.TITLE The Scheme Elucidator .AUTHOR Kurt Nørmark .EMAIL normark" (@ "c") "s.auc.dk .AFFILIATION Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark .ABSTRACT Older documentation, still not updated to the Elucidator 2.
.END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION overall-organization-section .TITLE .BODY bundle. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY setup-example .TITLE An example of an elucidator setup file. .BODY The documentation bundle is processed by executing the setup file. The elucidator setup file is a Scheme program. Here we show a sample setup file. The capital names are intended to be defined specifially for a particular documentation bundle.
  ;Style Loading
  (load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))
  ;Elucidator loading
  (style "elucidator/elucidator")
  ; Set the directory in which this file resides.
  (set-source-directory "SOME DIRECTORY")
  ; Set the name of this file, without extension
  (set-documentation-name "ELUCIDATOR-NAME")
  ; Define the sourcefiles in this documentation bundle
   (key "SOURCE-KEY")
   (file-location "SOURCE-PATH")
   (language "scheme")
   (group "GROUP")
  ; Define the documentation body, here in terms of a documentation-from clause
    (documentation-from "DOCUMENTATION-FILE-NAME") 
Below we will discuss the implementation of the forms found in the setup file. .END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY setup-structure .TITLE Organization of the setup file .BODY The first interesting part of the setup file defines the program files of the documentation bundle. This is done through af number of program-source clauses. The parameters of the function " (p* "program-source") " describe the source key, the file location of a source program, and the programming language of the source program. (As of now, the programming language information is not used, but in the future it might be useful). In addition, the group field defines the group to which the given source file belongs. Groups are used to determine the coloring of program frames (see " (d "program-menus") ").

The source key is meant to be a handy and unique identification of a single source file. Internally in the function program-source we just accumulate the program-source in the variable " (p* "program-source-list") ".

Following the program-source clauses we meet the documentation body, enclosed by " (p+ "begin-documentation") " and " (p+ "end-documentation") " clauses. The documentation text can either be inlined between the begin and end clauses as a sequence of " (p+ "documentation-entry") " and " (p+ "documentation-section") " clauses. However, more typically, we import the documentation text from a separate file via use the " (p+ "documentation-from") " clause.

We will next take a closer look at the functionality of the mentioned clauses. .END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY begin-end-clauses .TITLE Overall documentation processing forms. .BODY The " (p* "begin-documentation") " is almost empty. In the current version there is no real functionality behind this clause.

The " (p+ "documentation-from") " clause parses the textual documentation and issues calls of the " (p+ "documentation-intro") ", " (p+ "documentation-section") ", and " (p+ "documentation-entry") " functions (see section " (d "entry-section-clauses") "). In section " (d "textual-format-section") " we will describe the inner details of documentation-from.

The " (p* "end-documentation") " function is a long function where almost "everything" is initiated. (We should consider to break this function into several parts, if not for other reasons than to improve its documentation in this description). The different parts of the function can be seen from the comments in the source program. Here we describe briefly and in overview form the interesting and most important parts of the processing done in end-documentation:

.END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY entry-section-clauses .TITLE The documentation-entry and documentation-section clauses .BODY The function " (p* "documentation-section") " and " (p* "documentation-entry") " are top-level forms which can contain the documentation text embedded in LAML markup. As already explained above in section " (d "setup-structure") " these forms are not normally used directly; Rather we use a special textual form of the documentation, see section " (d "textual-format-section") ". However, the textual documentation format is passed as input into the functions " (p+ "documentation-section") " and " (p+ "documentation-entry") ". In that way the functions are important anyway.

Take a look at the manual pages of the elucidator for user level documentation of these forms.

If " (p+ "documentation-section") " and " (p+ "documentation-entry") " are used directly we need functions which implement the constituent forms, such as (title "..."), (body ...) etc. These functions (see for instance " (p* "title") " and " (p* "body") ") are all generated via the higher order function " (p* "make-syntax-function") ". This function and the generated functions are all trivial.

From an internal point of view the functions " (p+ "documentation-section") " and " (p+ "documentation-entry") " are almost trivial. They basically collect information and put it into a number of useful global variables, which are used in " (p+ "end-documentation") " (see section " (d "begin-end-clauses") ").

In both functions we extract the id and the title, and we add these to the elements (see the assignment to document-elements). In that way this information is available in a convenient way. We also make the section-numbering, and we add it to the elements too. The numbering is done by the functions " (p* "section-numbering") " and " (p* "subsection-numbering") ". These functions are based on two global variables, " (p+ "section-number") " and " (p+ "subsection-number") " that holds the section and subsection-numbers. The element called raw-numbering is a list of section number and subsection number. (Section n has raw section number (n 0)). The variables are assigned in the beginning of " (p+ "documentation-section") " and " (p+ "documentation-entry") ". .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY file-structure .TITLE File structure overview .BODY We recommend that the elucidator is organized in a doc directory of the directory, in which the central program source files are found. The doc directory must contain a number of sub-directories.

In order to be concrete let us assume that we document the program p.scm found in the directory p-dir. We get the following directory structure:

First notice that the Emacs editor command make-elucidator constructs all the files and directories of doc, including templates of p.laml (the setup file) and p.txt (the documentation file). The user must, however, manually make the doc directory.

By executing the Elucidator all the icons are copied into the doc/html/images directories from the software directory, see section " (d "icons") ".

The internal directory is used for files generated by the elucidator; Some of these are used for transfering information from the Elucidator to Emacs' elucidator mode.

.END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION making-program-pages .TITLE Making the program pages .BODY In this section we will study one of the central aspects of the Elucidator, namely the decoration and WEB presentation of the source programs. This is one of the language dependent parts of the Elucidator; in our case the programming language is Scheme. In section " (d "overall-organization-section") " we described how the source files are enumerated in the setup file via program-source clauses. As one of the many tasks of " (p+ "end-documentation") " we make the program sources via calls of the function " (p+ "make-source-program-file") " for each source file which needs processing. This function is our starting point in this section. .END .ENTRY make-source-program-file .TITLE Getting started: the top level functions .BODY The function function " (p* "make-source-program-file") " acceps a source key (the gentle name of a program file), the file location (file path), and the programming language to which the program belongs. The fourth parameter, " (p- "source-list") ", is the parsed list of source expressions. The fifth and sixth parameters are the " (p+ "defining-name-occurences") " and the " (p+ "documented-name-occurences") " which holds the defined names in the entire documentation bundles, and the relations between documented definitions and sections in the documentation, respectively. The last parameter specifies the font size of the resulting HTML file (a symbol, either 'large or 'small).

The function " (p+ "make-source-program-file") " calls " (p+ "elucidate-program-source") ". We use the source key information to make the name of the HTML output file, the destination path, which becomes the second parameter. Appart from that, the two functions are quite similar.

The function " (p* "elucidate-program-source") " opens the input and output files. The original source text is read from the input file, and the HTML decorated source text is written to the output file. In this function we prepare for imperative processing of the output file. Thus, instead of forming one large HTML expression which represents the output, we write piece by piece of HTML output to the output port op. The functions " (p+ "pre-page") " and " (p+ "post-page") " from the html library, together with the " (p+ "start-tag") " and " (p+ "end-tag") " functions from the html-v1 library are used for the imperative output of the necessary tags. Now the function " (p+ "elucidate-program-source-1") " takes over. The function " (p* "elucidate-program-source-1") " iterates while we have not reached the end of the input file. The function " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") " is called for (but not on) each top-level program contstruct (Scheme top level form) in the input. We investigate this function in the next section. .END .ENTRY elucidate-program-form .TITLE The overall program traversal and scanning. .BODY The real and serious processing of the program source file starts in the function " (p* "elucidate-program-form") ". The first two parameters " (p- "ip") " and " (p- "op") " are the input port and output port respectively. The raw program source text is taken from " (p- "ip") ", and the decorated output is written to " (p- "op") ". The parameter " (p- "f") " is the parsed form (a Lisp sexpr). The remaining parameters are just transferred from the caller.

The basic idea is to traverse the form " (p- "f") " (tree traversal) and scan the characters on the input port simultaneously. A decorated version of the input is written to the output port " (p- "op") ". The decoration consist of coloring, linking, and insertion of a few special icons into the program text. Notice that we do not go for any kind of pretty printing. The source file, as presented in the browser, should basically appear as written in the text editor. The necessary decoration is made possible because we can look ahead in the input via the parsed form f. We know what is in front of us...

The function " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") " basically dispatches on the type of the form f. (This is not entirely true, but as of now we will tell the store this way. In section " (d "quote-lex") " we will return to a lexcial special case). As we see from the large conditional we handle symbols, strings, numbers, chars, booleans, and a number of list variants.

In the simple cases we call a matching function, such as " (p* "match-symbol") ". Via one of the Lisp reading function (which reads a very well-defined portion of the input at the current location) we read the symbol which must be ahead of us. This knowledge is due to the synchronous scanning and tree traversal. Because some symbols may be anchors of links to program definition we look the symbol up in the defined names. If it is there, we output a HTML anchor tag with a link to the similar definition. If not, we just output the symbol.

The functions " (p* "match-string") ", " (p* "match-char") ", " (p* "match-number") ", and " (p* "match-boolean") ", are similar, and in reality trivial because there is no possible linking from these lexemes.

.END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY list-traverse-scan .TITLE Traversing and scanning lists .BODY We go on with the explanation of " (p* "elucidate-program-form") ".

The matching of lists, which in the Lisp world represent program constructs, is of course more complicated. As on overall concern we need to keep the traversal of the program form f and the input synchronized. Here the lexcial special elements such as quote, backquote, unquote, and comments cause a number of problems.

