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Program 3
(define (return x) (tag 'done x))                 
(define (bounce thunk) (tag 'doing thunk))        
(define (tag label thing) (cons label thing))     

(define (fact-iter n acc)
  (if (zero? n)
      (return acc)
        (lambda ()
            (- n 1)
            (* acc n))))))

(define (mem? n lst)
  (cond ((null? lst) (return #f))
        ((= (car lst ) n) (return #t))
        (else (bounce
                (lambda ()
                  (mem? n (cdr lst)))))))

(define (fib n)
  (fib-iter n 0 0 1))

(define (fib-iter n i small large)
  (if (< i n)
        (lambda () 
          (fib-iter n (+ i 1) large (+ large small))))
      (return small)))

;  > (fib 8)
;  (doing . #<procedure:STDIN::11935>)
;  > (fact-iter 7 1)
;  (doing . #<procedure:STDIN::11560>)
;  > (mem? 5 (list 1 2 3 4 5 6))
;  (doing . #<procedure:STDIN::11771>)
x is tagged with the symbol done
thunk is tagged with symbol doing. Notice: thunk is NOT called!
The tagging function