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Program 5
(define (return x) (tag 'done x))                 
(define (bounce thunk) (tag 'doing thunk))   
(define (call thunk) (thunk))    
(define (tag label thing) (cons label thing))
(define tag-of car)
(define tag-value cdr)

(define (pogo-stick thread)                                  
  (cond ((eqv? 'done (tag-of thread))                      
          (tag-value thread))                                
        ((eqv? 'doing (tag-of thread))                     
          (pogo-stick (call (tag-value thread))))))          

(define (seesaw thread-1 thread-2)                           
  (cond ((eqv? 'done (tag-of thread-1))                      
          (tag-value thread-1))
        ((eqv? 'doing (tag-of thread-1))
          (seesaw thread-2 (call (tag-value thread-1))))))

(define (trampoline thread-queue)                            
  (let ((head (car thread-queue)))
   (cond ((eqv? 'done (tag-of head)) (tag-value head))
         ((eqv? 'doing (tag-of head)) 
                   (cdr thread-queue)
                   (list (call (tag-value head)))))))))

(define (fact-iter n acc)
  (if (zero? n)
      (return acc)
        (lambda ()
            (- n 1)
            (* acc n))))))

(define (mem? n lst)
  (cond ((null? lst) (return #f))
        ((= (car lst ) n) (return #t))
        (else (bounce
                (lambda ()
                  (mem? n (cdr lst)))))))

(define (fib n)
  (fib-iter n 0 0 1))

(define (fib-iter n i small large)
  (if (< i n)
        (lambda () 
          (fib-iter n (+ i 1) large (+ large small))))
      (return small)))

;  > (seesaw (fact-iter 5 1) (fib 8))
;  120
;  > (seesaw (fact-iter -1 1) (fib 8))
;  21
;  > (trampoline (list (fact-iter -1 1) (mem? 5 (list 2 8 9 1 3 4  3 5 )) (fib 8)))
;  #t
Stepwise execute the thread until a done value is encountered.
The value of a 'done thread' is returned.
The value of 'doing thread' is evaluated, and the calculation continues.
Interleaved execution of the two threads
The result of calling seesaw is the value of 'the fastest' thread.
A generalization of seesaw to a list/queue of threads.