HTML Protection

   <head> <title> A simple page </title> </head>
   <body bgcolor="#ffffbf" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#0000ff">
      <h1> A simple page </h1>
      This page demonstrates a few of the functions in the HTML library.
         This paragraph has been emphasized by means of the 
         <b> em </b>
      Let us also show a simple table, which is one of the real convenient elements in LAML:
      <table border="2">
            <td width="100" valign="top" bgcolor="#ff0000"> Here </td>
            <td width="200" valign="top" bgcolor="#00ff00"> is </td>
            <td width="100" valign="top" bgcolor="#0000ff"> some </td>
            <td width="100" valign="top" bgcolor="#ff0000"> tabular </td>
            <td width="200" valign="top" bgcolor="#00ff00"> text </td>
            <td width="100" valign="top" bgcolor="#0000ff"> </td>
      <b> This ends this simple page </b>
      <font size="1" color="#ff0000"> Generated: 4.6.99, 14.27 </font>


Genereret: 17. August 2001, 13:51:15