) (lambda (content-element) (let* ((result-list (map (lambda (step) (step content-element)) location-step-procedure-list)) (result-list-1 (map does-exist? result-list))) (if (accumulate-right and-fn #t result-list-1) (list #t) ; success
'() ; failure
(define (or-steps . location-step-procedure-list) (letrec ((or-fn (lambda (x y) (or x y)))) (lambda (content-element) (let* ((result-list (map (lambda (step) (step content-element)) location-step-procedure-list)) (result-list-1 (map does-exist? result-list))) (if (accumulate-right or-fn #f result-list-1) (list #t) ; success
'() ; failure
(define (compose-steps . location-step-procedure-list) (lambda (content-element) (apply match-ast content-element location-step-procedure-list)))
(define (identifier-of-predicate p) (lambda (x) (if (p x) x '())))
(define (ast-text-containing str) (lambda (x) (cond ((cdata? x) (if (substring? x str) str '())) ((ast? x) (if (substring? (ast-text x) str) (ast-text x) '())) (else '()))))
(define (ast-text-deep-containing str) (lambda (x) (cond ((cdata? x) (if (substring? x str) str '())) ((ast? x) (if (substring? (ast-text-deep x) str) (ast-text-deep x) '())) (else '()))))
(define (ast-node) (lambda (x) (if (ast? x) x '()))) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Generated node child axis filtering procedures. The generated procedures can be applied on by location-step.
; Generation of node test procedures. ; Node test procedure occur at the filtering position in location steps. ; Node test procedures filter the results of a location step. ; Basically, a node test procedure takes three parameters: (1) The node, (2) its position within its sibling context, and (3) the number of the last sibling. ; A node test procedure returns a boolean result.

(define (nt:last) (lambda (n p l) (= p l)))
(define (nt:child-number q) (lambda (n p l) (= p q)))
(define (nt:child-name name) (lambda (n p l) (equal? name (ast-element-name n))))
(define (nt:attribute name value) (lambda (n p l) (if (ast? n) (let ((attr-prop-list (ast-attributes n))) (if (find-in-property-list name attr-prop-list) (equal? (as-string value) (get-prop name attr-prop-list)) #f)) #f)))
(define (nt:for-which-predidate-holds pred . location-steps) (lambda (n p l) (let ((res (apply match-ast (cons n location-steps)))) (pred res))))
(define (nt:for-which . location-steps) (lambda (n p l) (let ((res (apply match-ast (cons n location-steps)))) (does-exist? res)))) ; Determines if x - the result of a location step - is considered as non-emtpy.
(define (does-exist? x) (cond ((list? x) (not (null? x))) ((string? x) (not (blank-string? x))) (else (laml-error "does-exist?: Unknown type of argument of:" x)))) ; A filtering that tests if all location steps in the list of location paths succeed. ; Use and-steps on location-steps instead.
(define (nt:exist-all . location-path-list) (letrec ((and-fn (lambda (x y) (and x y)))) (lambda (n p l) (let* ((res-list (map (lambda (location-step-list) (apply match-ast (cons n location-step-list))) location-path-list)) (res-list-1 (map does-exist? res-list))) (accumulate-right and-fn #t res-list-1))))) ; A node test procedure that test if at least one of the location steps in the list of location paths succeeds. ; Use or-steps on location-steps instead.
