Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:19:23Copyright ©2011, Kurt NørmarkThe local LAML software home page

Manual of the Simple LAML style

Kurt Nørmark ©    Department of Computer Science    Aalborg University    Denmark    

Source file: styles/simple.scm
LAML Version 38.0 (November 14, 2011, full)

This is the simple LAML style. Using this style, a number of useful LAML libraries will be loaded. In addition, the simple style defines the function generic-page (in two variants) which is useful to make a simple WWW page.

This style is obsolete now. Use simple 4.01 validating transitional instead, or even better one of the XHTML mirrors which are validating mirrors of HTML in Scheme.

Alphabetic index:
default-bg-text-link-vlink-colorsdefault-bg-text-link-vlink-colorsA list of four colors: the background, the text, the link, and the visited link colors.
generic-page(generic-page title body . colors)Make a generic WWW page.
generic-page-1(generic-page-1 title body . colors)A more user friendly version of generic-page, in which the title also is used as header of the page.
set-file-name!(set-file-name! file)Define the name of the generated html file.


(set-file-name! file)

Define the name of the generated html file. Using the Emacs activation of SCM, the file name is taken from the buffer name, and as a consequence it is not necessary to use this function. Using other means of activation, this function can be used to set the name of the generated html file. File is without extension.



A list of four colors: the background, the text, the link, and the visited link colors.


(generic-page title body . colors)

Make a generic WWW page. Title and body are the title and body of the page. In the body you can use all the useful functions from the LAML html libraries. Colors is an optional parameter. If given, it must be a list of exactly four colors: Background color, text color (foreground color), link color, and visited link color. A color can be made by the function make-color.


(generic-page-1 title body . colors)

A more user friendly version of generic-page, in which the title also is used as header of the page.

Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:19:23
This documentation has been extracted automatically from the Scheme source file by means of the Schemedoc tool