Algorithms and Data Structures (INF1, Autumn'05)

Exercise Set 4

Exercise 1:

Consider the following algorithm for computing Fibonacci numbers:

table[0] := 0
table[1] := 1
for i:=2 to n do table[i]:= table[i-1]+table[i-2] endfor
return table[n]

We have seen that fib(n) has time complexity O(n).
Exercise 2:

Design "divide and conquer" algorithm for finding the largest element of a given array A[a..b]. State appropriate pre- and post-conditions.

Exercise 3:

For your algorithm from exercise 2 compute the worst-case complexity W(n). (Hint: define the worst-case complexity by recurrence equations and solve them by considering only the points where n=2k for k = 0,1,2, ...). Approximate W(n) using the big-O notation.

Exercise 4 (challenging):

Exercise 4.6 from Algorithms and Data Structures: Design, Correctness and Analysis by Jeffrey H. Kingston.

Indeed, it is possible to find an algorithm with O(n) time complexity! Try to suggest an algorithm s.t. after every question you ask, one person can be clearly said not to be a celebrity.