Take a look at the conditional clause (" (@ "a") ") which takes care of define forms in the function " (p* "elucidate-program-form") ". (This is the case which traverses and scans a Scheme define form). As can be seen we call the function " (p+ "skip-white-space") " in order to read over white space elements in the input. Recall that such elements do not have a counter part in the form f. As can also be seen in " (p* "skip-white-space") " we handle comments in a special way by means of the function " (p+ "skip-comment") " (because it is a rather lengthy lexical element).

The functions " (p+ "match-start-parenthesis") " and " (p+ "match-end-parenthesis") " are low level helping functions which deals the start and end parenthesis of lists.

The call of the function " (p+ "total-doc-navigator") " should be noticed; This is the function which generates links from the program to the documentation (the yellow left arrows). We have more to say about this in section " (d "doc-links") ".

The recursive nature of lists causes a recursive processing: " (p+ "eluciate-program-form") " calls itself on subforms. There is one very noteworthy thing in this respect. The fourth parameter of the function holds the defined names. This parameter is, as already seen in section " (d "elucidate-program-form") ", used to link from applied names to Scheme definitions. There may be local name definitions in a Scheme form. These are parameters and local name binding forms. According to the usual scope rules the local name definitions overrules the global name definitions, as found in defined-names. Therefore we want to subtract the locally defined names from defined names, when the defined names are passed to the recursive call of " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") ". This is done by the function " (p+ "list-difference-2") ", but only for parameter bindings (as located by " (p+ "bounded-names") "). In section " (d "bounded-names") " we will explain the function " (p+ "bounded-names") " in some details.

In an early version we did not subtracte locally defined names from let bindings. This caused unfortunately some mis-bindings of applied names in our WEB presentations of programs. It would probably be rather tedious to implement the subtractions of let-defined names. In the current version of the elucidator this problem has been remedied, see section " (d "handling-bounded-names-section") " for the details.

The processing of a define form comes before the processing of other proper lists, which comes before the processing of more general lists. As usual we handle special cases before the more general cases. The processing of pairs in " (p* "elucidate-program-form") " (at " (@ "h") ") reflects the recursive nature of lists. The most tricky thing is to decide when to apply dot notation or more conventional list notation.

Vectors are also handled in a special case (" (@ "i") "). .END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY quote-lex .TITLE More lexical troubles .BODY As promised in section " (d "elucidate-program-form") " we will return to the scanning and processing of the special lexical elements of Scheme. We have already seen how to process white space and comments. What is missing is (at least) quoted expressions, such as 'symbol. In the parsed forms this will appear as (quote symbol). It should be clear that we need to explicitly match these two representations in order to succeed.

The relevant place to look is in the beginning of " (p* "elucidate-program-form") "; More specifically the first case in the conditional. The function " (p* "quote-in-input?") " returns whether the input port contains a quote character in front of us. (And we check whether the similar Lisp form is a quote expression; If not a fatal error occurs). If we encounter a quote character in the input we output a similar quote on the output, and we process the quoted expression recursively.

In late 2003 we also implemented support of backquote and unquotes in " (p* "elucidate-program-form") " (comma notation) (" (@ "d") " and " (@ "e") "). .END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY doc-links .TITLE Making links from the program to the documentation .BODY We will now take a look at the mechanisms which allow us to link from the source programs to documentation sections and entries. Recall that there are no explicit links represented in the program. The information behind these link is the relation from the documentation to the program definitions, but now used in the reverse direction.

The relevant function to study is " (p* "total-doc-navigator") " which is called by " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") ", as discussed in section " (d "list-traverse-scan") ". The function returns a sequences of icon anchors, or an empty string. The parameters to " (p- "total-doc-navigator") " are:

  1. The name of the Scheme definition we want to link from.
  2. documented-names which in reality is the value of the global variable " (p+ "documented-name-occurences") ".
  3. Size is either the symbol 'large or 'small (large or small font).
  4. Source-key is the gentle name of the program source file.
We first find the relevant elements from documented-names; That is the tuples which mention name as the first component. Recall here that documented-names is a list of triples: (program-name doc-id strong/weak). We do not want to have more than one reference to a given documentation section from a definition. Therefore we remove duplicates based on the name of the documentation component of a documented name. We do also want to avoid a weak references if a similar strong reference is available. The function " (p* "remove-redundant-weak-entries") " makes this special filtering.

The rest of " (p+ "total-doc-navigator") " returns the icon which toggles between small and large font (if wanted), the icon which links from the definition to the cross reference entry, and following that the documentation navigators. The function " (p* "doc-link") " makes the documentation navigation icon anchor tags. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY comment-markers .TITLE Marking detailed places in a program .BODY Bascially, we are able to explain a single abstraction. In the Scheme elucidator, this is a Scheme function (at top level). We have, until now, not introduced any means by which we can address a particular place in an abstraction.

In this subsection we will explain the mechanism that allows us to mark a particular place in the program. In some sense, this runs counter to the principle of leavning the source file unaffected of our documentation needs. The marking takes place in the comments of a source program, using very minimal means.

In the first version we implemented the markers were entirely visual. In a later version we link from the markers (see section " (d "linking-to-comment-markers") ").

At the concrete level, a mark in a source file comment has the form

  \" (@ "a") "
where a is a one-character entity (a letter or a digit).

At the program side, in the function " (p* "skip-comment-1") " we recognize this pattern and output an identifying image. This is done via the function " (p* "source-marker-image") ".

At the documentation side, we use the same notation. The function " (p* "program-linking-transition") ", which implements the state machine that govern the documentation linking, is the relevant place to implement the markers at the documentation side. From the state normal-text we may enter a new state, inside-marker. The input character encounted in this state determines the mark. We can use the same function as above, " (p+ "source-marker-image") " to produce the marker. This is done at " (@ "a") " via a call of " (p+ "source-marker-glyph") ". The result of this function call is just used as the output string in the state machine. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY preparing-linking-to-comment-markers .TITLE Preparing the linking to program source markers. .BODY In section " (d "linking-to-comment-markers") " we will explain how we have realized the linking from source markers in the documentation to the source mark, appearing in a program. This need preparation in the program in terms of the naming of the source marker places. Here we explain this detail.

The thing to arrange is that the source markers in the programs are tagged with anchor names. Recall from section " (d "comment-markers") " that " (p* "skip-comment-1") " is the relevant function (" (@ "a") "), because source markers are embedded in comments in a program. In addition to the source marker itself we need to output an anchor name, of the same form as shown above. In order to do so we need access to the name of the definition, in which we are located. This information is not available immediately in the function " (p+ "skip-comment-1") ".

We can solve this problems in two ways: Either we pass the name of the definition through all the functions as parameter - from " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") " to " (p+ "skip-comment-1") ". This could (and perhaps should) be done, but not right now. As always, the easiest thing to do is to make an imperative solution. We go for this solution here.

The function " (p* "elucidate-program-form") " sets the global variable " (p+ "enclosing-definition-name") ", both for define forms (" (@ "b") ") and for sectional, syntactical comments (" (@ "h") "). Now, in " (p* "skip-comment-1") ", and more importantly, in the state " (p- "inside-marker") " of the function " (p+ "program-linking-transition") " (which has taken over the work of " (p+ "skip-comment-1") ") we can easily emit an " (p+ "a-name") " tag (" (@ "i") "). .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY linking-to-doc-source-markers .TITLE Linking from source markers in the program. .BODY We also want to link from the program source markers to the source markers in the documentation. This is the opposite linking as described in section " (d "linking-to-comment-markers") "; And it requires the symmetric preparation relative to " (d "preparing-linking-to-comment-markers") ". This preparation is naturally a documentation side concern, and as such it is described in section " (d "preparing-linking-to-doc-source-markers") ".

We need to save some additional bookkeeping information about the documentation source markers in order to relate a program source mark to the proper documentation source mark. The necessary information is akkin to the information in the list " (p* "documented-name-occurences") ", which describes the relations between program-definition-id, documentation-id, and weak/strong relationship. Here we need a tripple relation

  (program-id doc-id source-mark)-list
which we save in the variable " (p* "documentation-source-marker-occurences") ". There is one entry for each documentation source marker.

The definition of this variable is really a documentation side preparation, see again " (d "preparing-linking-to-doc-source-markers") " for details. The place to introduce the link to the documentation source mark is " (p* "skip-comment-1") " (at " (@ "a") "). We introduce the function " (p+ "doc-source-marker-link") ", the responsibility of which it is to return the documentation-linked source mark.

We pass the information, which is necessary for the function to work:

  1. The bookkeeping information in " (p+ "documentation-source-marker-occurences") ".
  2. The source marker-char
  3. The name of the program definition, in which we are located.
The last information is found in the variable " (p* "enclosing-definition-name") ", which is defined by the function " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") " (both for define forms and for sectional comments).

Let us now describe the inner working of " (p* "doc-source-marker-link") ". We first find the relevant entries in " (p- "documentation-source-marker-occurences") ": the entries deal with the given definition (referred by " (p+ "enclosing-definition-name") ") and the given marker char. Next we check whether there are 0, 1 or more relevant entries. In case of 0 or more than one we issue a warning. In case of 1 we return the link (an anchor tag from the source mark glyph). We also return a link in case there is more than one relevant entry, namely to the first one.

