Algorithms and Data Structures (INF1)

Exercise Set 1

Exercise 1:

Write an equivalent algorithm without the use of goto.

1: x:=x*2
if (x<20) then goto 1 else x:=x+1

Exercise 2:

Consider the following problem.

INPUT: A sequence S of natural numbers of length n, such that n>0 (accessed by S[1], S[2], ..., S[n]).

OUTPUT: The smallest and the largest element of S.

Exercise 3 (hand-in, either individually or in pairs):

Consider the following problem.

INPUT: A sequence S of natural numbers of length n, such that n>0 (accessed by S[1], S[2], ..., S[n]).

OUTPUT: The second smallest element of S.

Exercise 4:

Consider the following problem.

INPUT: Let x and y be words over an alphabet of capital Roman letters {A,B,C, ..., Z} of length n and m, respectively such that n>m>0. Let us call x text and y pattern.

OUTPUT: A number of occurrences of the pattern y in the text x.

To access the i'th letter of the word x and y use the syntax x[i] and y[i]. For example if x=ALGORITHM then n=9, x[1]=A, x[3]=G and x[n]=M.