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Source Programs
Operators, Delegates, and Events

The Note Context in the rightmost column is only shown in case an annotated program exists. - You can navigate to the annotated program via the annotated slide view (= 'the note context').

Comparison of operator notation and function notation.a.csSlide contextText book context-
The class MyInt.MyInt.csSlide contextText book context-
The struct Interval.Interval-without-indexer.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
A client program of struct Interval.app.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
The class PlayingCard with relational operators.PlayingCard.csSlide contextText book context-
A Delegate of simple numeric functions.Application.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
The static method Compose in class Application.Application.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
A Messenger class and a Message delegate.Messenger.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
A very simple class A with an instance method MethodA.a.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
An Application class which accesses an instance method in class A.application.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
Install and UnInstall message methods in the Messenger class.Messenger.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
A simple class A.a.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
An Application class.application.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
Five equivalent functions - from anonymous method expressions to lambda expressions.lambda-demo-with-arrays.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
The die class with history and dieNotifier.die.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
A client of die that reports 'two sixes in a row' via an event.dieApp.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
Possible program output of the die application (abbreviated).sample-outputSlide contextText book context-
A window with two buttons and a textbox.ButtonDemo.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
Template of the Subject class.subject-only.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
A templates of the Observer class.observer-only.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
Application of the Subject and Observer classes.client.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
A WeatherCenter (subject) and TemperatureWatcher (observer).observer.csSlide context--
Application of the WeatherCenter and TemperatureWatcher.client.csSlide context--
Template of the Subject class.subject-only.csSlide contextText book context-
Template of the Observer class.observer-only.csSlide contextText book context-
Application of the Subject and Observer classes.client.csSlide contextText book contextNote context
Application of the two different Watchers.client.csSlide context--
A WeatherCenter (subject) and Temperature/Rain Watchers (observer) with events.observer.csSlide context--

Generated: Monday February 7, 2011, 12:15:47