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Program 3
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class DictionaryDemo{

  public static void Main(){

    IDictionary<Person, BankAccount> bankMap =                       
      new Dictionary<Person,BankAccount>(new PersonComparer());      

    // Make bank accounts and person objects
    BankAccount ba1 =  new BankAccount(0.01),  
                ba2 =  new BankAccount(0.02),  
                ba3 =  new BankAccount(0.03),
                ba4 =  new BankAccount(0.04);

    Person p1 = new Person("Kurt"),  
           p2 = new Person("Maria"),
           p3 = new Person("Francoi");

    ba1.Deposit(100); ba2.Deposit(200); ba3.Deposit(300);   
    // Populate the bankMap: 
    bankMap.Add(p1, ba1);                                   
    bankMap.Add(p2, ba2);                                   
    bankMap.Add(p3, ba3);                                   
    ReportDictionary("Initial map", bankMap);

    // Print Kurt's entry in the map:
    Console.WriteLine("{0}\n", bankMap[p1]);                

    // Mutate Kurt's entry in the map
    bankMap[p1] = ba4;                                      
    ReportDictionary("bankMap[p1] = ba4;", bankMap);

    // Mutate Maria's entry in the map. PersonComparer crucial!
    bankMap[new Person("Maria")] = ba4;                     
    ReportDictionary("ba4.Deposit(400);  bankMap[new Person(\"Maria\")] = ba4;", bankMap);

    // Add p3 yet another time to the map
    // Run-time error: An item with the same key has already been added.
/*  bankMap.Add(p3, ba1);
    ReportDictionary("bankMap.Add(p3, ba1);", bankMap); 

    // Try getting values of some given keys
    BankAccount ba1Res = null,
                ba2Res = null;
    bool res1 = false,
         res2 = false;
    res1 = bankMap.TryGetValue(p2, out ba1Res);                        
    res2 = bankMap.TryGetValue(new Person("Anders"), out ba2Res);          
    Console.WriteLine("Account: {0}. Boolean result {1}", ba1Res, res1);   
    Console.WriteLine("Account: {0}. Boolean result {1}", ba2Res, res2);   

    // Remove an entry from the map
    ReportDictionary("bankMap.Remove(p1);", bankMap);

    // Remove another entry - works because of PersonComparer
    bankMap.Remove(new Person("Francoi"));                                   
    ReportDictionary("bankMap.Remove(new Person(\"Francoi\"));", bankMap);   

  public static void ReportDictionary<K, V>(string explanation,              
                                            IDictionary<K,V> dict){          
    foreach(KeyValuePair<K,V> kvp in dict)
      Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

public class PersonComparer: IEqualityComparer<Person>{                      

  public bool Equals(Person p1, Person p2){   
    return (p1.Name == p2.Name);                                             

  public int GetHashCode(Person p){
    return p.Name.GetHashCode();
The empty bankMap that maps
a person to his/her bank account.
Four new BankAccount objects,
without owner fields.
Three new Person objects.
Some sample operations on
some bank accounts.
ba1 becomes the bank account of p1.
ba2 becomes the bank account of p2.
ba3 becomes the bank account of p3.
Access p1's bank account.
Change the bank account of p1.
Change Maria's bank account to ba4.
Try get the bank account of p2     
Try get Ander's bank account.
res2 is false, because Anders has 
no bank account associated.
Remove p1 and its bank account.
Remove Francoi and his bank acccount
from bankMap.
A method that reveals the contents
of the dictionary.
Two persons are equal of their
names (strings) are equal.