CSS Classes in LAML Manuals

The LAML manuals, and more generally manuals produced by SchemeDoc and the manual document style, make use of CSS stylesheets. Below we give an overview of the CSS classes that are used in a manual document.

Following the top indexes of a manual pages comes a number of manual sections, each with a number of manual entries. All manual sections and entries have a tabular layout with four columns:

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4
... ... ... ...

As an example:

Name of some function
Kind Info about kind
Kind Subkind Info about subkind
Subkind Info about subkind
... ... ... ...

Many of the rows join two or more cells with a colspan attribute. Similarly, rowspan attributes are used to join rows in certain situations. As a consequence of this table organization many of the stylesheet rules are associated with td elements.

A few classes are associated with level 2 manual pages and manual sections. The level 2 pages and sections are nested in top level entries (level 1). As of now, we do not support level 3 and beyond.

The following classes are used in manual stylesheets:

Class name Hosting element Explanation
manual-table table The table which holds all manual entries and manual sections. Only one such table exists in a single manual.
manual-author-element span The elements in author information of the manual
manual-abstract div The manual abstract
manual-body body The body of the manual page
manual-title h1 The title of the manual page
manual-section tr The manual section row
manual-section td The manual section row. Spans all four columns
manual-section-level-2 td The manual row of nested sections. Spans all four columns
manual-section-description td The text of a manual section. Spans all four columns
manual-header-title td The title (in the first column cell) of the alphabetic index
manual-header-form td The form (in the second column cell) of the alphabetic index
manual-header-description td The description (in the third column cell) of the alphabetic index
manual-plain-title td The title cell of a manual entry. Spans four columns.
manual-plain-title-level-2 td The title cell of a nested manual entry. Spans four columns.
manual-plain-section-title span The title of a manual section. Spans four columns.
manual-plain-section-title-level-2 span The title of a nested section. Spans four columns.
manual-plain-entry-kind td The marking of kind of entries. Such as 'Form' and 'Description'
manual-plain-form td The form line of a manual entry. Spans three columns
manual-plain-condition td The precondition and postcondition of a manual entry. Spans three columns
manual-plain-description td The description line of a manual entry. Spans three columns
manual-plain-parameter-name td A single parameter name.
manual-plain-parameter-description td A sigle parameter description
manual-plain-example td An example line of a manual entry. Spans three columns
manual-plain-reference-role td The word appearing after 'See also'. The role of a reference. Followed by the reference anchor
manual-plain-reference-anchor td The anchored link of a reference. Comes just after the reference role
manual-plain-comment td An internal remark of a manual entry.
manual-plain-misc td A miscellaneous line of a manual entry
manual-plain-returns td A return line of a manual entry
manual-plain-form td A form line of a manual entry
manual-plain-xml-content-model td An XML content model line of a manual entry which describes a mirror function of an XML element
manual-plain-attribute-name td An attribute name of a mirror function of an XML element
manual-plain-attribute-type td An attribute type of a mirror function of an XML element
manual-plain-attribute-description td An attribute description of a mirror function of an XML element
manual-plain-end-of-entry td A cell in an empty row inserted after the last row in a manual entry. Used to make a termination or vertical space
manual-plain-end-of-entry hr A horizontal rule in the ending entry mentioned above. Can be eliminated by zero width
manual-plain-external-reference a The anchored link of an external reference
manual-plain-internal-reference a The anchored link of an internal reference

See also the concrete manual stylesheets in the manual software stylesheet directory.