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Aalborg University| Computer Science Dpt.| Control Engineering Dpt.
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Welcome !

This page is presenting the course of Introduction to Parallel Computing. You can find all the information relative to this course on this page and some materials linked to the course. This course will be given in english in short lectures of 30 minutes with breaks of 5 minutes in-between).


Students are expected to know the C language, to have followed a course on algorithms and data structures, and know basics on computer architecture.

Course Objectives

This course is an introduction to parallel computing and aims at teaching basic models of parallel machines and tools to program them. It is an introduction to parallel programming, how to parallelize programs, and how to use basic tools like MPI and POSIX threads.

Course Day

In the morning we will explore the basic models for parallel machines, methods for decomposing problems into smaller tasks, and their mapping to processors. In the afternoon we will dive into the message passing and shared memory paradigms (pthreads). There we will go through some interesting algorithms and case-studies.

The lectures will be held in Kroghstræde 3 room 3.114 between 9-12h and 13-16h.
Errata: I mentioned Open MP during the lectures. I meant Open MPI (the not-so-stable implementation of MPI). Open MP is the directive based programming language (extension of C by using #pragma).


Any question or remark relative to the course is welcome.