The caption of the link reports the ambiguity via the function " (p* "report-ambiguous-doc-source-markers") " which is called in " (p* "doc-source-marker-link") " at position " (@ "o") ". .END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION defined-names-section .TITLE Extracting defined names .BODY In this section we describe the task of extracting the defined names from a parsed source file. This is a relatively easy task compared with some of the other tasks of the elucidator. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY overall-def-name-extraction .TITLE The function defined-names .BODY The function " (p* "defined-names") " is called in " (p+ "end-documentation") ", as explained in section " (d "begin-end-clauses") ". The starting point is the parameter, which contains the parsed Scheme expressions from a source file. Via the iterative helping function " (p* "defined-names-1") " we iterate through all the forms in the list. We only care about the top-level forms which are defininitions. These are identified by the predicate " (p* "is-define-form?") ".

The function " (p* "defined-name") " extract the defined name from a Scheme define form, which can be one of these two kinds:

  (define name value)
  (define (function-name par) body)
.END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY bounded-names .TITLE The function bounded-names .BODY In this context it is natural to explain the function " (p* "bounded-names") ", which we mentioned in section " (d "list-traverse-scan") " above. Recall from there that bounded-names returns the names bound (in the parameter list) of a define form. Because there can be other names bound in a definitions (in let forms), the function name parameter-names would probably have been a better choice. (This has been settled as part of the continued development of the program, see section " (d "handling-bounded-names-section") ". The orginal version of bounded-names is now, indeed, called " (p* "parameter-names") ").

There are two cases, corresponding to the two forms of definition shown above. Let us first assume that the second element is a pair (proper or improper list). We have now two possibilities:

  (define (function-name p1 p2 p3) body)
  (define (function-name p1 p2 . p3) body)
In both cases we want to return the list (p1 p2 p3). We use the functions " (p+ "proper-part") " and " (p+ "first-improper-part") " from the general library to extract the proper and improper part of an improper list.

If the second element of the define form is a symbol we have the following possibilities:

  (define name (lambda (p1 p2 p3) body))
  (define name (lambda (p1 p2 . p3) body))
Again we want to return (p1 p2 p3). In any other case we return the empty list.

.END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION textual-format-section .TITLE Parsing the textual documentation .BODY In this section we will explain the processing of the textual documentation format. Recall that this is the preferred format of documentation in an Elucidator. (It is, by the way, the source text used to the markup of the text you are reading here). The alternative is to use " (p+ "documentation-entry") " and " (p+ "documentation-section") " forms with LAML markup (see section " (d "entry-section-clauses") "). This alternative is more complicated, but also more powerful because all the possible LAML abstractions are available. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY formatting-intro .TITLE Introduction to the textual documentation format .BODY Using the textual documentation format, which we describe below, we are restricted to two kinds of fixed and non-extensible markup: The specialized dot markup and HTML markup. The textual documentation format is somewhat inspired of the good old rof notation, with "dot markup". Here we show an introduction, a section, and an entry (a subsection):

  .TITLE       title
  .AUTHOR      author
  .EMAIL       email
  .AFFILIATION affiliation
  .SECTION section-id
  .TITLE section title
  Section text
  More section text
  .ENTRY entry-id
  .TITLE entry title
  Entry text
  More entry text
The dashed lines in between sections are just for separation purposes; They play the roles of comments. section-id and entry-id are section and unit identification symbols, used for cross reference purposes. HTML markup can appear in bodies and titles. The body text usually starts at the line following body, but it may also start just after the body keyword.

The dot markup is line oriented. The dotted keywords must be at the beginning of a line, and the text after .SECTION and .ENTRY and .TITLE run to the end of the line.

By the way, this is the only reason that the dotted keywords aren't interpreted in the text above. We do not, at this level, support "escape mechanisms" which allow us to have the dotted keywords in front positions of a line. However, we support escaping of the linking characters, see " (d "overall-ideas") ". .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY overall-ideas .TITLE The overall ideas .BODY Before we describe the details, it is relevant to see the overall lines in the processing. As we see in the next section, the top level function is " (p+ "documentation-from") ". This function defines (via other functions) the global variables " (p+ "documentation-elements") ", " (p+ "documentation-title") ", and " (p+ "documentation-author") ". The relations defined in clauses \" (d "x\") ", \" (p+ "x\") ", and \" (p+ "\*x\") " have not been processed yet. This is done indirectly by the function " (p+ "documentation-contents!") " which is called by " (p+ "end-documentation") ". The details of this is described in section " (d "making-documentation-page") ".

If we want to use the characters

  \" (d ", \") ", \" (p+ ", \") "
and * inside curly brackets we need to escape them with a backslash character:
  \\\[, \\\[, etc
The implementation of the escaping mechanism is realized through the state machine, which we discuss in section " (d "program-linking-transition") ". .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY documentation-from .TITLE The top level functions. .BODY The top level function for the processing of the textual format is " (p* "documentation-from") ". The parameter is a file name; As such we ask for "documentation from a given file".

A " (p- "documentation-from") " form appears between " (p- "begin-documentation") " and " (p- "end-documentation") " in the setup-file, see section " (d "setup-example") ". We have already touched on the " (p- "documentation-from") " in section " (d "setup-structure") " and section " (d "begin-end-clauses") ".

The function " (p* "documentation-from") " calls functions which process the intro part (title, author, etc), and the remaining documentation units (sections and entries). Besides this, " (p- "documentation-from") " is responsible for file opening and closing. The remaining functions take input from an input port, " (p- "ip") ".

The function " (p* "documentation-intro-from-port") " processes the introduction. It eats the necessary white space in front of it. The function " (p+ "accept-documentation-intro") " does the real extraction and parsing work (see section " (d "accept-fns") "). The function " (p* "define-documentation-intro!") " calls " (p* "documentation-intro") " with the extracted constituent. In turn, this function just assigns the title, author, etc to global variables, which are used by the function " (p+ "documentation-contents!") ", which we explain in section " (d "documentation-contents") ".

Similarly, the function " (p* "documentation-units-from-port") " eats initial white space, parses a unit (section or entry), and eats the separator. The function " (p+ "accept-documentation-unit") " does the real work (see again section " (d "accept-fns") "). The collected unit is passed to " (p* "define-unit!") ". The function " (p- "define-unit!") " imperatively evaluates (by means of Scheme eval) the Lisp form made by " (p* "make-documentation-form") ". This is the function which aggreates a " (p- "documentation-section") " or " (p- "documentation-entry") " form from the extracted information. Notice the iterative nature of " (p+ "documentation-units-from-port") ". .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY overall-doc-parsing .TITLE Organizing the parsing process .BODY Before we explain the details of the parsing and text extraction functions we will take the opportunity to discuss the parsing problem which we face here.

We could go for the application of a general parser. However, this is not attractive. There is only a tiny set of syntactic construct. And ordinary lexical analysis would not be very useful on information, which is more or less free text.

We could alternatively take the text through a state machine which should collect the necessary constituents while reading the individual characters of the textual documentation. This could be done, but there would be many states, and it would be quite difficult to make and maintain such a state machine. (We use state machines other places, also in the Elucidator - see " (d "program-linking-transition") ". We could, of course, use the general template and approach from there).

We decided to make a special set of procedures which accepts well-defined portions of the documentation. This approach is quite similar to recursive descent paring, although in our case there is no recursion involved (the language is so simple that it does not invite to recursive constructs). In the next section we will explain this approach. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY accept-fns .TITLE The accept functions .BODY The two top-level accept functions are " (p+ "accept-documentation-intro") " and " (p+ "accept-documentation-unit") ".

The function " (p* "accept-documentation-intro") " accepts, in turn, the title, author, email, affiliation, and abstract by means of lower level accept functions. After successful acceptance and recognizion of these it returns the list of the constituents.

The function " (p* "accept-documentation-unit") " generically accepts a section and a unit. This is also done by lower level, specialized accept functions. The similar structure of sections and units allows for a single function doing the job. The function accepts id, title, and body.

There are a number of lower level accept functions, as mentioned above. These realizes the kernel of the parsing in terms of collections and skippings. Let us look at one of these, " (p+ "accept-doc-id") " as a typical representative. The text which is accepted is one of the following:

  .ENTRY id 
The function " (p* "accept-doc-id") " has an important precondition established by the context: It must be called just before the appearance of a keyword .ENTRY or .SECTION. The function " (p+ "collect-until") " collects the keyword by reading until white space is encountered. We check to see whether the collected text is either the string .ENTRY or .SECTION. If not we stop the processing via " (p* "doc-check") ", which causes a fatal error and an error message. Next we skip white space via the funcion " (p+ "skip-while") ", and the id is collected via " (p+ "collect-until") ". Accept-doc-id returns the list reflecting the concrete syntax: (list unit id).

Most of the other accept-functions work in the same way as " (p+ "accept-doc-id") ". These are " (p* "accept-doc-title") ", " (p* "accept-doc-author") ", " (p* "accept-doc-email") ", " (p* "accept-doc-affiliation") ", and " (p* "accept-doc-abstract") ". The function which accepts the bodies of sections and units is a little different, so we will explain it briefly.

" (p* "accept-doc-body") " first eats white space, after which it accepts the body keyword. It finally calls " (p* "accept-body-text") ", which in turn calls the iterative " (p* "accept-body-text-1") ". It collects lines, again using " (p+ "collect-until") " until it meats the .END keyword at it's own line. The predicate " (p* "end-unit?") " identifies this situation. " (p+ "accept-doc-body") " reverses the collected lines, and appends them with " (p+ "string-merge") ".

