Generated: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 08:16:39 Copyright © 2008 , Kurt Nørmark The local LAML software home page

Reference Manual of the Midi 1.0 mirror

Kurt Nørmark © Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark.

This is a manual of the Midi mirror, as derived (partially) from the official MIDI 1.0 XML DTD.

Alphabetic index:
ActiveSensing A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
AllNotesOff A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
AllSoundOff A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
CasmSection A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
ChannelKeyPressure A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
Continue A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
ControlChange A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
ControlChange14 A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
EndingA A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
EndingB A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
EndingC A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
FillInAA A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
FillInAB A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
FillInBA A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
FillInBB A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
FillInCC A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
FillInDD A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
IntroA A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
IntroB A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
IntroC A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
LocalControl A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
MTCQuarterFrame A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
MainA A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
MainB A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
MainC A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
MainD A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
Meta A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
MidiHeader A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
MidiSection A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
MidiTrack A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
MonoMode A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
NRPNChange A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
NonMidiSuffix A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
NoteOff A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
NoteOn A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
OmniOff A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
OmniOn A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
PitchBendChange A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
PolyKeyPressure A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
PolyMode A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
ProgramChange A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
RPNChange A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
ResetAllControllers A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
SongPositionPointer A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
SongSelect A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
StandardMidiFile A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
Start A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
Stop A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
StyleId A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
StyleInit A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
StyleSetup A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
SysEx A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
TimingClock A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
TuneRequest A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
TyrosMultiPad A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
TyrosStyle A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
chord-mute A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
cntt A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
cseg A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
ctab A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
note-mute A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
sdec A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( ( MidiHeader , MidiTrack + ) , NonMidiSuffix ? )

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( MidiTrack + )
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
mode * ( deltaTime | absTime ) -
image CDATA -
extension CDATA -
name-1 * CDATA -
repeat-1 ( true | false ) -
chord-match-1 ( true | false ) -
image-1 CDATA -
name-2 * CDATA -
repeat-2 ( true | false ) -
chord-match-2 ( true | false ) -
image-2 CDATA -
name-3 * CDATA -
repeat-3 ( true | false ) -
chord-match-3 ( true | false ) -
image-3 CDATA -
name-4 * CDATA -
repeat-4 ( true | false ) -
chord-match-4 ( true | false ) -
image-4 CDATA -
play-only NMTOKEN -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( MidiSection , CasmSection , NonMidiSuffix ? )
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
mode * ( deltaTime | absTime ) -
image CDATA -
pulsesPerQuarterNote * NMTOKEN -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA)
See also enclosing elements StandardMidiFile TyrosStyle

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
format * ( 0 | 1 | 2 ) -
target-format ( 0 | 1 ) -
numberOfTracks * NMTOKEN -
pulsesPerQuarterNote * NMTOKEN -
target-pulsesPerQuarterNote NMTOKEN -
mode * ( raw | deltaTime | absTime ) -
counterTransposition NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing element StandardMidiFile

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
play-only ( true | false ) -
See also enclosing elements StandardMidiFile TyrosMultiPad

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
note * NMTOKEN -
velocity * NMTOKEN -
duration NMTOKEN -
chord CDATA -
strum-length NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
note * NMTOKEN -
velocity * NMTOKEN -
duration NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
note * NMTOKEN -
pressure * NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
control * NMTOKEN -
value * NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
number * NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
pressure * NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
value * NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
value * ( off | on ) -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
value * NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
control * NMTOKEN -
value * NMTOKEN -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
rpn * NMTOKEN -
value * NMTOKEN -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
value * NMTOKEN -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA)
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
value * NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
position * NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
number * NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA)
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deltaTime NMTOKEN -
absTime NMTOKEN -
info CDATA -
type * NMTOKEN -
See also enclosing elements MidiTrack StyleInit StyleId StyleSetup IntroA IntroB IntroC MainA MainB MainC MainD EndingA EndingB EndingC FillInAA FillInBB FillInCC FillInDD FillInBA FillInAB

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( StyleInit , StyleId , StyleSetup , ( IntroA | IntroB | IntroC | MainA | MainB | MainC | MainD | EndingA | EndingB | EndingC | FillInAA | FillInBB | FillInCC | FillInDD | FillInBA | FillInAB ) + )
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element TyrosStyle

