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Program 1

using System;

public class OperatorsOrNot {

 public static int With (int a, int b, int c, int m){
   return (a % m + b % m + c % m) / 3;

 public static int Without (int a, int b, int c, int m){
         MyInt.Plus(MyInt.Remainder(a,m), MyInt.Remainder(b,m)),

// Without class qualification:
//   Quotient(
//     Plus(
//       Plus(Remainder(a,m), Remainder(b,m)),
//       Remainder(c,m)),
//     3);

// In some languages, such as Lisp.
// Alternative in languages with more liberal rules for identifiers:
//   (/ (+ (% a m) (% b m) (% c m)) 3) 

 public static void Main(){

   Console.WriteLine(With(18,19,25, 7));
   Console.WriteLine(Without(18,19,25, 7));
