Play audio slide show -- Keyboard shortcut: 'x'  Back to notes -- Keyboard shortcut: 'u'        next -- Keyboard shortcut: 'n'  Slide program -- Keyboard shortcut: 't'      A sample web document with a number of links.Lecture 3 - slide 18 : 42
Program 1
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))
(laml-style "simple-xhtml1.0-strict-validating")

(write-html '(prolog pp)
 (head (title "Demo Links"))
  (p "ACM has a useful"
     (a 'href "" "digital library") )
  (p "The following places are also of interest:")

   (li (a 'href "" "The IEEE"))
   (li "The" (a 'href "" "W3C") "site")
    (a 'href "" 
       "Lecture Notes in Computer Science")))

  (p "Kurt Nørmark" (br) 
     (a 'href "" "Dept. of Comp. Science") 
     (a 'href "" "Aalborg University")))))