(define (nt:exist-some . location-path-list) (letrec ((or-fn (lambda (x y) (or x y)))) (lambda (n p l) (let* ((res-list (map (lambda (location-step-list) (apply match-ast (cons n location-step-list))) location-path-list)) (res-list-1 (map does-exist? res-list))) (accumulate-right or-fn #f res-list-1)))))
;;; Element content models. ;;; The functions in this section make the content models of the XML elements available. ;;; As an example, this allows us to find out if an element is empty. ;;; The element content models are defined by the XML DTDs, and as such they are used for generation ;;; of the XML validation procedures. ;;; .section-id content-models

(define (content-model-map-of language) (defaulted-get (as-symbol language) xml-in-laml-content-model-structures #f)) ; Selector functions of an entry in a content element map
(define elment-name-of-content-model-structure (make-selector-function 1 "elment-name-of-content-model-structure")) (define content-model-of-content-model-structure (make-selector-function 2 "content-model-of-content-model-structure"))
(define (content-model-of element-name language) (let* ((content-model-map (content-model-map-of language))) (if content-model-map (let ((content-model (binary-search-in-vector content-model-map (as-string element-name) elment-name-of-content-model-structure string=? string<=?))) (if content-model (content-model-of-content-model-structure content-model) #f) ) #f)))
(define (register-xml-in-laml-content-models language content-model-structure) (set! xml-in-laml-content-model-structures (cons (cons language content-model-structure) xml-in-laml-content-model-structures)) ) ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Action procedure map. ;;; An action procedure map is a sorted associative vector that maps certain element names to ;;; action procedures. ;;; .section-id action-procedures

(define (action-procedure-map-of language) (defaulted-get (as-symbol language) xml-in-laml-action-procedure-structures #f))
(define (action-procedure-of-language element-name language) (let* ((action-procedure-map (action-procedure-map-of language))) (if action-procedure-map (action-procedure-of-map element-name action-procedure-map) #f)))
(define (action-procedure-of-map element-name action-procedure-map) (let ((action-proc (binary-search-in-vector action-procedure-map (as-string element-name) element-name-of-action-procedure-entry string=? string<=?))) (if action-proc (action-procedure-of-action-procedure-entry action-proc) #f)))
(define (register-xml-in-laml-action-procedures language action-procedure-structure) (set! xml-in-laml-action-procedure-structures (cons (cons language action-procedure-structure) xml-in-laml-action-procedure-structures)) ) ; Selector functions of an entry in an action procedure map
(define element-name-of-action-procedure-entry (make-selector-function 1 "element-name-of-action-procedure-entry")) (define action-procedure-of-action-procedure-entry (make-selector-function 2 "action-procedure-of-action-procedure-entry"))
(define (process-ast! ast . optional-parameter-list) (let* ((given-language (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list (ast-language ast))) (action-map (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list (action-procedure-map-of given-language))) ) (let* ((el-name (ast-element-name ast)) (element-content-items (ast-subtrees ast)) (action-proc-of-ast! (action-procedure-of-map el-name action-map)) ) (if action-proc-of-ast! (action-proc-of-ast! ast)) (for-each (lambda (ast) (process-ast! ast given-language action-map)) ; Notice that given-language is bound at root level
(filter ast? element-content-items))))) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Expansion of delayed procedural content items. ;;; It is possible to embed a Scheme procedure (with a certain given signature) in an XML-in-LAML document. ;;; This allows for simple and direct handling of context-sensitive aspects of a document. ;;; The function expand-procedural-content-items-in-ast calls such procedures, hereby expanding the AST.

(define (expand-procedural-content-items-in-ast ast) (if (has-procedural-content-items-deep? ast) (expand-procedural-content-items-in-ast-1 ast ast) ast)) ; Expand all delayed procedural content items (recursively) in ast relative to root-ast
(define (expand-procedural-content-items-in-ast-1 ast root-ast) (let ((ast-content-items (ast-subtrees ast))) (if (null? (filter delayed-procedural-contents-element? ast-content-items)) ; NO delayed constituents
(make-ast ; just recursively expand sub asts
(ast-element-name ast) (map (lambda (content-item) ; recursively expand ASTs
(cond ((ast? content-item) (expand-procedural-content-items-in-ast-1 content-item root-ast)) (else content-item))) ast-content-items) (ast-attributes ast) (ast-kind ast) (ast-language ast)) (let* ((inversed-ast-content-items (inverse-laml-content-list-white-spacing ast-content-items)) ; Bring contents items back to original form (wrt. spacing) - as written in the document.
