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Program 1
using System;

public delegate void Message(string txt);  

public class Messenger{
  private string sender;
  private Message message;  

  public Messenger(string sender){  
   this.sender = sender;
   message = null;

  public Messenger(string sender, Message aMessage){  
   this.sender = sender;
   message = aMessage;

  public void InstallMessage(Message mes){  
   this.message += mes;                     

  public void UnInstallMessage(Message mes){  
   this.message -= mes;                       

  public void DoSend(){                       
   message("Message from " + sender);         
The delegate Message. A type.
The encapsulated delegate.
A constructor
Another constructor
A method that inserts a message (a method) 
in the encapsulated delegate.
A method that removes a message (a method) 
from the encapsulated delegate.
A method that activates all the methods in
the delegate.