Notice that we call a function " (p* "eat-eol-chars") " in " (p+ "accept-body-text-1") ". When called we have encountered an end of line. The end of line handling is tricky, because we want the program to run both on Unix and Windows. In windows lines are ended by CR (character 13) and LF (character 10). The eat-eol-chars read the LF and prepares for a "good start" on the next line (emptying the one character queue). .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY collect-fns .TITLE The collection functions .BODY The central collection function is " (p* "collect-until") ". From a given position in the input it collects a text string. The collection process stops when the predicate, which is passed as parameter, becomes true. The real work is done by the iterative " (p* "collect-until-1") "; however, this procedure is straightforward.

We dont know the length of the collected text. We accumulate read characters in a variable, " (p* "collection-buffer") ", but we cannot easily determine the length of this buffer. We could handle this by allocating longer and longer strings (or more and more strings), much as we do in the function " (p+ "read-text-file") " in the file-read (and write) library, which reads text from a file and return it as a string.

As an important observation, we collect line by line in the accepting functions. Therefore we can live with a fixed upper limit, defined by " (p* "buffer-length") ".

Quite often we read a character, which we really did not want to read. This is a classical problem when handling input. We want to put the character back, such that the next reading will re-encounter the character. Some libraries support a put-back operation and a queue of putted back characters. We only have a "one character queue", " (p* "next-doc-char") ". The function " (p* "read-next-doc-char") " takes the character from next-doc-char if there is one, else it reads a character from the input port. Because this is the central place we read characters from the input we can also here handle an administration of line nubers. If we read a CR we increase the variable " (p* "doc-line-number") ". By means of this we can give relatively good and precise error messages in the " (p* "doc-check") " procedure.

Let us also here mention some generally useful predicates which we in convenient ways pass to " (p+ "collect-until") " and " (p+ "skip-while") ". These identify white space (" (p* "is-white-space?") "), end of line (" (p* "end-of-line?") "), and similar boundary conditions. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY skip-fns .TITLE The skipping functions .BODY The central skipping function is " (p* "skip-while") ". It skips characters in the input port while a predicate p holds. The skipping function is similar to the collection function " (p+ "collect-until") " from the previous section. However, skipping is much easier because we dont use the read chacters at all. Notice that also this function calls " (p* "read-next-doc-char") ". .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY end-summary .TITLE Summary of parsing process .BODY We have now seen how the textual documentation format is parsed and is being organized as the values of a number of global variables, most dominantly " (p+ "documentation-elements") ". In the next section - section " (d "making-documentation-page") " - we will see how the value of " (p+ "documentation-elements") " and other similar variables are used to present the documentation in a browser. As an integral part of the presentation process we also see how link clauses are expanded to anchor tags via the processing in a state machine. .END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION making-documentation-page .TITLE Making the documentation page .BODY In this section we describe the production of the documentation page given the variable " (p+ "documentation-elements") " (and others). Thus, the starting point is the parsed documentation page, as represented in the bunch a variables, of which the most important is " (p+ "documentation-elements") ". The parsing process was described in section " (d "textual-format-section") " and summaried above in " (d "end-summary") ". The most serious challenge in this section is to convert curly brackets and brackets to program and documentation references. .END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY documentation-contents .TITLE The function documentation-contents .BODY The natural starting point is the procedure " (p+ "documentation-contents!") " which is called by " (p+ "end-documentation") ".

In the transition to Scheme Elucidator 2 we went from a functional handling of the documentation to an imperative handling. With functional handling, we aggregated (on textual basis) the entire documentation, and we wrote it to the documentation HTML file in end-documentation.

The rationale behind the imperative handling is the following. With the use of the AST-based XHTML mirror, many small HTML fragments are represented as ASTs. These can be, of course, be converted to text, but this either causes lots of garbage collection, or allocation of large chunks of strings. (In LAML, the latter solution is used). Neither solution is attractive. It is better to render these small HTML ASTs directly to an open output port. Rooted in the procedure " (p* "documentation-contents!") " via the procedures " (p+ "present-documentation-section!") ", " (p+ "present-documentation-entry!") ", " (p+ "do-program-link-documentation!") ", and " (p+ "do-program-link-documentation-1!") " this is what we have done.

The function " (p* "documentation-contents!") " produce to title, author info, abstract, and the sections of the real documentation. The documentation sections (including the so-called entires) are made in the for loop (" (@ "a") "). The most important is initiated by the function " (p* "present-documentation-element!") " within the for loop. It dispatches to " (p+ "present-documentation-section!") " and " (p+ "present-documentation-entry!") ". The function " (p* "present-documentation-section!") " presents the introductory section text in a color-frame together with a numbered title. Similary, the function " (p* "present-documentation-entry!") " presents a documentation entry. Both of these functions call " (p+ "do-program-link-documentation!") " in which the real interesting work is done, namely conversion of the linking brackets to HTML anchor tags. This function is described in section " (d "do-program-link-documentation") ".

From a overall point of view, " (p+ "do-program-link-documentation!") " is geared towards a textual representation of the documentation. In the orginal Scheme elucidator (elucidator 1), the holds both for textally authored documentation and for documentation authored in Scheme. (The reason is that, in the orginal elucidator, we used mirror functions that produced text). Therefore, it makes sense for " (p+ "do-program-link-documentation!") " to traverse its first parameter as text, and do certain transformation on this text.

In Elucidator 2, we will still support the textual documentation format, but we will also support authoring with Scheme and LAML. Using the latter approach, the first parameter of " (p+ "do-program-link-documentation!") " is now a LAML AST. As an important decision, we do not want to use the textual linking syntax, such as \" (p+ "\*...\") " and \" (p+ "\+...\") " within LAML authored documentation. Rather, in Elucidator 2, we will use Scheme-level referencing forms, and we will have a special form for source marker references. This is a new development, compared for instance with the LAML tutorial, in which we have used LAML/Scheme authoring with textual references. The hybrid format of the original LAML tutorial is therefore not supported any more.

The appropriate location to make the cross road is in the activation of " (p+ "do-program-link-documentation!") " in " (p+ "present-documentation-entry!") " and " (p+ "present-documentation-section!") ". If the intro/body parameters of " (p+ "do-program-link-documentation!") " (the first parameter) is text, we proceed more or less as in the original elucidator (but imperatively), entering the state machine implemented by " (p+ "program-linking-transition") ". If the intro/body is an AST, we need to write a new contribution, which bypasses the state machine.

In both a documentation section and a documentation entry we show links to parent and sibling sections/entries. In section " (d "link-banners") " we describe how this is done. .END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY do-program-link-documentation .TITLE The function do-program-link-documentation! .BODY The function " (p* "do-program-link-documentation!") " takes the documentation body and the documentation id as parameters. The function translate the input body to an output body in which the bracket linking is transformed to real links. It calls a tail recursive (iterative) variant of the function called " (p* "do-program-link-documentation-1") ", which takes nine parameters:

  1. The documentation id (doc-id)
  2. the documentation body (instr)
  3. a pointer into the instr (inptr)
  4. the length of instr (inlength)
  5. the current state of a state machine which se discuss below (current-state) and
  6. a collected word which is used inside the state machine.
  7. the open output port.
(Eliminated problem: the length of output string is a rough estimate which may not be sufficient (2 times the length of the input plus 500). The best we can do is to report on problems if the output exceeds this size. This is done via the first test in do-program-link-documentation-1!.)

The function do-program-link-documentation-1! works via a state machine which reads each character in the input (the body) and translates this to an appropriate output. The central function, which realizes the state machine is " (p+ "program-linking-transition") ". It is activated on a state, an input character, a collected word, and the documentation id. The collected word serves as a collector strings for the bracketed linking words; When we see the rear end of the linking word we can call the function " (p+ "linking-from-doc-to-prog") " or " (p+ "linking-from-doc-to-doc") " which insert the anchor tags. Defails about these follow in section " (d "linking-from-doc-to-x") ". In the next section we will describe the state machine in some details.

.END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY program-linking-transition .TITLE The state machines which transform the documentation bodies .BODY As mentioned above the function " (p* "program-linking-transition") " implements a state machine. We have used the same kind of state machine in several other pieces of LAML software.

We have the following states:

The most interesting place in the function is the places where we have recognized a whole linking word. When we are dealing with program link words (p-link-words) we call the function " (p+ "linking-from-doc-to-prog") " with the collected word and the documentation id as parameters. Similarly we call " (p+ "linking-from-doc-to-doc") " when we are dealing with documentation link words (d-link-words). These two functions are discussed in the next section. .END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY linking-from-doc-to-x .TITLE The functions which returns a link to a program unit or a documentation unit .BODY The function " (p* "linking-from-doc-to-prog") " starts by a determination of the possible link-targets to the given word on the program side. We find all defining names that matches the first parameter (the link word). Next we see a conditional in which we distinguish between zero, one, and several targets. Zero or several targets results in a warning message, but no fatal errors. In case of zero matching program definitions we do not link at all. In case of several we link to the first one.

As an important side effect of this function we accumulate the linking words in the global variable " (p+ "documented-name-occurences") ". Besides this we return an a-tag-target string.

The function " (p* "linking-from-doc-to-doc") " is simpler. The word is looked up in the variable " (p+ "documentation-key-numbering-alist") ". This is the variable which maps documentation ids to the assigned section numbers. The section number becomes the anchor text of the a-tag-target URL. In order to handle errors (again non-fatal) we test if the collected word is a known one in the association list documentation-key-numbering-alist. If not we issue a warning, and just return the word collected-word without any liking from it. .END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY more-linking-from-doc-tox- .TITLE Refined linking possibilities .BODY From preliminary experiences with the Elucidator we have learned that it is valuable to distinguish between strong and weak program references. The strong references explains the referenced program in some details. The weak program reference is just a kind of convenient, navigatable cross reference. We decide that strong cross references include an initial star character following the start curly bracket:

  \" (p+ "\*reference\") "  
The necessary program modifications were the following: In the function " (p* "linking-from-doc-to-prog") " we test for the initial star in the first parameter, word. This is done by the function " (p* "strong-program-link?") ". This function defines the variable " (p+ "strong-link-char") " in order to be able to change the string link character to another character.

