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Exercise solution:
A variant of the file copy program

Here is a solution:

using System;
using System.IO;

public class CopyApp {

  public static void Main(string[] args) {
  public static void FileCopy(string fromFile){
          using (Stream fromStream = new FileStream(fromFile, FileMode.Open))
              long strmLgt = fromStream.Length;
              byte[] strmContent = new byte[strmLgt];          // A byte array large enough to 
                                                               // hold the fromFile.

              int totalBytesRead = 0,
                  n = 0;

              const int chuckSize = 100; 

                bytesRead = fromStream.Read(strmContent, totalBytesRead, Math.Min(chuckSize, (int)strmLgt - totalBytesRead));   
                totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
              } while (totalBytesRead < strmLgt && bytesRead > 0);

              foreach(byte bt in strmContent) Console.Write((char)bt);

              Console.WriteLine("Number of calls to Read: {0}", n);
      catch (FileNotFoundException e)
          Console.WriteLine("File {0} not found: ", e.FileName);
      catch (Exception)
          Console.WriteLine("Other file copy exception");


In the solution above we allocate a byte array, which is large enough to hold the entire fromFile. In the do-while loop we repeatedly read chunks of chunkSize (100) bytes. After outputting the bytes in strmContent to standard output we report the number of calls to Read.