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Program 1

(note-page 'id "xmlinlaml-leno"

    "LENO: An XML-in-LAML example language"
    "We here give an example of an XML-in-LAML language including a 
     study of the concrete document representation"

  (point 'margin-top "4em"
    "The document source of these slides is 
     written in an XML-in-LAML language called LENO"

  (items 'margin-bottom "4em"
    (main-text (b "Produces complex material")
      (main-text "Heavily interlinked pages with multiple views of the materials"

    (main-text (b "Multiple author interfaces")
      (main-text "LENO supports both an original primitive Scheme interface, 
                  XML-in-LAML, and XML")
      (annotation "For this presentation we have used the XML-in-LAML interface.")

    (main-text (b "Relatively mature")
      (main-text "We have used LENO to produce E-learning material 
                 the last four years"

   'src "www2002.laml"
   'from-mark "(note-page 'id \"xmlinlaml-leno\""
   'to-mark demo-end-mark
   'slide-mode "external"
   'book-mode "inline"
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "note-page" 'to-mark "" 'color "red" 'face "bold" )

    (color-decoration 'from-mark "title" 'to-mark "" 'color "blue" 'face "bold" )
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "point" 'to-mark "" 'color "blue" 'face "bold" 'repetition "1")
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "items" 'to-mark "" 'color "blue" 'face "bold" 'repetition "4")
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "source-program" 'to-mark "" 'color "blue" 'face "bold" )

    (color-decoration 'from-mark "item  " 'to-mark "" 'color "brown" 'face "bold" 'repetition "6")

    (color-decoration 'from-mark "main-text" 'to-mark "" 'color "brown" 'face "bold" 'repetition "10")
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "annotation" 'to-mark "" 'color "brown" 'face "bold" 'repetition "2")
    "The LAML document source of this page" )

) ; end xml-in-laml