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Program 2

(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))
(style "simple-html4.01-transitional-validating")

(define (normark-url suffix)
 (string-append "" suffix))

(define complex (even? (current-time)))

(write-html '(raw prolog epilog)
   (title "This is the document title")

   (h1 "Document title")

   (if complex
       (p "A first paragraph with a link to" 
          (a 'href (normark-url "laml/") "LAML"))
       (p "Here is the first paragraph of the document"))

   (if complex
       (p "The second paragraph has a link to" 
          (a 'href (normark-url "scheme/") "the LAML software"))
       (p "The second paragraph has an" (em "emphasized item")
         "and a" (b "bold face item")_"."))