(expanded-ast-content-items ; Do the expansions of delayed procedural constituents
(map (lambda (content-item) (cond ((delayed-procedural-contents-element? content-item) (content-item root-ast ast)) (else content-item))) inversed-ast-content-items)) (attributes (ast-attributes ast)) (combined-contents-and-attributes (append expanded-ast-content-items attributes)) ; mix content and attributes - preparing for 'resorting'
(sorted-contents-attributes ; re-sort, splitting the expanded and patially reconstructed content list
(xml-sort-tag-parameters combined-contents-and-attributes (ast-element-name ast) (ast-language ast))) (new-contents (car sorted-contents-attributes)) ; new content, including constributions from expansion
(new-recursively-expanded-content (map (lambda (content-item) ; recursively expand ASTs
(cond ((ast? content-item) (expand-procedural-content-items-in-ast-1 content-item root-ast)) (else content-item))) new-contents)) (new-attributes (cdr sorted-contents-attributes)) ; new attributes, including constributions from expansion
) ; Validate the expanded AST, which at this location is known to have had a real expansion of delayed procedural content items.
(let* ((el-name (ast-element-name ast)) (lang (ast-language ast)) (validation-proc (validation-procedure-of el-name lang))) (validation-proc el-name new-attributes new-recursively-expanded-content xml-check-language-overlap?)) (make-ast (ast-element-name ast) new-recursively-expanded-content new-attributes (ast-kind ast) (ast-language ast))))))
(define (has-procedural-content-items-deep? ast) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (return) (has-procedural-content-items-deep-1? ast return)))) (define (has-procedural-content-items-deep-1? ast return) (let ((sub-content-items (ast-subtrees ast))) (if (find-in-list delayed-procedural-contents-element? sub-content-items) (return #t) (for-each (lambda (content-item) (if (ast? content-item) (has-procedural-content-items-deep-1? content-item return))) sub-content-items))) ; We did not find any procedure content item
(define (has-procedural-content-items? x) (cond ((ast? x) (let ((sub-content-items (ast-subtrees x))) (if (find-in-list delayed-procedural-contents-element? sub-content-items) #t #f))) ((list? x) (if (find-in-list delayed-procedural-contents-element? x) #t #f)) (else (laml-error "has-procedural-content-items? must be called on an XML-in-LAML AST or a list of content items" x)))) ; Inverse the white spacing in content-items. ; Assume that content-items has a number of explicit-space values among its members (#t). ; No explicit-space-suppress values (#f) are allowed to occur. ; Return a similar content items, corresponding to the one being input by the user, in which ; only explicit-space-suppress values occur. ; This function takes a input a content items list as produced by xml-sort-tag-parameters. ; It returns a content items list similar to the surface form, given by the LAML document author.
(define (inverse-laml-content-list-white-spacing content-items) (cond ((null? content-items) '()) (else (iwssm-start content-items '())) ; start inverse white space state machine
)) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Start state machine: Inverse white space state machine - iwssm
(define debug-inverse-space-state-machine? #f) (define (iwssm-start lst res) (if debug-inverse-space-state-machine? (display-message "start")) (if (null? lst) (reverse res) (let ((el (first lst)) (rest (cdr lst))) (cond ((equal? explicit-space el) (iwssm-start rest res)) (else (iwssm-string-seen el rest res)))))) (define (iwssm-string-seen the-string lst res) (if debug-inverse-space-state-machine? (display-message "string-seen")) (set! res (cons the-string res)) (if (null? lst) (reverse res) (let ((el (first lst)) (rest (cdr lst))) (cond ((equal? explicit-space el) (iwssm-string-space-seen rest res)) (else (iwssm-string-string-seen el rest res)))))) (define (iwssm-string-space-seen lst res) (if debug-inverse-space-state-machine? (display-message "string-space-seen")) (if (null? lst) (reverse res) (let ((el (first lst)) (rest (cdr lst))) (cond ((equal? explicit-space el) (iwssm-string-space-seen rest res)) (else (iwssm-string-seen el rest res)))))) (define (iwssm-string-string-seen the-string lst res) (if debug-inverse-space-state-machine? (display-message "string-string-seen")) (set! res (cons the-string (cons explicit-space-suppress res))) (if (null? lst) (reverse res) (let ((el (first lst)) (rest (cdr lst))) (cond ((equal? explicit-space el) (iwssm-string-space-seen rest res)) (else (iwssm-string-string-seen el rest res)))))) ; End state machine ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Other useful functions. ;;; In this section there are non-mirror functions which are useful in in the context of XML and LAML. ;;; .section-id others-functions

(define (ast-to-parse-tree ast) (let ((pt (ast-to-parse-tree-1 ast))) (make-final-parse-tree 'html-tree (list pt)))) ; The function doing the real work in the ast to parse tree conversion.
