; The LAML library and programs written by Kurt Normark, Aalborg University, Denmark.
; Copyright (C) 1999  Kurt Normark.
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
;;;; This is a collection of Scheme functions used for CGI programming purposes.
;;;; We use the so-called POST method, according to which input to a CGI program
;;;; is read from standard input.<p>
;;;; The function extract-form-input reads the necessary
;;;; amounts of input (as determined by the environment variable CONTENT_LENGT) and
;;;; returns a Lisp association list.<p>
;;;; The function extract-url-parameters returns and decodes the url parameters.
;;;; The url parameters are the part of an URL found after the question mark.
;;;; Using the CGI interface, these are passed via the environment variable QUERY_STRING.
;;;; Like extract-form-input, the result of this function is also a Lisp association list.<p>
;;;; The input functions (extract-form-input and extract-url-parameters) take a parameter, which
;;;; is used for testing purposes in the situation where we are not connected to a WWW server.
;;;; The global variable cgi-testing controls whether this parameter is used.
;;;; The variable cgi-testing must be defined in the context of this library.<p>
;;;; The function time-extend extends an association list with time and date information.
;;;; This time stamping is quite useful when we extract data from an input form.<p>
;;;; On the output side, the function write-page writes a page to standard output.
;;;; If cgi-testing, the page is written to a local test-file.<p>
;;;; The variable test-file must be defined in the context of this library.<p>
;;;; The function make-url-parameters produces and encodes url paramters. This is used
;;;; if we make an URL which passes parameters to another CGI program.
;;;; The function make-url makes and returns an URL.<p>
;;;; The CGI library depends on the accompanying <a href = "encode-decode.html">URL encode and decode library</a>.<p>
;;;; There exists a simple <a href="../../tutorial/cgi-programming/cgi-programming.html">tutorial CGI example</a> in elucidative style.
;;; CGI output functions. 
;; Write output (a text or a LAML AST) to standard output, or if cgi-testing, to test-file.
;; .parameter output The text to be written to std output (a string) or the LAML AST to be linearized to standard output.
In cgi-lib: Link from cgi-write to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (cgi-write output) (if cgi-testing (begin (if (file-exists? test-file) (delete-file test-file)) (cond ((string? output) (save-on-file output test-file)) ((ast? output) (save-on-file (xml-render output) test-file)) ) ) (cond ((string? output) (writeln "Content-type: text/html") (writeln) (display output) ; sending it to standard output ) ((ast? output) (writeln "Content-type: text/html") (writeln) (render-to-output-port output (current-output-port))) ) )) ; Render the HTML ast to standard output. ; This procedure corresponds to cgi-write. Use this procedure if you make use of AST-based mirrors. ; Obsolete. Use cgi-write instead this procedure. In cgi-lib: Link from cgi-write-html-ast to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (cgi-write-html-ast ast) (let ((content-type-string (string-append "Content-type: text/html" (as-string #\newline) (as-string #\newline)))) (render-to-output-port ast (current-output-port) content-type-string))) In cgi-lib: Link from write-page to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (write-page title body . color-list) ;; Writes an HTML page to standard output. ;; The page is described in terms of title, body, and an optional color-list. ;; These three parameters are passed through the HTML function page. ;; If cgi-testing is true, write the page to test-file (a global variable) instead of to standard output. (let ((the-output (apply page (append (list title body) color-list)))) (cgi-write the-output))) In cgi-lib: Link from writeln to it's cross reference table entry 
(define writeln ;; Writes a newline on standard output ;; .form (writeln . args) (lambda args (for-each display args) (newline))) ;; Ends and exit the CGI program. ;; Normally issued as the last command in a cgi program. ;; When we are cgi-testing, this is the empty command. In cgi-lib: Link from end to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (end) (if (not cgi-testing) (exit))) ;;; CGI input functions. ; Read n chars from standard input and return as string (OBSOLETE). ; Use the much more efficient version read-std-input-1 ; (define (read-std-input n) ; (read-n n "")) ;; Read n chars from standard input and return as string. In cgi-lib: Link from read-std-input to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (read-std-input n) (read-n-1 0 n (make-string n #\space))) ; Reads n characters from standard input, and return result. ; The parameter is used for a representation of the result, while reading. ; Initially it should be some arbitrary string of length n. In cgi-lib: Link from read-n-1 to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (read-n-1 i n str) (if (> n 0) (let ((ch (read-char ))) (string-set! str i ch) (read-n-1 (+ i 1) (- n 1) str)) str)) In cgi-lib: Link from length-of-std-input to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (length-of-std-input) ;; Return the number of chars on standard input (let* ((n-as-str (getenv "CONTENT_LENGTH"))) (string->number n-as-str))) ;; Return the url input (a string) also known as the query string. ;; This functions does not kind of decoding. ;; If testing, a parameter is required; the parameter plays the role of the input source (an URL encoded string). In cgi-lib: Link from cgi-url-input to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (cgi-url-input . the-input) (if cgi-testing (car the-input) (getenv "QUERY_STRING"))) In cgi-lib: Link from read-n to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (read-n n str) ; Reads n characters from standard input, and return result (OBSOLETE - too slow). ; The parameter is used for accumulating the string iteratively. ; Initially it should be empty (if (> n 0) (let ((ch (read-char))) (read-n (- n 1) (string-append str (make-string 1 ch)))) ; string-append potentially very inefficient! str)) In cgi-lib: Link from extract-form-input to it's cross reference table entry 3.3. The game part
