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Eksempel: Comparable 

abstract class Comparable {
  /** Return whether I am less than other? */
  abstract boolean lessThan(Comparable other);

  /** Return whether I am less than or equal to other? */
  boolean lessThanOrEqual (Comparable other){
    return (this.lessThan(other) || this.equals(other));

  /** Return whether I am greater than other? */
  boolean greaterThan (Comparable other){
    return (!this.lessThanOrEqual(other));

  /** Return whether I am greater than or equal to other? */
  boolean greaterThanOrEqual(Comparable other){
    return (!this.lessThan(other));

Det giver kun mening at sammenligne objekter som tilhører samme klasse

Dette er svært at udtrykke statisk i Java


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