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What Flex is

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What Flex is

Lex is a generator of fast scanners. A scanner is a program or routine which recognizes tokens (identifiers, keywords, strings etc.) in texts (files or strings). Lex's input is composed of rules, pairs of regular expressions and C code. The regular expression describes the patterns that the different tokens should follow to trigger the associated C code.

Lex is based on Finite States Recognizers, which are known to be extremely efficient.

Lex, and all its declinations (CAMLLex for CAML, Alex for Ada, JLex for Java etc.) are used in numerous applications: compilers, interpreters, batch text processing etc.

Flex is a free software implementation of Lex, as described by the POSIX standard. It is known to produce extremely efficient automata; many options are available to tune various parameters. It provides a wide set of additional options and features, produces portable code, supports a more pleasant syntax, and stands as a standard of its own. Since many Lex do have problems (inter-Lex compatibility and actual bugs), there is no reason to limit oneself to the Portable Lex subset of Flex: the portable C code produced by Flex can be shipped in the package and will compile cleanly on the user's machine. It imposes no restriction on the license of the produced recognizer.