Algorithms and Data Structures (INF1)

Exercise Set 2

Exercise 1:

Exercise 1.1 from Algorithms and Data Structures: Design, Correctness and Analysis by Jeffrey H. Kingston.

Exercise 2:

State appropriate pre- and post-conditions for the following algorithm and prove that it is correct with respect to that specification (find appropriate assertions).

procedure XY (x,y:INTEGER)
x := x+y
y := x-y
x := x-y

Exercise 3:

Let us consider the following algorithm for computing factorial.

if n=0 then return 1
else return n*factorial(n-1)

Let us consider the following pre- and post-condition.

-- pre: n is an integer
-- post: x=n!
Exercise 4:

Exercise 1.2 from Algorithms and Data Structures: Design, Correctness and Analys is by Jeffrey H. Kingston.