We distinguish weak and strong links by using different colors in the documentation frame. Strong links are red, and weak links are dark blue. We also need to extract the real linking word in case there is a leading star. This is done easily by the function " (p* "linking-word-of-strong-link") ".

On the program side we want the left arrows to indicate whether they are involved in strong or weak program links. In order to do so we need to remember the strong/weak distinction of a given link. This has to affect the registrations done in the variable " (p* "documented-name-occurences") ". We decide to add an extra symbol 'strong or 'weak to the association. Thus an association may now be (program-name doc-id strong/weak). Notice that it is still an association list, associating the program-name to a list of two elements.

The association list stored in " (p+ "documented-name-occurences") " is used in a variety of functions under the formal name docmented-names. The only place the information in the association list is in the function " (p* "total-doc-navigator") ", and further on " (p* "doc-link") ". (The function " (p* "doc-navigator") " is outdated, and not used.) Here we introduce the distinction between weak and strong links by shown different left arrow icons for the two of them. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY link-banners .TITLE Linking between documentation sections and entries. .BODY We chain the documentation sections and entries together with sibling and parent links (the small yellow arrows presented on the blue background, just above the section titles). We call these links for documentation link banners. We want all sections chained, and all subsections chained. Also we want up-links. Thus, the section tree structure is linked together in a natural way.

The documentation link banners are produced by the function " (p* "section-navigation-banner") ", which takes the documentation elements of the section/entry as parameter. " (p+ "section-navigation-banner") " is called by " (p* "present-documentation-entry") " (" (@ "i") ") and " (p* "present-documentation-section") " (" (@ "i") ").

Internally in " (p* "section-navigation-banner") " we use the function " (p* "doc-section-url") " to produce URLs to sections and subsections (entries). This function just traverses the variable " (p+ "documentation-elements") ", and by means of filtering it finds the relevant documentation element (a section or entry). The predicate " (p* "section-subsection?") " is useful (and it is similar to " (p* "subsections?") " which we discuss in section " (d "local-tocs") ").

An URL to section n.m is produced by (doc-section-url n m). Notice that n.0 denotes section n. In this respect, in the function " (p* "section-navigation-banner") ", there are special cases (" (@ "a") " and " (@ "b") ") when we calculate the previous (blind) links from section 1 and section i.1.

Whereas the function " (p+ "section-navigation-banner") " produces URLs, the function " (p* "section-navigation-banner-1") " produces the graphical appearance of the documentation link banners. In that way there is a clear division of responsibility in between the two of them. .END .ENTRY linking-to-comment-markers .TITLE Linking from source markers in the documentation. .BODY In this section we will described how we have implemented the linking from source markers in the documentation to the source mark in the program.

We have alread prepared for this in section " (d "preparing-linking-to-comment-markers") ", where we introduced anchor names of the program source marks.

From a design point of view we decide that a source marker is associated to the nearest strong relation (a red one). Only strong relations earlier than the source mark is taken into consideration.

In the function " (p* "program-linking-transition") " we need to output an anchor tag instead of just the source marker (" (@ "a") "). This is done by the function " (p* "source-mark-anchor") ". This function is modelled after " (p+ "linking-from-doc-to-prog") ", and it is really straightforward once linking-from-doc-to-prog is understood. " (p* "source-mark-anchor") " depends on the global variable " (p+ "previous-strong-program-word") ", which is assigned by " (p* "linking-from-doc-to-prog") " (" (@ "i") " and " (@ "h") ").

We use the following naming scheme for identification of source marker:

  program.html#definition-\" (@ "m") "
where definition is a name of a defintion (a function name, typcially) and m is a marker name.

.END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY preparing-linking-to-doc-source-markers .TITLE Preparing the linking to the documentation source markers. .BODY In this section we introduce anchor names of the source markers in the documentation, such that we can link from program source markers via a definition name and a documentation section to a documentation source marker. This is done in section " (d "linking-to-doc-source-markers") ".

We also define a variable " (p* "documentation-source-marker-occurences") " which relates program-ids, doc-ids and source mark characters. The variabel is assigned by the procedure " (p* "source-mark-register") " (registration of a new entry in the list).

The function to care about in order to introduce anchor names of documentation source markers is " (p* "program-linking-transition") ". At the same place (" (@ "a") ") as we introduced the linking to the program (see section " (d "linking-to-comment-markers") ") we now also insert an anchor name, via use of the a-name LAML tag. The anchor name is the following:

  docId-\" (@ "x") "
where docId is the documentation id of the section/entry and x is the source mark character.

The programming challenge is here how to get access to the documentation id of the section/entry, in which we are located. We are lucky here! The function " (p+ "program-linking-transition") " carries this information as the last parameter.

In section " (d "linking-to-doc-source-markers") " we will link to the anchor names (from program source markers to documentation source markers). .END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION applied-names-extraction .TITLE Extracting applied names. .BODY In this section we will study the extraction of applied names from the parsed program files. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY applied-names-overview .TITLE Overview .BODY The result of the efforts described in this section is the variable " (p* "defined-applied-names") ". The variable is defined in the function " (p+ "end-documentation") ". This variable is a list of the form ((applied-name . defined-name)...). The meaning is that applied-name is used in the definition of the form (define (defined-name...) ...).

The function " (p+ "applied-names-multiple-sources") " initiates the extraction task. At the calling place in " (p+ "end-documentation") " we se that the list of parsed source forms is made by appending " (p+ "source-list-list-process") " (the list of parsed sources processed in this 'Elucidation') and the list of source forms read via read-source (corresponding to the non-processed source files). .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY applied-names-multiple-sources .TITLE The function applied-names-multiple-sources. .BODY The function " (p* "applied-names-multiple-sources") " accumulates and sorts the contribution from the various source files, as represented in " (p* "source-list-list-process") ".

The function " (p* "applied-names") ", and in particular its helping function " (p* "applied-names-1") " extracts applied name pairs from a single source list, representing a single source file. The latter function accumulates the results in the last parameter, res. We see that applied name pairs are only collected from definitions, identified by the predicate " (p+ "is-define-form?") ". In reality " (p+ "applied-names-1") " iterates through the definitions of source-list, skipping the remaining top level forms. Under the definition of this-contribution we see the construction of the pairs of applied and defined names. We also see that the function " (p+ "applied-names-one-form") " extracts the applied names from a single form. This function is explained in the next section. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY applied-names-one-form .TITLE Extracting applied names from a single form. .BODY The function " (p* "applied-names-one-form") " extracts applied names from a single form. This function returns a list of applied names. The function is heavily recursive; It traverses the parse tree.

For each symbol we encounter we return that symbol (i.e., a list consisting of the symbol) if the symbol is defined in the current documentation bundle. The function " (p* "defining-in-batch?") " implements this condition.

Later in the conditional we process various special cases of lists (from most specialised to most general):

  (define (f p1 p2) ...)
  (define f ...)
  (lambda (p1 p2) ...)
  (let ((n1 v1) (n2 v2) ...) ...)
In all of these we want to skip defining name occurences (defined names, parameters, and bound let names). These are f, p2, p2, n1, and n2 above. The function " (p* "let-vals") " returns the forms corresponding to v1 and v2 above.

The remaining cases are simple, exhaustive traversals and collection. .END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION index-section .TITLE Making the indexes .BODY The elucidator supports a number of indexes: An index of program definitions, an cross reference index of defined applied names, an index of multiple defined names, and a table of contents covering the documentation. In this section we will explain each of these. .END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY cross-ref-index .TITLE The cross reference index .BODY Via the cross reference index we are able to answer the question: "In which definition is a given name applied". Thus given some name we can via this index get to all the definitions in which the name occur.

The function " (p* "end-documentation") " writes a HTML page with the cross reference index (at " (@ "o") "). Here the function " (p+ "present-cross-reference-index") " is called with the list " (p+ "defined-applied-names") " as parameter (an association list mapping names to all definitions in which they occur, sorted after the first element in the list). The creation of this list was addressed in section " (d "applied-names-extraction") ".

Besides forming the real and actual list of applied/defined names (see below in this subsection) the function " (p* "present-cross-reference-index") " makes the outer table of the cross reference. The function takes a list of pairs as parameter; each pair (a . d) represents an applied name a which is applied in the definition of d. The list is sorted by applied name (the car position). In this function, we first "sublist" the parameter list (" (@ "a") ") such that all entries belonging to the same applied name become a sublist; In other words all occurences of an applied name are grouped together in a sublist. Hereby the the list passed as parameter becomes one level deeper. Next (" (@ "b") ") we eliminate mulitiple applications of the same name in a single definition. This is done by (essentially) mapping " (p+ "remove-duplicates-by-predicate") " over all sublists of the list formed just above. The rest of the task in present-cross-reference-index is presentation of the result. The left colum shows an applied name; The right "fat column" presents all the definitions in which the name occur. All the entries (an applied name and all the definitions, in which it occurs) are produced by the function " (p* "present-applied-sublist") ". The "fat column" just mentioned is made in this function. Each entry in this inner table is made by " (p* "present-defined-entry") ".

