Objekt-orienteret Programmering
NUNIT and Visual Studio/Visual Studio C# Express

The following is Kostas Tzoumas' description of use of NUNIT together with Visual Studio and C# Express. Updated October 2008 by Kurt Nørmark.

   This describes how to run NUnit together with Visual Studio or Visual C#
   Express and solve an annoying bug. The following have worked under Visual
   Studio 2005, Visual C# Express 2005 and NUnit 2.4.3 under Windows XP.
   In 2008 it has been tested with Visual C# Express 2008 and NUnit 2.4.8.

   ** Visual Studio 2005/2008 or Visual C# Express:

   -You have to create a project which is either a Class Library or a Console

     File -> New Project -> ...

   - Add your classes by Project -> Add Class. We assume that you have a
   class to be tested and a class with the tests (which is using
   NUnit.Framework). None of them should have a Main method

   - Add a reference to nunit.framework by Project -> Add reference and
   select nunit.framework in the window that appears. References are added in the
   Solution Explorer pane.

   -  ONLY IF your project is a Console Application add a Main method that
   does nothing (static void Main (string [] args) {} ) in the class which
   contains the tests!

   - Build. This should succeed

   ** In NUnit:

   I assume that your project is under My Documents\Visual Studio
   2005\Projects\Project1 and is named Project1

   Tools -> Options... and check the "Enable Visual Studio support" in the
   window which appears. You find the check box in IDE Suppoort > Visual Studio.

   File -> Open Project and go to My Documents\Visual Studio

   - ONLY IF you are using Visual Studio click on the Project1.sln
   file. Clicking a .dll or .exe file WON'T WORK

   - ONLY IF you are using Visual C# Express click the .dll or .exe
   file of the test class.

      - You find this file in the bin directory, either in Debug or Release.

      - It is important that you open the dll or exe file which represents 
        the test class.


Thank you to Kostas for this insight!

Kurt Nørmark

Genereret: Mandag 27. Juli 2009, 12:03:05
Programmeret af Kurt Nørmark med brug af LAML teknologi
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