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Exercise 3.9
Can you read and understand an expression with call/cc? **

Take a look at this expression:

(let ((x 1)
      (y 2)
      (z 3)
      (v 5))
  (cons x 
        (call/cc (lambda (e) 
                   (cons y  
                         (cons z 
                              (if (even? v) v (e (+ v 1)))))))))

What is the value of the expression? [Needless to say: Figure it out without just putting it into your Scheme REPL.]

Play with it - and try out possible variations.

The same for:

(let ((x 1)
      (y 2)
      (z 3)
      (v 5))
  (+ x 
       (lambda (e) 
         (+ y 
            (+ z
               (if (even? v) v (e (+ v 1)))))))))

There is no solution to this exercise