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Program 1

using System;

class ArrayStringDemo{

  public static void Main(){
     string[]  a1,                          
               a2 = {"a", "bb", "ccc"};     

     a1 = new string[]{"ccc", "bb", "a"};   

     int[,]    b1 = new int[2,4],           
               b2 = {{1,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8}}; 

     double[][] c1 = { new double[]{1.1, 2.2},               
                       new double[]{3.3, 4.4, 5.5, 6.6} };

     Console.WriteLine("Array lengths. a1:{0} b2:{1} c1:{2}",    
                        a1.Length, b2.Length, c1.Length);        


     Array.Resize<string>(ref a2,10);                           
     Console.WriteLine("Lenght of a2: {0}", a2.Length);         

     Console.WriteLine("Sorting a1:");                          
     foreach(string str in a1) Console.WriteLine(str);          