(define (extract-form-input . testfile) ;; Extract form input from std input, and return the decoded data as an association list. ;; Assumes that the input is application/x-www-form-urlencoded (which is the default encoding of an HTML form). ;; The optional parameter must be supplied if testing. In that case input ;; is taken from the file instead of std input. The file must contain an a-list. (if cgi-testing (file-read (car testfile)) (let* ((input (read-std-input (length-of-std-input)))) (extract-attributes input)))) ;; Extend the the a-list with date, time and second-cound fields (all strings). In cgi-lib: Link from time-extend to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (time-extend a-list second-count) (let* ((td (date-time second-count)) (tm (cadr td)) (dt (car td)) (extended-a-list (cons (cons "date" dt) (cons (cons "time" tm) (cons (cons "second-count" (number->string second-count)) a-list))))) extended-a-list)) ;;; Other CGI functions. ;; Make the last part of an url - the part after the question mark. ;; The partial url is made from a list of keys and a list of values. They are expected to be of the same length. ;; Make and encode the keys and values in key-list and val-list, respectively. ;; Returns a string. In cgi-lib: Link from make-url-parameters to it's cross reference table entry 3.1. The preamble part
(define (make-url-parameters key-list val-list) (encode-a-list (map2 cons key-list val-list))) ;; Return a decoded URL input, as taken from the QUERY_STRING and decoded appropritely to an association list. ;; The optional parameter the-input is used in case of cgi-testing, namely as the encoded url parameter. ;; If not testing, the function is called without parameters. ;; In that case, the parameters are taken from an environment variable, QUERY_STRING. In cgi-lib: Link from extract-url-parameters to it's cross reference table entry 3.1. The preamble part
(define (extract-url-parameters . the-input) (map symbolize-key (if (not cgi-testing) (extract-attributes (cgi-url-input)) (extract-attributes (car the-input))))) In cgi-lib: Link from activity-url to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (activity-url cgi-program key-list val-list) (string-append activity-url-prefix cgi-program "?" (make-url-parameters key-list val-list))) ;; Return an URL from the parameters. ;; The URL includes URL parameters (the part which follows the question mark). ;; The two last parameters are passed into make-url-parameters after a question mark In cgi-lib: Link from make-url to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (make-url url-prefix cgi-program key-list val-list) ; a more general version of activity-url (string-append url-prefix cgi-program "?" (make-url-parameters key-list val-list))) In cgi-lib: Link from save-registrations to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (save-registrations a-list f g) ;; A special purpose function which saves the a-list in two files f and g. ;; The a-list is the registered data. Save this structure in file f, appart from ;; the contents field with key 'contributin' of a-list, which is to be saved in file g. ;; No file deletion nor directory updating is done in this function. (let ((contr (get 'contribution a-list)) (a-list-but-contents (filter (lambda (a) (not (eq? (car a) 'contribution))) a-list))) (save-a-list a-list-but-contents f) (write-text-file contr g) )) ;; Return a list of the file name components separated by underscore. ;; This function is useful in case we save various kinds of transactions on a ;; file whose name represents part of the file contents. The components of the ;; file name is separated by the underscore character. In cgi-lib: Link from split-file-name to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (split-file-name filename) (let ((split-points (split-point-list filename #\_))) (split-string filename split-points ))) In cgi-lib: Link from split-point-list to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (split-point-list str split-char) ; return a list of positions of the split-char as found in str. (let ((str-lgt (string-length str))) (let loop ((pos (- str-lgt 1)) (res '()) ) (cond ((and (= 0 pos) (eqv? (string-ref str pos) split-char)) (cons pos res)) ((= 0 pos) res) ((eqv? (string-ref str pos) split-char) (loop (- pos 1) (cons pos res))) (else (loop (- pos 1) res)))))) In cgi-lib: Link from split-string to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (split-string str split-list) ; str is splitted in components, separated by points in split-list ; return the list of components. (let ((split-list-1 (cons -1 (append split-list (list (string-length str)))))) (map2 (lambda(f t) (substring str (+ 1 f) t)) split-list-1 (cdr split-list-1)))) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Multipart input. ;; Extract form input from std input, and return the decoded data as an association list. ;; Assumes that the input is multipart/form-data, which is the encoding that provides for file uploading. ;; The parameter cur-time is used as part of the file name of uploaded files - in order to ensure unique naming. ;; The optional parameter must be supplied if testing. In that case input ;; is taken from the file instead of std input. The file is assumed to contain the raw textual contents. In cgi-lib: Link from extract-multipart-form-input to it's cross reference table entry 
(define (extract-multipart-form-input cur-time . testfile) (let ((input-port (if cgi-testing (open-input-file (car testfile)) (current-input-port)))) (set! ip input-port) ; defined in the library collect-skip (let ((res (multipart-decode cur-time))) (close-input-port input-port) res ))) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; (define opg #f) ; ; (define (do-load) ; (load "cgi.scm") ; (load "encode-decode.scm") ; (load "collect-skip.scm") ; (load "file-read.scm") ; (set! cgi-testing #t) ; (set! content_type-and-boundary (lambda () (cons "multipart/form-data" "-----------------------------7d03bb315033c"))) ; (set! collected-form-alist '()) ; (set! multiform-file-path #f) ; ; )