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Exercise 3.2

Write a very simple Yahtzee program based on the Die class. Yahtzee is played by use of five dice that are tossed simultaneously. The players are supposed to fill out a table of results. The table should allow registration of ones, ..., sixes, three-of-a-kind, four-of-a-kind, full-house, small-straight, large-straight, yahtzee, and chance. See wikipedia for more details and inspiration.

Be sure to use the version of the Die class that shares the Random class with the other dice. This version of the Die class is produced in another exercise in this lecture.

This program is for a single player, who tosses the five dice repeatedly. Each time the five dice are tossed a table cell is filled. No re-tossing is done with less than five dice. The first category that fits a given toss is filled. (Try yahtzee first, Chance last). Keep it simple!

You may consider to write a YahtzeeTable class which represents the single user table used to register the state of the game. Consider the interface and operations of this class.

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