The names, which are defined but not applied in the current documentation bundle, do not occur in the list " (p+ "defined-applied-names") ". It would be quite informative to include these, e.g., in order to illustrate the a given definition is not used (at all, or at least in the current bundle). Therefore we merge the lists defining-name-occurences and defined-applied-names to a list of the same data format as defined-applied-names. This takes place in the function " (p* "merge-defined-and-defined-applied-lists") ". The pair

  (name . #f)
is a legal entry in the list, meaning that the name is applied nowhere in the documentation bundle.

Symmetrically, the names which are applied but never defined, would be useful in the cross reference index. This may be an error. As of now, these do not appear. These names are probably not extracted at all. If we tried to do so, we would probably end up get far to many names. It could be complicated to hit all the symbols which are in evaluating position, and relating to global definitions. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY alpha-cross-ref-index .TITLE Alphabetically organized cross reference indexes .BODY The cross reference index described in section " (d "cross-ref-index") " becomes large for non-trivial elucidative programs. Large HTML files take relatively long time to bring up in a browser. And it takes long time for the user to scroll to a particular place in such an index. Therefore we now want to split the cross reference index into a number of smaller indexes, one for each letter in the alphabet.

The splitted cross reference index facility is controlled by a boolean variable " (p* "alphabetic-cross-reference-index?") ".

As can be seen in " (p* "end-documentation") " (" (@ "o") ") the generation of the split index is, in principle, straightforward. First we split the value of extended-defined-applied-names into alphabetical sections by means of the function " (p+ "split-defined-applied-names") ". Next we call the function " (p+ "make-cross-reference-index") " over the splitted list, thus generating a number of smaller index files. Finally, the function " (p+ "make-overall-cross-reference-index") " make the overall index, with links the individual small index files.

Now to some of the details, first " (p* "split-defined-applied-names") ". It is easy to do the splitting via an application of the function " (p+ "sublist-by-predicate") ". We just need to make a predicate (" (@ "a") ") which identifies different front letters in two consequtive elements of the car position in defined-applied-names (called dan here, for brievity).

However, there is one problem: In case there are no names with a particular starting letter we get a smaller number of sublist than letters in the alphabet. We see two solutions:

  1. Either we insert empty lists at appropriate positions, or
  2. We produce a partial alphabetic overview
We go for solution number 2.

It is not hard to make the partial alphabet list; We just map function " (p* "first-letter-of") " over an appropriate list formed by another mapping over the splitted list of defined applied names.

Next we map a procedure " (p* "make-cross-reference-index") " over the splitted name list and over the partial alphabet. The first parameter passed to this function is a list of name pairs; Each pair (a . d) represents an applied named a defined in d; d may be false (#f) in case a is not applied in the current documentation bundle at all. The procedure make-cross-reference-index produces a small index files (for names with a given initial letter). It uses the function " (p+ "present-cross-reference-index") " to present the cross reference index. Recall from section " (d "cross-ref-index") " that this function produces the table which presents the cross reference index. We also present an alphabet link array - by means of " (p+ "alphabetic-link-array-1") " - allowing for easy navigation to other indexes from an arbitrary index.

Finally, we have to make the overall index, which just contains an alphabet navigator. We take the already existing library function " (p* "alphabetic-link-array") " as the starting point. This function needs generaliation with respect to both the linking target, the alphabet, and more. This gives a variant, called " (p* "alphabetic-link-array-1") ". .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY duplicated-index .TITLE The duplicated name index .BODY The function " (p* "duplicated-definitions") " produces an index of definitions which appear two or more times in the documentation bundle. In Lisp it is possible to redefine a name. In some situations a redefinition is intended; in others it is an error. The duplicated name index of the elucidator makes it possible, in an easy way, to find which names are defined more than once within the current documentation bundle. Using this index, the unintended double definitions can easily be eliminated.

The elucidator uses the names of definitions as identifications. This is a very simple decission (probably also too simple). In case of double definitions we cannot distinguish between two or more definitions. Needless to say, this cause problems. Therefore we also use the duplicated name index to remind the user of the Elucidator of the size of this problem (or "flaw", you could say).

Internally, the function " (p+ "duplicated-definitions") " sorts all defined names, and next we attempt to identify duplicates. Given that we have the sorted definitions f, g, g, h, i, and j (with g double defined) we identify duplicates by pairing the list

(f g g h i j)
with the tail of the list
(g g h i j)
((f . g) (g . g) (g . h) (h . i) (i . j))
The element (g . g) represents a duplicate.

The function " (p* "present-duplicated-definitions") " (called by " (p+ "end-documentation") ") presents the duplicated definitions in a straightforward way. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY defined-name-index .TITLE The defined name index .BODY Given the variable " (p+ "defining-name-occurences") ", which is defined in " (p* "end-documentation") " (at " (@ "d") "), we present an index of all the definitions in the documentation bundle. The function " (p* "present-defined-name-index") " is responsible of this. The function sorts the names using the specialized predicate " (p* "name-entry-leq?") ". The sorted names are presented in a multi-column table. Each entry in the table is produced by the function " (p* "present-a-defining-name-entry") ". .END .ENTRY toc-section .TITLE Making the table of contents .BODY The table of contents is generated by the function " (p+ "present-documentation-contents") ". We generate both a detailed and an overall table of contents. The present-documentation-contents function is called from " (p+ "end-documentation") ", inside a write-text-file clause. As a parameter we pass " (p* "documentation-elements") ".

As can be seen in " (p* "present-documentation-contents") " we present the table of contents in a two column list, made by the function " (p* "two-column-list") ". The second parameter determines whether we show both sections and entries, or only sections (good for long documents).

The function which presents a single entry is " (p* "present-documentation-content-element") ". We use the information on the first parameter element to access the kind (entry or section), the doc-id symbol, the section number, and the title. We return a string which represents a (possibly indented) anchor tag. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY local-tocs .TITLE Local table of contents .BODY From the overall table of contents we can navigate to a selected section. Under the section body we find a local table of contents of this section.

Recall that a documentation section is made by the function " (p* "present-documentation-section") ". In this function we find the relevant subsections by filtering the " (p* "documentation-elements") " list with the predicate (subsections? section-number). The function " (p* "subsections?") " generates a predicate which return true on exactly the proper subsections of section section-number.

The local table of contents is made by the function the function " (p* "present-documentation-subsection-element") ". This function is straightforward; It returns a string, in which the important substring is an anchor tag which is associated with a link to the appropriate subsection. .END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION html-making .TITLE Constructing the HTML files. .BODY In this section we will discuss the most interesting aspects of the HTML file construction, including the images on which the HTML depend. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY html-details .TITLE Some HTML details. .BODY The elucidator generates a lot of HTML files in the html sub directory of the directory, which contains the setup file and the textual documentation file, cf. section " (d "file-structure") ".

Almost all the html files are generated in " (p+ "end-documentation") ". The responsibilities are divided in three parts:

  1. Writing the text file to particular directory: " (p+ "write-text-file") " and " (p+ "html-destination") ".
  2. Making the outer structure of the HTML page: " (p+ "page") ".
  3. Making the body of the page: To this end various presentation functions in the elucidator are called: such as " (p+ "documentation-contents") ", " (p+ "present-duplicated-definitions") ", " (p+ "present-defined-name-index") ", " (p+ "present-cross-reference-index") ", and " (p+ "present-documentation-contents") ".
As part of the elucidator we have made a function " (p* "make-frame-file-in-html-dir") " which makes an HTML frame file. An accompanying function " (p* "make-frame-file-in-source-dir") " makes HTML files in the source directory, such that the result of the Elucidator process can be activited from a file besides the setup and documentation files.

The frames as such (technically the frameset) are constructed by specialized functions such as " (p* "elucidator-frame") " and " (p* "elucidator-frame-horizontal") ". Here we use the functions from the html-v1 library for aggregation of the frame stuff. These are the function which are responsible for the overall layout of the Elucidator, as presented in a browser.

.END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY icons .TITLE The icons .BODY If you take a look at an elucidator running in an Internet browser you will se a number of icons. These icons reside in the images directory of the elucidator software directory.

If or when we introduce a new icon it must be saved in the images directory. In addition, it must be put into the list " (p* "elucidator-image-files") ". As part of the processing in " (p+ "end-documentation") " the icons are copied from the software directory to the html/images subdirectory of directory, in which a concrete elucidator resides. This is done by means of " (p+ "copy-files") " from the general library.

This organization ensures that all relevant icons appear in any elucdiator instance. The icons will physically exist many places; But this is prices of self contained html directories, which easily can be copied and transported.

The icons appear on a number of difference WWW pages. The icons, and the links behind them, are produced by the function " (p* "icon-bar") ". .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY program-menus .TITLE The program file menu and coloring schemes .BODY In most elucidators there will be a menu of program files from the documentation bundle in the top menu and index frame. The menu is produced by the function " (p+ "source-file-links") ", and called by function " (p+ "icon-bar") ".

It may be difficult to realize which program file is being presented in the program-frame to the right in an elucidator browser. Therefore we support a background color scheme of programs in the documentation bundle. In order to be general, also the documentation and index frames can have distinct colors. The colors of the frames are controlled by the variable " (p* "elucidator-color-scheme") ", which is #f (use " (p* "default-background-color") ") or an association list a that maps group names (see section " (d "setup-structure") ") to colors.

The function " (p* "make-color-scheme") " is meant to be a high-level function via which to defined " (p+ "elucidator-color-scheme") ". The function returns a association list given the input which is a property list. " (p+ "make-color-scheme") " is called from the setup file. The function " (p* "color-of-group") " maps color groups (as used in the " (p+ "program-source") " forms) to colors, as defined by the color scheme.

