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Forelæsningsnoter i Objekt-orienteret Programmering

Dynamisk binding
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Eksempel: Struktureret programmering
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A Conceptual Framework for Programming Languages: Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen og Kristine Stougaard Thomsen, Datalogisk Afdeling, Aarhus Universitet, PB-192, April 1985.
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Variant records: Koffman afsnit 12.6
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Eksempel: Objekt-orienteret programmering
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Metoden equals i klassen Object
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Klassen String
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Klassen StringBuffer
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Metoden equals og lighed af objekter
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Primitive datatyper
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Eksempel på en wrapper Class i Java API: Integer
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Om typerne int og double
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Creating objects
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Providing constructors for your classes
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Metoden finalize i klassen Object
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Cleaning up unused objects
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Cloning i Java
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Klassen Object
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Generelt om instantiering/initialisering
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Statisk vs. dynamisk instantiering
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Hele klassen Konto
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Blok begrebet
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Parameter mekanismer
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Returnering af værdi
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The Java Tutorial
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Dokumentation af lokale Java klasser
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Java 2 SDK Documentation
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The Java Language Specification
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Artikler fra Java Developer Connection
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Java Programming Language Basics, Part 1
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Java Programming Language Basics, Part 2
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Stream klasserne i Java
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Dokumentation af klassen Keyboard
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Dokumentation af klassen Console
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Dokumentation af klassen SimpleInput
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Variablen out i klassen System
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Oversigt over Java operatorer: Lewis and Loftus (2ed), appendix D, side 549
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Om break kommandoen
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Doug Lea's Java Coding Standard
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Klasser i forhold til records
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Arrays i Java
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Collections i Java
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Introduktion til Collections
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Strenge i Java
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Wrapper klassen Boolean i pakken java.lang
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Wrapper klassen Byte i pakken java.lang
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Wrapper klassen Character i pakken java.lang
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Wrapper klassen Double i pakken java.lang
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Wrapper klassen Float i pakken java.lang
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Wrapper klassen Integer i pakken java.lang
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Wrapper klassen Long i pakken java.lang
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Klassen BigInteger i pakken java.math
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Afsnit 3.3 i sprogspecifikationen om tegn
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Afsnit 3.10.6 i sprogspecifikationen om tegn
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Afsnit 3.10.2 i sprogspecifikationen om literal syntaks for float of double
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Klassen BigInteger
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Eksempel på anonym klasse: Adapters
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Eksempel på indre klasser: Linkable i LinkedList
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Implementing nested classes
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Inner classes
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Inner classes and other new Language features: Kapitel 5 af 'Java in a Nutshell' af David Flanagan fra O'Reilly
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Ansvarsfordeling mellem klasser
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Konstruktorer til initialisering af instansvariable
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Understanding Instance and Class Members
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Tidligere eksempel på klasevariable
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Metoden isDigit i klassen Character
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Klassen Class i pakken java.lang
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Pakken java.lang.reflect
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Den resulterende dokumentation
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Dokumentation af javadoc
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Eksempel på output produceret af javadoc
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Java Development Environment for Emacs (JDE)
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Oversigt over Java værktøj
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Dokumentation af javac
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Dokumentation af java
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Controlling access to members
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Java modifiers: Appendix F i Lewis and Loftus giver en god oversigt over Java modifiers
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Protectede egenskaber
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Information hiding
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Om opsætning af classpath (Lokal Java FAQ)
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Setting the class path (Solaris)
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How classes are found (detailed rules)
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Pakken java.lang
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Dokumentation af javac
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Creating and using packages
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Indlejrede klasser i Java
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Klassen Enumeration i pakken java.util
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Vores første version af klassen LinkedList
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Klassen Linkable
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Klassen Hashtable i pakken java.util
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Klassen Vector i pakken java.util
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Værdier i forhold til objekter
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Collections som erstatning af Vector
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Vores første møde med Java arrays
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Eksempel på literate WEB produceret program (postscript)
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Kontrollerbared under testabilitet
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Observerbarhed under testabilitet
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Om udbyttet af kontrakter i programudviklingsprocessen
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Testing Object-oriented Software - Life Cycle Solutions: Imran Bashir og Amrit L. Goel, Springer Verlag, 2000
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Testing Object-oriented Software - Life Cycle Solutions, kapitel 9.: Imran Bashir og Amrit L. Goel, Springer Verlag, 2000
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Software Engineering lærebog: Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering - a practioneer's approach, McGraw-Hill, 1992
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Artikel om testabilitet: Robert V. Binder, 'Design for testability', Communication of the ACM, vol 37 no 2, September 1994
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Fejl, defekter og undtagelser
