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Program 3
using System;

class ExceptionDemo{

  public static void Main(){
    int[] table = new int[6]{10,11,12,13,14,15};
    int idx = 6;

      M(table, idx);                            
    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException){           
      M(table, AdjustIndex(idx,0,5));           

  public static void M(int[] table, int idx){
    Console.WriteLine("M(table,{0})", idx);

  public static void N(int[] table, int idx){
    Console.WriteLine("N(table,{0})", idx);

  public static void P(int[] table, int idx){            
    Console.WriteLine("P(table,{0})", idx);              
    Console.WriteLine("Accessing element {0}: {1}",      
                       idx, table[idx]);

  public static int AdjustIndex(int i, int low, int high){   
    int res;
    if (i < low)
      res = low;
    else if (i > high)
      res = high;
    else res = i;

    return res;
Main calls M.
The handling of the error.
Retrying the call of M.
M calls N.
N calls P.
In P the error occurs.
The error object is propagated 
back to Main.
The usual method.