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Functional Programming in Scheme
Name binding, Recursion, Iteration, and Continuations
Examples with recursion: string-of-char-list?

The function string-of-char-list? is a predicate (a boolean function) that finds out if a string is formed exclusively by characters from a particular alphabet.

(define (string-of-char-list? str char-list)
  (string-of-char-list-1? str char-list 0 (string-length str)))

(define (string-of-char-list-1? str char-list i lgt)
  (if (= i lgt)
      (and (memv (string-ref str i) char-list)
           (string-of-char-list-1? str char-list (+ i 1) lgt))))

The function string-of-char-list? which relies on the tail recursive function string-of-char-list-1?. The function string-of-char-list-1? iterates through the characters in str, via the controlling parameters i and lst.

y:/Kurt/Files/courses/prog3/prog3-03/sources/notes/includes/white-space-char-listApplications of string-of-char-list?.

The function blank-string? determines if a string is formed entirely of white space characters. The function numeric-string? is a predicate that returns true if the string consists exclusively of decimal digits. This is, for instance, useful to check the form input of dates and time in some server-based web applications. The version of numeric-string? in the lib/general.scm of LAML is slightly more general than the version shown above (it allows + or - signs as well, depending on an optional parameter).