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Program 1

(note-page 'id "quiz"
  (title (main-text "Quiz")
         (annotation "This illustrates the quiz clause. Notice that there is no note page contribution 
                      of a quiz clause. Rather, an internal structure in the internal directory is defined.")

    "Do you like LENO" )
    (answer 'correctness "100"
       (answer-possibility "yes" ) (answer-clarification "I am glad to hear..." ))
    (answer 'correctness "0"
       (answer-possibility "no" ) (answer-clarification "An impossible answer..." ))
    (answer 'correctness "50"
       (answer-possibility "maybe" ) (answer-clarification "Really - I am surprised :-)" ))

   'src "meta-lecture-notes.laml"
   'from-mark "(note-page 'id \"quiz\""
   'to-mark end-mark 
   'slide-mode "external"
   'book-mode "inline"
    "The LAML source of this page")

   (internet-reference 'href (man-entry "quiz")
     (main-text "Manual entry"))
   (internet-reference 'href ""
     (main-text "The quiz itself - requires connection to the Internet")))
) ; end note-page