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Program 1
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class LinkedListDemo{

  public static void Main(){

     LinkedList<int> lst = new LinkedList<int>(
                                new int[]{5, 3, 2, 7, -4, 0});

     ReportList("Initial LinkedList", lst);

     // Using Add.
     // Compile-time error: 'LinkedList<int>' does not contain a 
     //                                      definition for 'Add'
     // lst.Add(17);
     // ReportList("lst.Add(17);" lst);

     // Add is implemented as an explicit interface implementation
     ReportList("((ICollection<int>)lst).Add(17);", lst);

     // Using AddFirst and AddLast
     ReportList("lst.AddFirst(-88); lst.AddFirst(88);", lst);

     // Using Remove.
     ReportList("lst.Remove(17);", lst);

     // Using RemoveFirst and RemoveLast
     lst.RemoveFirst(); lst.RemoveLast(); 
     ReportList("lst.RemoveFirst(); lst.RemoveLast();", lst);

     // Using Clear
     ReportList("lst.Clear();", lst);


  public static void ReportList<T>(string explanation, LinkedList<T> list){
    foreach(T el in list)
      Console.Write("{0, 4}", el);
    Console.WriteLine();  Console.WriteLine();
