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Program 3

using System;
using System.Globalization;

class NumberDemo{

  public static void Main(){
    sbyte        sb1 = sbyte.MinValue;       // Signed 8 bit integer
    System.SByte sb2 = System.SByte.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine("sbyte: {0} : {1}", sb1, sb2);

    byte        b1 = byte.MinValue;          // Unsigned 8 bit integer
    System.Byte b2 = System.Byte.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine("byte: {0} : {1}", b1, b2);

    short        s1 = short.MinValue;        // Signed 16 bit integer
    System.Int16 s2 = System.Int16.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine("short: {0} : {1}", s1, s2);

    ushort         us1 = ushort.MinValue;    // Unsigned 16 bit integer
    System.UInt16  us2= System.UInt16.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine("ushort: {0} : {1}", us1, us2);

    int          i1 = int.MinValue;          // Signed 32 bit integer
    System.Int32 i2 = System.Int32.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine("int: {0} : {1}", i1, i2);

    uint           ui1 = uint.MinValue;      // Unsigned 32 bit integer
    System.UInt32  ui2= System.UInt32.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine("uint: {0} : {1}", ui1, ui2);

    long         l1 = long.MinValue;         // Signed 64 bit integer
    System.Int64 l2 = System.Int64.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine("long: {0} : {1}", l1, l2);

    ulong           ul1 = ulong.MinValue;    // Unsigned 64 bit integer
    System.UInt64   ul2= System.UInt64.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine("ulong: {0} : {1}", ul1, ul2);

    float           f1 = float.MinValue;     // 32 bit floating-point
    System.Single   f2= System.Single.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine("float: {0} : {1}", f1, f2);

    double          d1 = double.MinValue;    // 64 bit floating-point
    System.Double   d2= System.Double.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine("double: {0} : {1}", d1, d2);

    decimal         dm1 = decimal.MinValue;  // 128 bit fixed-point
    System.Decimal  dm2= System.Decimal.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine("decimal: {0} : {1}", dm1, dm2);

    string s = sb1.ToString(),
           t = 123.ToString();

