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Please read the license agreement carefully. The text of the agreement follows:

We (the licensee) understand that UPPAAL includes but is not limited to the programs: uppaal.jar, model.jar, editor.jar, uppaal, server, socketserver, verifyta, atg2ugi, atg2ta, atg2hs2ta, hs2ta, checkta, simta, tron, and that they are supplied "as is", without expressed or implied warranty. We agree on the following:

  1. You (the licensers) do not have any obligation to provide any maintenance or consulting help with respect to UPPAAL.
  2. You neither have any responsibility for the correctness of systems verified using UPPAAL, nor for the correctness of UPPAAL itself.
  3. We will never distribute or modify any part of the UPPAAL code (i.e. the source code and the object code) without a written permission of Wang Yi (Uppsala University) or Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg University).
  4. We will only use UPPAAL for non-profit research purposes. This implies that neither UPPAAL nor any part of its code should be used or modified for any commercial software product.

In the event that you should release new versions of UPPAAL to us, we agree that they will also fall under all of these terms.


Known Limitations

Download Uppaal Stratego

The latest Uppaal Stratego is integrated into Uppaal 5 and is available on the main UPPAAL page in downloads section.

By downloading any version of Uppaal, you agree to the above licensing terms.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the distribution archive from the Download section above.
  2. Unpack the archive by right-clicking the archive, choosing Extract menu and following the extraction dialog.
  3. Visit the extracted directory.
  4. Create startup shortcuts in Programs menu and Desktop by launching AddLinks.vbs script.
  5. Use the shortcuts from Programs menu or Desktop to start graphical frontend.
  6. Alternatively, start the graphical frontend by double-clicking on uppaal.jar (or uppaal startup script in Linux).
  7. Alternatively, start the graphical frontend from command line prompt: java -jar uppaal.jar
  8. Alternatively, use the command line utility verifyta in either bin-Win32 or bin-Linux.

Version History

The latest Uppaal Stratego is available on the main Uppaal page with version history.