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Programming Paradigms
Simulation of other Paradigms and Continuations
Assignments in Functional Programs

General use of assignment is hard to simulate in a functional program

Assignment for name binding purposes - single assignment - can be handled by name bindings in lambda expressions


Functional - Scheme

void solveQuadraticEquation
             (double a, double b, double c){
  double discriminant, root1, root2;

  discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c;

  if (discriminant < 0)
    printf("No roots\n");
  else if (discriminant == 0){
    root1 = -b/(2*a);
    printf("One root: %f\n", root1);
  else {
    root1 = (-b + sqrt(discriminant))/(2*a);
    root2 = (-b - sqrt(discriminant))/(2*a);
    printf("Two roots: %f and %f\n", 
            root1, root2);
(define (solveQuadraticEquation a b c)
  (let ((discriminant (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))))
    (cond ((< discriminant 0)
          ((= discriminant 0)
             (let ((root1 (/ (- b) (* 2 a))))
               (list root1)))
             (let ((root1 (/ (+ (- b) (sqrt discriminant))
                              (* 2 a)))
                   (root2 (/ (- (- b) (sqrt discriminant))
                              (* 2 a))))
               (list root1 root2))))))
void solveQuadraticEquation
             (double a, double b, double c){
  double discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c;

  if (discriminant < 0)
    printf("No roots\n");
  else if (discriminant == 0){
    double root1 = -b/(2*a);
    printf("One root: %f\n", root1);
  else {
    double root1 = (-b + sqrt(discriminant))/(2*a);
    double root2 = (-b - sqrt(discriminant))/(2*a);
    printf("Two roots: %f and %f\n", 
            root1, root2);

We illustrate the handling of single assignments (first row)