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Exercise 8.4
A specialization of Stack

On the slide to which this exercise belongs, we have shown an abstract class Stack.

It is noteworthy that the abstract Stack is programmed without any instance variables (that is, without any data representation of the stack). Notice also that we have been able to program a single non-abstract method ToggleTop, which uses the abstract methods Top, Pop, and Push.

Make a non-abstract specialization of Stack, and decide on a reasonable data representation of the stack.

In this exercise it is OK to ignore exception/error handling. You can, for instance, assume that the capacity of the stack is unlimited; That popping an empty stack an empty stack does nothing; And that the top of an empty stack returns the string "Not Possible". In a later lecture we will revisit this exercise in order to introduce exception handling. Exception handling is relevant when we work on full or empty stacks.

Write a client of your stack class, and demonstrate the use of the inherited method ToggleTop. If you want, you can also adapt my stack client class .
