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Source Programs
Linguistic abstraction

The Note Context in the rightmost column is only shown in case an annotated program exists. - You can navigate to the annotated program via the annotated slide view (= 'the note context').

A sample document in a course home page language.new-document.lspSlide contextText book context-
An almost empty outline of the functions that implement the course home page language.fine-grained-ling-abstr.scmSlide contextText book context-
Reading the document as a list structure.reading.scmSlide contextText book context-
A simple demo processing of the document.processing.scmSlide contextText book context-
An example of an ASP document.asp-exampleSlide contextText book context-
An example of a JSP document.jsp-exampleSlide contextText book context-
An example of a BRL document.brl-exampleSlide contextText book context-
A sample embedding of a course home document in a Scheme program.course-homepage-embedding.scmSlide contextText book context-
The course home page DTD.course-home-page.dtdSlide contextText book context-
The script that parses the DTD.parse-dtd.lamlSlide contextText book context-
The script that generates the mirror.make-mirror.lamlSlide contextText book context-
The mirror in Scheme of the course home page.course-homepage-mirror.scmSlide contextText book context-
A sample course home page that uses the course home page mirror functions.example.lamlSlide contextText book context-
A Course Plan XML-in-LAML document.example.lamlSlide contextText book context-
The eval and apply functions (procedures) of the Scheme interpreters.eval-apply-in-scheme.scmSlide contextText book context-

Generated: Tuesday July 2, 2013, 09:15:51