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( NoteOn | NoteOff | PolyKeyPressure | ControlChange | ProgramChange | ChannelKeyPressure | PitchBendChange | AllSoundOff | ResetAllControllers | LocalControl | AllNotesOff | OmniOff | OmniOn | MonoMode | PolyMode | SysEx | MTCQuarterFrame | SongPositionPointer | SongSelect | TuneRequest | TimingClock | Start | Continue | Stop | ActiveSensing | Meta ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
deleteChannels CDATA -
limitQN * CDATA -
addMidiPart1 CDATA -
addMidiPart2 CDATA -
addMidiPart3 CDATA -
addMidiPart4 CDATA -
addMidiPart5 CDATA -
addMidiPart6 CDATA -
addMidiPart7 CDATA -
addMidiPart8 CDATA -
addMidiPart9 CDATA -
addMidiPart10 CDATA -
addMidiPart11 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart12 CDATA -
addMidiPart14 CDATA -
addMidiPart15 CDATA -
addMidiPart16 CDATA -
addAsChannel1 CDATA -
addAsChannel2 CDATA -
addAsChannel3 CDATA -
addAsChannel4 CDATA -
addAsChannel5 CDATA -
addAsChannel6 CDATA -
addAsChannel7 CDATA -
addAsChannel8 CDATA -
addAsChannel9 CDATA -
addAsChannel10 CDATA -
addAsChannel11 CDATA -
addAsChannel12 CDATA -
addAsChannel13 CDATA -
addAsChannel14 CDATA -
addAsChannel15 CDATA -
addAsChannel16 CDATA -
repetitions1 CDATA -
repetitions2 CDATA -
repetitions3 CDATA -
repetitions4 CDATA -
repetitions5 CDATA -
repetitions6 CDATA -
repetitions7 CDATA -
repetitions8 CDATA -
repetitions9 CDATA -
repetitions10 CDATA -
repetitions11 CDATA -
repetitions12 CDATA -
repetitions13 CDATA -
repetitions14 CDATA -
repetitions15 CDATA -
repetitions16 CDATA -
partLengthQN1 CDATA -
partLengthQN2 CDATA -
partLengthQN3 CDATA -
partLengthQN4 CDATA -
partLengthQN5 CDATA -
partLengthQN6 CDATA -
partLengthQN7 CDATA -
partLengthQN8 CDATA -
partLengthQN9 CDATA -
partLengthQN10 CDATA -
partLengthQN11 CDATA -
partLengthQN12 CDATA -
partLengthQN13 CDATA -
partLengthQN14 CDATA -
partLengthQN15 CDATA -
partLengthQN16 CDATA -
See also enclosing element MidiSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( cseg ) *
See also enclosing element TyrosStyle

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( sdec , ctab * , cntt * )
See also enclosing element CasmSection

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA)
See also enclosing element cseg

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model ( note-mute , chord-mute )
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
source-channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
name * CDATA -
destination-channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
editable ( true | false ) -
source-chord-key * ( C | CS | D | Eb | E | F | FS | G | GS | A | Bb | B ) -
autostart-enable * ( true | false ) -
source-chord-type * ( maj | maj6 | maj7 | maj7s11 | maj9 | maj7-9 | maj6-9 | aug | min | min6 | min7 | min7b5 | min-9 | min7-9 | min7-11 | min-maj7 | min-maj7-9 | dim | dim7 | 7th | 7sus4 | 7b5 | 7-9 | 7s11 | 7-13 | 7-b9 | 7-b13 | 7-s9 | maj7aug | 7aug | 1-plus-8 | 1-plus-5 | sus4 | 1-plus-2-plus-5 | cancel ) -
note-transposition-rule * ( root-transposition | root-fixed ) -
note-transposition-table * ( bypass | melody | chord | bass | melodic-minor | harmonic-minor ) -
high-key * ( C | CS | D | Eb | E | F | FS | G | GS | A | Bb | B ) -
note-low-limit * CDATA -
note-high-limit * CDATA -
retrigger-rule * ( stop | pitch-shift | pitch-shift-to-root | retrigger | retrigger-to-root | note-generator ) -
See also enclosing element cseg

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA)
See also enclosing element ctab

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA)
See also enclosing element ctab

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the standard-midi-file XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
source-channel * ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 ) -
bass-on-off * ( on | off ) -
note-transposition-table * ( bypass | melody | chord | bass | melodic-minor | harmonic-minor | harmonic-minor-5 | natural-minor | natural-minor-5 | dorian-minor | dorian-minor-5 ) -
See also enclosing element cseg

Mirror Information Appendix.
Mirror name: midi
Automatic loading of common XML-in-LAML library? No
List of action elements (StandardMidiFile TyrosMultiPad TyrosStyle)
Generation of named mirror functions: Yes
Mirror name prefix: None
Transliteration of CDATA? Yes
List of elements for which transliteration does not apply: '()
List of elements for which all white spacing is preserved: '()
Name of HTML character transformation table: html-char-transformation-table
Are default DTD attributes passed explicitly? No
Are attributes only allowed to be text strings? Yes
Is extended textual contents allowed? No
Is white space represented by this mirror? No
How are duplicated XML attributes handled: 'keep-all

Generated: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 08:16:42
Generated by LAML SchemeDoc using LAML Version 32.3 (June 11, 2007, full)