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Discussion of Tools

  The tools described above support the program customizer. They help the customizer of a program to get information about existing open points in the program, and they support a smooth and flexible program customization process.

There is no tool support for the programmers who define the hooks in a program. The problems they are where to place the hooks in order to obtain a sufficiently open program. As already mentioned, this is a program design issue, and only skilled programmers are able to solve the problem. However, the following rules of thumbs may be helpful:

The special purpose tools for open points are in some sense analogous to debuggers. A debugger lets the user examine the dynamic state of a program with the purpose of locating the cause of an error. The set of tools proposed in this paper are directed toward examination of another important aspect of a program, namely the open points. The purpose of the tools that support the hook mechanism is, as mentioned earlier, to help the programmer in the process of customizing a program. As such, the hook supporting tools are quite different from debugging tools.

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Kurt Noermark
Wed Mar 6 09:44:24 MET 1996