(define (ast-to-parse-tree-1 ast) (letrec ((subtree-transform ; the function doing the overall ast to parse tree transformation
(lambda (x) (cond ((ast? x) (ast-to-parse-tree-1 x)) ((cdata? x) x) ((char-ref? x) (xml-render-char-ref x)) ((forced-white-space? x) " ") (else (laml-error "subtree-transform:" "Unknown subtree constituent" (as-string x))))) ) (explicit-space-splicing ; join explicit spaces, " ", to the left string constituent - to avoid empty lines after pretty printing.
(lambda (parse-tree) (if (tree-entry? parse-tree) (let* ((node (root-of-parse-tree parse-tree)) (subtrees (subtrees-of-parse-tree parse-tree)) (new-subtrees (explicit-space-splicing-lst subtrees '())) ) (make-parse-tree node new-subtrees)) parse-tree) )) (explicit-space-splicing-lst (lambda (subtree-list res-lst) (cond ((null? subtree-list) (reverse res-lst)) ((null? (cdr subtree-list)) ; only a single element left - get finished
(explicit-space-splicing-lst (cdr subtree-list) (cons (car subtree-list) res-lst))) ((and (string? (car subtree-list)) (string? (cadr subtree-list))) ; interesting case - there are two elements
(if (equal? (cadr subtree-list) " ") ; join car and cadr via string-append
(explicit-space-splicing-lst (cddr subtree-list) (cons (string-append (car subtree-list) (cadr subtree-list)) res-lst)) (explicit-space-splicing-lst (cdr subtree-list) (cons (car subtree-list) res-lst)))) (else (explicit-space-splicing-lst (cdr subtree-list) (cons (car subtree-list) res-lst)))))) (split-attribute-list ; split in html and css attributes
(lambda (attr-lst) (split-attribute-list-1 attr-lst '() '()))) (split-attribute-list-1 ; iterative helping function
(lambda (attr-lst html-attr-list css-attr-list) (cond ((null? attr-lst) (cons (reverse html-attr-list) (reverse css-attr-list))) ((xml-css-key? (car attr-lst)) (split-attribute-list-1 (cddr attr-lst) html-attr-list (cons (cadr attr-lst) (cons (car attr-lst) css-attr-list)))) (else (split-attribute-list-1 (cddr attr-lst) (cons (cadr attr-lst) (cons (car attr-lst) html-attr-list)) css-attr-list))))) (to-css-string ; linearize all css attributes to a single string
(lambda (css-attr-list) (let ((css-attr-alist (propertylist-to-alist css-attr-list))) (string-append (list-to-string (map (lambda (css-key-val) (xml-linearize-attribute-pair-css (cdr css-key-val) (xml-css-key? (car css-key-val)))) css-attr-alist) ";") ";")))) ) (let* ((element-name (ast-element-name ast)) (subtrees (ast-subtrees ast)) (attr-lst (ast-attributes ast)) ; prop list format
(attr-list-normal-css (split-attribute-list attr-lst)) (html-attr-list (car attr-list-normal-css)) ; prop list format
(css-attr-list (cdr attr-list-normal-css)) ; prop list format
(attr-lst-result (if (null? css-attr-list) html-attr-list (cons 'style (cons (to-css-string css-attr-list) html-attr-list)))) (kind (ast-kind ast)) ) (cond ((eq? kind 'single) (make-tag-structure 'start-end element-name attr-lst-result)) ((eq? kind 'double) (explicit-space-splicing (make-parse-tree (make-tag-structure 'start element-name attr-lst-result) (map subtree-transform subtrees)))) (else (laml-error "ast-to-parse-tree-1:" "Unknown kind of ast" kind))))))