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The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions support researchers at all stages of their careers, cooperation between industry and academia, and innovative training to enhance employability and career development.

I'm both honoured and very excited to announce that I've been granted a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship to work on Example Driven Analytics of Open Knowledge Graphs (EDAO).

In this project I will work at the Center for Data-intensive Systems (DAISY) at Aalborg University, and will collaborate with prof. Torben Bach Pedersen.

From an Example like 'France 67M 2019' to detailed statistics of population growth in french speaking countries or european countries.
The EDAO project aims to study methods to help users to move from an example of interest to insights by tapping into the Linked Open Data.

The EDAO project has the aim to study a new Example-Driven Exploration system to bridge the gap between example-based queries and BI methods for Linked Open Data.

I'm really thankful to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research Fellowship programme for this opportunity and I'm looking forward to tackle many exicting and challenging problems.

The project just started, more information will be posted soon on the official website. You can also follow the developments on twitter @EDAO_eu.