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Illustration af statisk binding af variable
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Klassen Object i Java Core Library
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Controlling access to members
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Java modifiers: Appendix F i Lewis and Loftus (1ed og 2ed) giver en god oversigt over Java modifiers
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Om kæde-objekter fra lektionen om arrays og lister
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Klassen Linkable
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Vores første møde med Konto
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Protectede egenskaber
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Mere om objekter i forhold til nedarvning
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Intensionen af en klasse fra introduktions lektionen
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Sub- og superklasser
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Ekstension af en klasse fra introduktions lektionen
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Hierarkiet af bankkonto klasser fra introduktions lektionen
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Specialisering af begreber fra introduktions lektionen
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Interface Serializable i pakken
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Metoden writeObject i klassen ObjectOutputStream
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Metoden readObject i klassen ObjectInputStream
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Object serialization
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ObjectInputStream og ObjectOutputStream i kontekst
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Cloning af objekter
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Interface Cloneable i pakken java.lang
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Metoden clone i klassen Object
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Iteratorer fra lektionen om arrays og lister
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Interface Enumeration i java.util
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Interfacet Iterator i java.util
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Klassen Konto
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Trekant specialiseringshierarkiet som del af Figur hierarkiet
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Specialiseringer af Konto
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Specialiseringer af Konto
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Eiffel hjemmeside
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Mini artikel om kontrakter og assertions
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Jass - Java with assertions
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Klassen Stack
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Pre- og postbetingelser i cirkulær liste
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Om definition af metoder i klasser fra tidligere lektion
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Oversigt over break, continue og return i Java
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Den statiske metode parseInt i klassen Integer
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Metoden substring i klassen String
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Klassen RuntimeException i java.lang
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Klassen IOException i
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Klassen Throwable i java.lang
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Klassen Error i java.lang
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Java's exception hierarki som en del af klassehierarkiet i java.lang
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Java's samlede klassehierarki
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Det overansvarlige program
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Første møde med kopieringsprogrammet
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Java tutorial: Handling Errors with Exceptions
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Læsning og skrivning af objekt netværk
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Object serialisering
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Klassen FileReader i pakken
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Klassen FileWriter i pakken
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Klassen File i pakken
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Eksemplet i The Java Tutorial
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Streams i Java Tutorial
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Klassen InputStream i pakken
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Klassen OutputStream i pakken
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Klassen Reader i pakken
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Klassen Writer i pakken
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Interfacet Comparable i pakken java.lang
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Interfacet Comparator i pakken java.util
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Sorterings metode der benytter en Comparator
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Operationen binarySearch i klassen Collections
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Klassen Collections i pakken java.util
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Klassen Arrays i pakken java.util
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Interfacet List i pakken java.util
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Klassen ArrayList i pakken java.util
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Klassen LinkedList i pakken java.util
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Interfacet Iterator i pakken java.util
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Klassen Enumeration i pakken java.util
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Klassen HashMap i pakken java.util
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Klassen TreeMap i pakken java.util
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Klasser som implementerer Collection
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Associative arrays
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Interfacet Map i pakken java.util
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Interfacet Map
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Eksempel på brug af klassen Vector
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Klassen ArrayList i pakken java.util
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Klassen LinkedList i pakken java.util
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Klasser som implementerer Collection
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Klassen Vector i pakken java.util
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Interfacet List i pakken java.util
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Interfacet List i pakken java.util
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Interfacet List
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Metoden add i Interfacet Set
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Klassen HashSet i pakken java.util
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Klassen TreeSet i pakken java.util
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Klasser som implementerer Collection
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Interfacet Set i pakken java.util
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Interfacet Set i pakken java.util
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Interfacet Set
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Interfacet Collection i pakken java.util
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Interfacet Collection
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Collection Interfaces
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Interface begrebet
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Arrays i Java
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Klassen Vector
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Klassen BorderLayout i java.awt
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Klassen FlowLayout i java.awt
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Klassen GridLayout i java.awt
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Klassen CardLayout i java.awt
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Klassen GridBagLayout i java.awt
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Farveblander eksemplet
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How to use BoxLayout
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Laying out components
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Creating a custom layout manager
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Doing without layout managers
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Klassen Observable
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Interfacet Observer
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Observer design mønstret