If there are many programs in the documentation bundle it will not work out nicely to have a horizontal table with all program files in the index frame. Therefore we have introduced yet another frame, the " (p- "program-menu") " frame, which holds a menu (table) of all programs. The color scheme, discussed above, is used in that table too. The function " (p* "source-file-links-for-program-menu") " produces the table. This function is very similar to " (p+ "source-file-links") ", which produces the horizontal table. (The main difference is the use of different table functions, " (p+ "table-1") " and " (p+ "table-4") ").

The boolean variable " (p* "separate-program-menu?") " controls whether to use the original horizontal table of program, or the menu frame. The function " (p* "control-frame") " produces the control frame, if the boolean variable is false, or a column frameset consisting of the " (p- "control-frame") " and the " (p- "program-menu") ". .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY elucidator-help .TITLE The Help page .BODY The elucidator help page is made by the function " (p* "make-elucidator-help-page") ". Quite naturally, this function is called from " (p+ "end-documentation") ".

The help page use LAML markup, as can be expected. The elucidator generates the help page every time it is executed. .END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION handling-bounded-names-section .TITLE Handling of bounded names .BODY This section elaborates on the problem raised in section " (d "list-traverse-scan") ". Let us repeat the point here:

We have not yet subtracted locally defined names from let bindings. This causes unfortunately some mis-bindings of applied names in our WEB presentations of programs. It would probably be rather tedious to implement the subtractions of let-defined names.

As we will see below, it turns out that it is relatively easy to implement a solution. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY handling-bounded-names-intro .TITLE Introduction to the problem .BODY In the early versions of the Scheme Elucidator locally bound names could interfer with the top-level bindings. Here is an example:

 (define a ...)
 (define c ...)

 (define (f a b)
   (let ((c d)
         (e f))
     (x a c)))     
First, binding occurences should never be linked as applied names to the top-level definitions of a and c. In the early versions of the Elucidator the binding occurence of c in the let-construct is linked to the top-level definition of c. This is - of course - wrong.

Second, the names a and c in the form (x a c) should not be be linked to the top-level definition of a and c. Within the body of the let clause in f, a and c refers to the a parameter and the local binding of c, of course. The early versions of the Elucidator would make wrong links here on c. However, a is identified as a parameter, and no mis-linking is done on the name a in the early version of the elucidator.

.END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY handling-bounded-names-solution .TITLE A solution .BODY The relevant existing functions dealing with these aspects of the Elucidator are " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") " and " (p+ "bounded-names") ".

In " (p* "elucidate-program-form") " we subtract the locally bound names from defining names in the recursive calls of the function (" (@ "c") "). The form f is here a define form, on which the function " (p+ "bounded-names") " return the list of binding name occurences.

Our solution is now to weaken the precondition on " (p* "bounded-names") " such that it works on any Scheme form. If we pass a name binding construct to " (p- "bounded-names") " it will return the namebindings of the form. If we pass another construct to " (p- "bounded-names") " it returns the empty list. The existing version of " (p- "bounded-names") " is renamed to " (p* "parameter-names") ", as suggested in section " (d "bounded-names") ".

Now, in " (p* "elucidate-program-form") ", we subtract the bounded names from defining names more uniformly in the recursive calls. Concretely, this is now also done in the cases (" (@ "d") " and " (@ "f") ") on lists which are not define forms (" (@ "e") " and " (@ "g") "). Hereby we eliminate the names, which happen to be bound locally, from the names which are considered as source anchors of applied-defined name links.

.END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION comment-problem-section .TITLE Dealing with comments. .BODY In this section we will improve the Scheme Elucidator's way of dealing with comments. We start with a section, in which we discuss the problem, and we direct the reader's attention to relevant places in the existing documentation and programs. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY comment-problem-intro .TITLE Problems and existing descriptions .BODY Comments are lexical elements in most programming languages, and therefore the comments are not represented at all in the data structures defined by a parsing process. This causes problems, because we want to represent important elucidator relevant information in the comments. We have already seen the source mark information, which necessarily has to be embedded into comments at the program source side. Besides source markers we need to represent the following information in program comments in the Scheme elucidator:

We have discussed the problems of comments and other special lexical problems in the sections " (d "list-traverse-scan") " and " (d "quote-lex") ".

In the Scheme Elucidator program the parsing of the Scheme program is done by the function " (p+ "read-source") ", which is called from " (p+ "end-documentation") ". The handling of comments is done via the function " (p+ "skip-comment") ", which is called exclusively by " (p+ "skip-white-space") ", which in turn is called from " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") ".

We will now discuss our ideas for improved handling of comments in the Scheme eluciator. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY comment-problem-ideas .TITLE Ideas to improved handling of comments .BODY The key to an improvement is to handle comments as syntactical constructs. Fortunately, we have already implemented a procedure " (p- "lexical-to-syntactical-comments!") " which converts lexical comments to syntactical comments. We have used this procedure to extract interface documentation from Scheme comments, in preparation for manual page production. Se the manual page of the SchemeDoc tool for further information.

Let us illustrate the idea via an example. First a small Scheme program:

  ;;;; This is just an example
  ;; The function f adds a constant
  ;; c to its first parameter
  (define (f a c)
    (+ a c)  ; The result
  ;; This function just calls f
  (define (g a)
    (f a 5))
and here the transformation, in which the comments are lexical elements:
  (comment 4 "This is just an example ")
  (comment 2 "The function f adds a constant 
  c to its first parameter ")
  (define (f a c)
    (+ a c)  (comment 1 "The result ")
  (comment 2 "This function just calls f ")
  (define (g a)
    (f a 5))
(Actually, we use a slightly different designation for the comment, " (p* "syntactical-comment-designator") ", in order not to risk a name conflict wrt. the name 'comment').

The transformation illustrated above has been carried out by the function " (p- "lexical-to-syntactical-comments") "! mentioned above. We see that the number of semicolons are represented as an integer argument of the syntactical comment form. We also see that consequtive comment lines are folded into a single syntactic comment construct.

Now the overall idea is to pre-process all Scheme source files by means of the function " (p- "lexical-to-syntactical-comments") ". This will affect the program presentation, as realized by " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") ", which therefore needs modification. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY comment-problem-solution .TITLE Solution .BODY We first pre-process the Scheme source files. This is done by the function " (p* "pre-process-comments-in-files!") " called by " (p+ "end-documentation") ". In turn, this function calls " (p* "pre-process-comments!") ", which calls the function " (p- "lexical-to-syntactical-comments!") " of the SchemeDoc tool. This causes definition of comment transformed source file in the doc/internal directory of those source file, which we process. Notice that we now load the SchemeDoc tool from the Scheme Elucidator just after library loading.

Now, the function " (p+ "read-source") ", as called by " (p* "end-documentation") ", should read the internal comment-transformed source file instead of the original source files. This is arranged for in the function " (p* "source-file-determinator") ", which takes a program source file descriptor (with key, file-location, and language components). The variable " (p* "comment-handling") " determines whether to invoke and use syntactical comments. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY extracting-sections-from-comments .TITLE Extracting sectional names from comments. .BODY We here present the design of sectional names in comments. Recall from section " (d "comment-problem-intro") " that sectional comments was one of reason for the extensions discussed here. A sectional comment is of the following form:

  ; ::section-name:: Remaining comment
which - according to section " (d "comment-problem-ideas") " - is transformed to
  (comment 1 "::section-name:: Remaining comment")
There may be one or more semicolons (typically, there will be threee, according to our SchemeDoc conventions). However, the section name must be the first thing in the comment (following possible white space). Thus, we only look for section names in comments in the prefix of the comment string. This is a natural decission seen from a design perspective, and this allows us to make a reasonable efficient predicate to determine whether a comment holds a section name.

At the overall level, we now want to extract section names from comments, and add these as contributions to " (p+ "defining-name-occurences") ".

We start with the the predicate " (p* "syntactical-comment?") " which recognizes a syntactical comment. This function is straightforward. Next, we need a predicate which identifies a section name comment: " (p* "section-name-comment?") ". The input is the string, such as

  "::section-name:: Remaining comment"
The function first skips white space in the string, whereafter it looks for a name in double colons. We could use a function such as " (p+ "substring-index") ", but we want to be reasonable efficient wrt. determination of the existence of a section name in a comment. The programming of this function involves " (p+ "skip-chars-in-string") " and " (p+ "looking-at-substring?") " (programmed for this particular purpose) which we put in the general-lib because of their general applicability.

We use " (p+ "syntactical-comment?") " and " (p+ "section-name-comment?") " in the function " (p* "defined-names-1") ", which has been revised to extract the section name from 'sectional comment'. The section name is considered as exactly the same as a defining name in a Scheme define form. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY define-lookahead .TITLE Look-ahead through comments for a define form .BODY Before we discuss how to present and render the syntactical comment we want to prepare the context around " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") " and " (p+ "elucidate-program-source-1") " such that we otain the possibility to look one form ahead. This is useful in order to insert anchor names before an interface comment of a definition, cf. the first item in section " (d "comment-problem-intro") ". We therefore want to point out the formal parameter " (p- "nf") " (means next form) in " (p* "elucidate-program-form") ". This parameter is either the next form after " (p- "f") " (the previous formal parameter relative to " (p- "nf") ") or #f if no such form exists. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY presenting-syntactical-comments .TITLE Presenting syntactical comments. .BODY We need to identify syntactical comment forms in " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") ", and to present them properly. Now that comments are syntactical we need to present these instead of the processing done in " (p+ "skip-comment") " and in particular in " (p+ "skip-comment-1") ". We keep, and still call " (p+ "skip-comment") " via " (p+ "skip-white-space") " from " (p* "elucidate-program-source-1") ". If all comments are syntactical we will never meet lexical comment when we "eat" white space, so there is no reason to remove this handling from the elucidator.

