Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:15:03 Copyright © 2011 , Kurt Nørmark The local LAML software home page

Reference Manual of the Lecture Note Theme System

Kurt Nørmark Department of Computer Science Aalborg University Denmark

The LENO Theme system is based on a small XML language in LAML for authoring of a secondary 'thematic' source. The primary source, as authored in the primary LENO language, constitute the kernel language for authoring of annotated slide material. The primary LENO language supports three different views: slide view, annotated slide view and aggregated slide view. The secondary source supports the thematic view, which is extended with more text than found in the three 'primary views'. The secondary source can address the elements of the primary source and add new elements theme-text and theme-side-box elements as well. In this reference manual we document the XML-in-LAML language for authoring the secondary source.

The best way to start working on a LENO theme is to generate a template of it from the primary source. Use the attribute theme-source (with the value new) of the leno-front-matters clause to generate the template. (The template is generated by processing the primary source). The elements in between section-titles become a theme.

If the primary source is located in the file f.leno the secondary source must be located in f_themes.leno.

You may consider to read the paper xxx and to learn from the accompanying examples.

Alphabetic index:
begin-themes An empty element before the first theme clause
end-themes An empty element after the last theme clause
leno-element A reference to an element in a primary leno source.
leno-themes The root element of a secondary LENO source
leno-themes-front-matters The initial part of the themes source with a number of overall attributes.
theme A theme is a sectional units which holds references to the elements of the primary source and theme text elements.
theme-index-table Generate a theme index table which enumerates and links to all sections of the theme chapter.
theme-side-box An additional piece of side box text put in between elements, which are originally authored in the primary LENO source.
theme-text An additional piece of text put in between elements, which are originally authored in the primary LENO source.

Description The root element of a secondary LENO source
XML content model ( leno-themes-front-matters , begin-themes , theme * , end-themes )

Description The initial part of the themes source with a number of overall attributes.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
scheme-prefix CDATA The scheme prefix file. Similar to the leno-front-matters attribute of the same name
scheme-suffix CDATA The scheme suffix file. Similar to the leno-front-matters attribute of the same name
course-home-url * CDATA The URL of the designated course home page. Similar to the leno-front-matters attribute of the same name
author-home-url * CDATA The URL of the designated author home page. Similar to the leno-front-matters attribute of the same name
logo-url * CDATA The URL anchored in the logo. Similar to the leno-front-matters attribute of the same name
author-mode ( true | false ) If true, a number of extra links to cross reference clauses are provided (anchored in *).
show-and-speak ( true | false ) Controls the linking to the author's sound file. Similar to the leno-front-matters attribute of the same name
sound-source ( real-audio | wave-file | mp3-file ) Sound related attribute. Similar to the leno-front-matters attribute of the same name
speak-url-prefix CDATA Sound related attribute. Similar to the leno-front-matters attribute of the same name
speak-file-prefix CDATA Sound related attribute. Similar to the leno-front-matters attribute of the same name
language ( danish | english ) Controls the language of the fixed text.
slide-view ( true | false ) Does this material provide for slide view?
annotated-slide-view ( true | false ) Does this material provide for annotated slide view?
aggregated-view ( true | false ) Does this material provide for aggreated slide view?
exercise-linking ( true | false ) Should this theme material link to exercise indexs?
program-linking ( true | false ) Should this theme material link to source program indexes?
presentation-medium ( web | paper ) Normally web, but during production of the PDF file, use paper
make-print-page ( true | false ) If true, an overview of the printable pdf pages is generated.
make-cross-reference-section ( true | false ) Should each theme be followed by a cross reference section?
treat-svg-images-as ( svg | png | png-if-exist ) Controls how SVG images are treated in this material. It is possible to present SVG images as PNG images. Translation of SVG to PNG makes it easier for many readers to access the material. In order to use PNG instead of SVG, you must manually - or by means of external tools - translate SVG to PNG.
news-flash-string CDATA -
news-flash-level CDATA           ( 1 ) -
news-flash-url CDATA -
use-doc-comments ( true | false ) Same meaning as in the lecture note DTD: True if certain, special comments in source programs are extracted and presented in annotated slide view. The comments must be prefixed with the value of the attribute doc-comment-prefix
doc-comment-prefix CDATA Same meaning as in the lecture note DTD: The end-of-line comment prefix used for LENO documentation comment. This attribute is only used if the value of the attribute use-doc-comments is true.
program-text-font-size CDATA The percent size used for presentation of source programs, such as "80%". The LENO theme stuff does not rely on CSS in the same way as the LENO slide view. Therefore this attribute has been introduced to control the size of the source program text.
See also enclosing element leno-themes

Description An empty element before the first theme clause
XML content model EMPTY
See also enclosing element leno-themes

Description An empty element after the last theme clause
XML content model EMPTY
See also enclosing element leno-themes

Description A theme is a sectional units which holds references to the elements of the primary source and theme text elements.
XML content model ( theme-index-table | leno-element | theme-text | theme-side-box ) *
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
id * CDATA The unique id of the theme
See also enclosing element leno-themes

Description An additional piece of text put in between elements, which are originally authored in the primary LENO source.
XML content model (#PCDATA)
See also enclosing element theme

Description An additional piece of side box text put in between elements, which are originally authored in the primary LENO source. Side boxes are emphasized in the rendering, and numbered in the same way as source programs and figures.
XML content model (#PCDATA)
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
id * CDATA The unique id of the side box
title * CDATA The title of the side box
See also enclosing element theme

Description A reference to an element in a primary leno source. You can either supply lecture-id, page-id, element-type, and element-number. You can alternatively supply lecture-id, page-id, element-type, and element-id.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
lecture-id * CDATA The unique id of the primary source lecture
page-id * CDATA The unique id of the page within a lecture
element-type * CDATA The element type of the element in the primary source.
element-id CDATA The id of the note page subelement of the primary source.
element-number CDATA The element number, counted among elements of the same type.
annotations ( unfold-before | unfold-after | ignore | keep | merge ) Tells how to include a possible annotations of the addressed element of the primary source
select ( all | subitems ) Relevant when addressing items. If all is selected, both the overall items and the subitems are included. If subitems are selected, the top level items are not included - only the subitems.
theme-bg-color CDATA The background color used for the element. Currently only implemented for elements that reference source programs.
drop ( true | false ) The preferred way to ignore a certain reference to a primary source. By using drop = true it is explicitly signalled that that a primary element is disregarded in the secondary source. This is used for consistency management between the primary and secondary source.
See also enclosing element theme

Description Generate a theme index table which enumerates and links to all sections of the theme chapter.
XML content model EMPTY
See also enclosing element theme

Mirror Information Appendix.
Mirror name: leno-themes-1
Automatic loading of common XML-in-LAML library? No
List of action elements (leno-themes-front-matters begin-themes theme end-themes leno-themes)
Generation of named mirror functions: Yes
Mirror name prefix: None
Transliteration of CDATA? Yes
List of elements for which transliteration does not apply: '()
List of elements for which all white spacing is preserved: '()
Name of HTML character transformation table: html-char-transformation-table
Are default DTD attributes passed explicitly? No
Are attributes only allowed to be text strings? Yes
Is extended textual contents allowed? No
Is white space represented by this mirror? No
How are duplicated XML attributes handled: 'keep-all

Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:15:03
Generated by LAML SchemeDoc using LAML Version 38.0 (November 14, 2011, full)