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Program 1
using System;

public class BoxingTest{
  public static void Main(){
    int i = 15, j, k;
    bool b = false, c, d;
    Object obj1 = i,   // boxing of the value of i
           obj2 = b;   // boxing of the value of b
    j = (int) obj1;    // unboxing obj1
    c = (bool) obj2;   // unboxing obj2

//  k = i + obj1;    // Compilation error
//  d = b && obj2;   // Compilation error

    k = i + (int)obj1;    
    d = b && (bool)obj2;  
    Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}",
                      i, obj1, b, obj2, j, c, k, d);