We are now ready to present the syntactal comment in " (p* "elucidate-program-form") ". We introduce the conditional clause which captures syntactical comments (" (@ "h") ") before any lists (define, non-define, and pairs) are catched. The idea is to skip the comment (real skipping with outputting anything on op), and then to pretty print the syntactical comment string with respect to source markers and section names (and more perhaps).

Here we will address the skipping. The pretty printing will be discussed in section " (d "pretty-printing-syntactical-comments") ". The procedure " (p* "match-syntactical-comment-without-output") " is specialized, and simple. It reads through all characters of the syntactical comment on the input port ip without outputting anyting on the output port op. The procedure depends on the exact form of a syntactical comment, as explained in section " (d "comment-problem-ideas") ". Just after calling " (p+ "match-syntactical-comment-without-output") " in " (p* "elucidate-program-form") " (" (@ "h") ") we read a single char. As explained in the program comment, this eats the empty line (the newline) character after the syntactical comment. Now it is time to explain the pretty printing of the comment string of the syntactical comment. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY printing-anchor-name .TITLE Printing the anchor name .BODY Here we will describe how to insert the anchor name tag of a defintion before the comment. Recall that this placement will make it possible to see the interface comment of a Scheme define form, without needing to scroll backwards from the definition.

The key to this is the next form (nf) parameter of " (p* "elucidate-program-form") ", as touched on in section " (d "presenting-syntactical-comments") ". In the condititonal case (" (@ "h") ") we test whether the next form, " (p- "nf") " is a define form. If it is, we write the anchor name on the output port, and we set flag " (p+ "last-define-a-name") " imperatively, which remembers the fact that we have already written the anchor tag of the next defintion. The value of the flag is the name of the define form. The flag is initialized in " (p+ "elucidate-program-source-1") ".

In the section " (@ "a") " of " (p+ "elucidate-program-form") " we now only write the anchor tag if it has not already been done together with the previous (interface) comment. Thus, the writing of the anchor tag is conditional, by the expression (not (eq? last-define-a-name (defined-name f))). After using the value of " (p+ "last-define-a-name") " we reset it to its initial value, #f.

In case we use lexcical comments this will also work, because in that case " (p+ "last-define-a-name") " will always be false. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY pretty-printing-syntactical-comments .TITLE Pretty printing syntactical comments .BODY The task is here to format the syntactical comment, such as to present source markers and sectional comments in a nice way. We have the source text of the comment in a string, which stems from the third parameter of a comment form. This information can be extracted by the selector " (p+ "comment-string-of-syntactical-comment") ".

It is worth noticing, that we have already done a similar processing in the function " (p+ "skip-comment-1") ", but here we read from the input port and wrote to the output port. As mentioned above, we now have the comment in a string. This calls for a functional solution using a state machine, similar to the state machine from section " (d "do-program-link-documentation!") " and " (d "program-linking-transition") ".

Let us look at the desired transformation. The input might be

  " ::sect-name:: This is a comment with \" (@ "a") " source mark. 
It is a two line comment."
We need to identify the double colon syntax of section names, and the source marker. Source markers only take effect if there is a white space character after them, cf. section " (d "comment-markers") ". A newline should be followed by lexical comment characters (one or more semicolons).

The top-level function for the current comment processing is " (p* "render-syntactical-comment") ". It calls the function " (p* "do-render-syntactical-comment") ", which is quite similar to " (p+ "do-program-link-documentation!") ". (We could consider to abstract over the functions which realize the state machine, especially because they have been used five or more times in various places in the LAML software. However, the experience seems to bee that they are all sligtly different when it comes to the fine details. So I make the state machine by hand, also this time).

The functiono " (p+ "do-render-syntactical-comment") " in turn calls the function " (p* "syntactical-comment-transition") ", which implements the central state machine of the comment rendering.

There will be the following states in the state machine of " (p+ "syntactical-comment-transition") ":

We could and should have additional notes here about the state machine. As of now, this information is simply not here. It is tricky to get all details of such a relative complicated state machine right. I used most of Sunday to battle the details. As of now, it works reasonably, but I am only 95% sure that it is indeed correct and appropriate. Time will show. .END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION specific-addressing-section .TITLE Addressing definitions in specific source files. .BODY In this section we will described a modification which allows for addressing of definitions and sections in specific source files. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY specific-addressing .TITLE Background .BODY In the original version of the Elucidator we were able to refer to program entities from the documentation via the syntax
  \" (p+ "\*reference\") "  
The star character could be '+', '-', or empty as well. (An empty modifier defaults to '+').

We would like to be able to determine in which file to address reference. We will use the syntax

  \" (p+ "\*source-key$reference\") "  
The source-key acts as a source key qualification. The special syntax (in which the reference part is empty, and in which the *, +, - may be omitted)
  \" (p+ "source-key$\") "  
generates a reference to the program as such.

The original and simple reference should still be legal. In cases where there is only one file containing af definition of reference everything works out as usual. In case two or more files contain reference we are now able to refer to a specific instance, in a specific source file. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY specific-addressing-solution .TITLE The solution to the problem .BODY The function affected by this idea is " (p* "linking-from-doc-to-prog") ". As we can see, this function distinguishes between a number of cases: zero targets, exactly one target, and several targets. The latter case needs to be refined to two cases:

This is done now.

The function " (p* "qualified-program-link?") " returns the source key qualification (a string) if it is applied on a qualified "word" which happens to be a source key. However, it only returns a source key if the candidate is member of the " (p* "source-key-list") " Recall that all the source keys of the documentation bundle are found in the list " (p- "source-key-list") " If the word is not qualifiy it returns #f (false).

The function " (p* "proper-linking-word") " returns the proper linking word. This is the string "reference" in the example of section " (d "specific-addressing") ". The result is witout modifier (such as +, -, *) and with the qualification.

The new case in " (p* "linking-from-doc-to-prog") " is relevant if there is more than one possible linking target, and if the reference is qualified (" (@ "a") "). A warning is issued an illegal qualification is given. In that case we link to 'the first' source key. .END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION ideas-section .TITLE Ideas to future work on the Elucdiator tool. .BODY In this section we will describe and enumerate the ideas to future work on the Elucidator. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY ideas .TITLE The ideas .BODY

  1. Navigation from documentation to program
    It is irritating that the (doc)comment just prior to the program definition cannot be seen. The reason is the way navigation is implemented in a browser: The destination is 'highlighted' by means of scrolling. Either we should place the anchor name before the comment, or we should arrange that the browser scrolls a little back (perhaps via Javascript means). We could also move the comment inside the definition, but this would be a major work in relation to our current commenting practice.

  2. Differential documentation.
    Minor program modifications may call for major modifications of the program documentation, in order for the documentation to stay at a high level of quality. More specifically, we may need to read through major parts of the documentation in order to ensure that the program modifications are properly reflected at all relevant places in the documentation. This is not always realistic. As a consequence we propose to introduce particular sections in the documentation which document the modifications. We could talk about a differential documentation approach. In that way, the latest documentation is the "base documentation" plus the documentation of the modifications. The question is now:

    This part of our work is related to version control of the documentation bundle.

  3. Loose ends
    When we implement and document a program there is often some "loose ends", which need additional attention later in the development process. Rather than polishing the documentation to completion by ignoring these loose ends, we are better off if we represent and document them. In that way the documentation can help to us to understand and get an overview of the loose ends in the program.


  4. Access to interface documentation
    Internal documentation and interface documentation are two different kinds of documentation. However, they are not unrelated. If both kinds of documentation exists for programs in a documentation bundle, we could consider how to make good use of the interface documentation from the internal documentation.

  5. Overlapping name spaces
    If several programs are documented together, and if there are overlapping name spaces in these programs, it would be necessary to provide for source key qualified program name references, such as
             \" (p* "source-key:program-name\") "

  6. Rererences to non-define top-level forms
    If we document imperative programs with many non-defined top-level forms we need ways to refer to such top level forms. We can use source markers, but as of now these are associated with the previous define form. It would be relatively easy at the program side to associate them with the right top level form. At the documentation side we need means to refer to such places. A special \" (p+ "TOP\") " relation could be invented. This needs to clarified before implemented.

  7. Linking defined names to the cross reference index
    Defining names in the program are not linked to anything. It would be useful to link it to an entry in (the alphabetical) cross reference index. In that way it would be easy to follow potential call chains in the program. Implementation of this is now done.
  8. Elucidative programming as a diary. This is another structure of the documentation than the traditional literate one.
.END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SECTION bugs-section .TITLE Problems and errors in the Elucidator .BODY In this section we will describe the known problems and errors in the Elucidator. .END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ENTRY bugs .TITLE Problems and errors .BODY Here we enumerate the problems we have identified with the Scheme eludicator:
  1. Names with question marks ('?') and exclamation marks ('!') cause problems when represented as symbols in Emacs. We might consider to change the elisp reader (if possible). A more promising approach is probably to avoid symbols in list of defined names. Use string instead.

    Solution: We make sure that " (p* "store-defined-names") " stores the defined name as a string. The reverse function, " (p* "restore-defined-names") ", reverses the string to a symbol. As such, the elucidator (the Scheme software) is not affected by the change. The internal files with defined names have been changed, however.

  2. Within backquotes, there should only be linking to defined names from unquote contexts. As of now, we may also link from the constant parts of the form. This is an error. The problem is solved within (forward) quotes, simply by passing the empty list of defined names.