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Komponent specialiseringshierarkiet
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Menuer i The Java Tutorial
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Klassen Menu i pakken java.awt
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Klassen MenuItem i pakken java.awt
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Klassen MenuBar i pakken java.awt
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Klassen PopupMenu i pakken java.awt
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Farveblander eksemplet
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Klassen Canvas i pakken java.awt
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Farveblander eksemplet
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Klassen Scrollbar i pakken java.awt
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Klassificeringen af komponenter (tidligere side i denne lektion)
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Farveblander eksemplet
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Klassen Panel i pakken java.awt
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Klassen Component i pakken java.awt
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Composite design pattern
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Klassen Applet i pakken java.Applet
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Interfacet ActionListener
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Ovenstående HTML side
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DivMod eksemplet
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Farveblander eksemplet
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Klassen Applet i pakken java.Applet
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Writing Applets
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The Java Tutorial om brugergrænseflader (AWT)
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The Java Tutorial om brugergrænseflader (Swing)
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Klassen Component i pakken java.awt
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Klassen Color i pakken java.awt
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Klassen Graphics i pakken java.awt
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Klassen Component i pakken java.awt
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Metoden getLocation i Component
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Metoden getSize i Component
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Farveblander eksemplet
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Overview of custom painting
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Klassen Graphics i pakken java.awt
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Klassen Graphics i pakken java.awt
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Interfacet WindowListener i pakken java.awt
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Klassen WindowAdapter i pakken java.awt
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Om nestede klasser fra The Java Tutorial
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Farveblander eksemplet
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Oversigt over indlejring klasser i klasser
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Farveblander eksemplet
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Interfacet ActionListener i pakken java.awt.event
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Interfacet AdjustmentListener i pakken java.awt.event
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Events and eventhandling i Swing
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How to use tables
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How to use trees
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How to use file choosers
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Swing's text components
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How to use Color Choosers
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Brining up a Popup Menu
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The Java tutorial om menu eksemplet
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Menuer i AWT
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Hele JComponent hierarkiet
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How to use menus
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Farveblander applet Applet
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Div Mod calculator Applet
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How to convert from AWT to Swing
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Using Top-level containers
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How to use root panes
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Metoden setMenuBar i Jcomponent
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Tilsvarende specialiseringshierarki i AWT
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Visual Component index
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Komponenter i AWT
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Klassen javax.Swing.JComponent
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Hvordan man sætter user interface manageren
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How to set the look and feel
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Farveblander eksemplet (ændring af look and feel)
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Oversigt over AWT komponenter
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Klassen ThreadGroup i pakken java.lang
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Tråd tilstande og levende tråd
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Klassen Object i pakken java.lang
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Metoden wait i klassen Object
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Metoden notify i klassen Object
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Tråd tilstande
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Producer Consumer eksemplet fra The Java Tutorial
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Beskrivelse af monitorer i klassen Object
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Klassen SynchronizedKonto fra denne lektion
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Klassen Konto
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Singulært definerede klasser
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Klassen Konto
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Metoden getPriority i klassen Thread
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Metoden setPriority i klassen Thread
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Threads and Swing
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Metoden isAlive i klassen Thread
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Klassen Thread i pakken java.lang
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Klassen Thread i pakken java.lang
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Interfacet Runnable i pakken java.lang
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Klassen Thread i pakken java.lang
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Interfacet Runnable i pakken java.lang
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The Java Tutorial: 'Doing Two or More Tasks at Once: Threads'
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Anvendelse af adapter klasse i event listeners
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Klassen WindowAdapter i pakken java.awt.event
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Observer ideen fra lektionen om grafiske brugergrænseflader
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Klassen Observable i klassen java.util
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Klassen Observer i klassen java.util
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Eksempel på brug af stream filtre
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Klassehierarkierne for InputStream og OutputStream
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Klassen FilterInputStream i pakken
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Om event listeners
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Add an undo/redo function to your Java apps with Swing (JavaWorld artikel)
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Klassen AbstractUndoableEdit i pakken java.swing.undo
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Klassehierarkiet med rod i Component
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Eksempel på komponenthierarki
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Klassen Component i pakken java.awt
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Klassen Container i pakken java.awt
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Wait notify idiom
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Brad Appleton: 'Patterns and Software: Essential Concepts and Terminology'
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Bog om design patterns: 'Design Patterns - Elements of reusable object-oriented software' af Gamma, Helm, Johnson og Vlissides, Addison Wesley, 1995
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Iterators and enumerations
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