A Programmatic Approach to WWW Authoring

Kurt Nørmark ©
Department of Computer Science
Aalborg University


Index References Contents
In this talk I present a programmatic approach to authoring of WWW material. The approach is based on my work on LAML in Scheme. With LAML it is possible to generate HTML pages from a Scheme document source. The basic idea is to mirror HTML to a number of Scheme functions. Based on this mirror, a number of document styles, tools, and additional libraries have been built. The creation of abstractions in terms of functions is a key to mastering complexity - in program development as well as WEB development. But also the possibility to perform immediate automation of routine tasks at the most natural places in the document is an important characteristics of programmatic authoring. In the talk we will discuss discuss programmatic authoring as a contrast to other WWW authoring possibilities, and we will illustrate the practical potential of the approach by a variety of different examples. We will also briefly touch of server side CGI programming using LAML.

Programmatic Authoring

Classes of WWW documents
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There are several different kinds of WWW documents which we like to distinguish

  • Static documents

    • Authored in a markup language - bound at edit time

  • Generated documents

    • Translated from another language to HTML - bound at translation time

  • Calculated documents

    • Generated from a program - bound at document access time

  • Dynamic documents

    • Partly generated from a program - bound at browse time

In this seminar we will primarily be concerned with generated documents, and secondarily with calculated documents.

Authoring of WWW materials
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  • Approaches to authoring of static WWW materials:

    • Writing the document in a markup language

      • HTML - low level and non-extensible

      • XML - requires subsequent transformations or specification of the document rendering

    • Using a visual tool - s structure editor on top of the markup language

      • Good for low skill users

      • Difficult to manage large and complex materials

    • Transforming the document from another format

      • Will often result in a WWW edition of a paper document

      • Difficult to make effective use of the WWW's hypertext potentials

    • Writing the document in a programming language

      • Potentially good for users with programming skills

      • To be explored in this seminar

Programmatic authoring
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The concept Programmatic authoring: Using programmatic authoring the document source is a program written in a programming language. The document is classified as a generated document. Executing the program causes a transformation of the document source program to another format, typically HTML.

  • Expected advantages of programmatic authoring

    • We can immediately use all the 'programming tricks' in the WWW authoring area

      • Authoring of complex materials parallels creation of non-trivial programs

    • We do not need to bring in special purpose tools to help manage the authoring process.

    • We can avoid using special purpose languages and processors for a variety of purposes

      • Such languages are often poorly designed in comparison to well-proven programming languages

    • The distance between a server side program (CGI program) and a static WWW document becomes smaller

      • Both can be written in the same language

Using programmatic authoring the power of a programming language is available everywhere in the document, and at any time in the authoring process

Disadvantages of programmatic authoring
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  • Programmatic authoring is not feasible in many main stream languages

    • Java, C++, C, Pascal, Perl, ...

  • Programmatic authoring requires good programming skills in the chosen programming languages

    • A niche for only few authors

  • Programmatic authoring is relatively far from mainstream WWW technologies

    • Hard to convince decision makers that it may be applicable

Programmatic authoring will remain to be a narrow discipline for relatively few power users.

Which programming paradigm and language?
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It is essential to pick an appropriate programming paradigm and programming language for the programmatic WWW authoring endeavor

  • Paradigm

    • The functional paradigm seems to be attractive

    • The imperative paradigm does not fit well

    • The object-oriented paradigm may also be attractive

  • Language

    • A language with a simple, uniform, and flexible syntax is to be preferred

    • Rigid and complicated syntactic constructs do not fit well with authoring of natural language texts

    • Lisp is a good choice - but not necessarily the only choice

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Scheme is a small, yet powerful language in the Lisp family

  • Scheme characteristics:

    • Supports functional programming - but not on an exclusive basis

    • Is syntactically and uniformly based on parenthesized prefix notation

    • Programming goes hand in hand with language development

    • Functions are first class data objects

    • Uses static binding of free names in procedures and functions

    • Types are checked and handled at run time - no static type checking

    • Parameters are evaluated before being passed - no lazyness

    • Programming (definition of functions) can be seen as language development

Scheme is an attractive alternative to Common Lisp (a big monster) and Emacs Lisp (the rather primitive extension language of Emacs).


An Introductory Example

Overall document abstractions
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We introduce LAML by a simple abstraction on the overall HTML document structure

The example documents and programs are located in the directory includes/document-abstractions/

Program: A very simple HTML document that illustrates the overall HTML document structure. It may, however, be tedious to write these tags for each and every small HTML page you have to produce.
     <title>This is the document title</title>
      <h1>Document title</h1>
      <p>Here is the first paragraph of the document</p>
      <p>The second paragraph has an <em>emphasized item</em>
         and a <b>bold face item</b>.

Program: The same document as an LAML expression. We see that the the shift from HTML to LAML is a matter of a few syntactical changes. Notice the use of the underscore character, which suppresses the insertion of white space. This document cannot be processed immediately. However, the next version that we show can.
  (title "This is the document title")

  (h1 "Document title")

  (p "Here is the first paragraph of the document")

  (p "The second paragraph has an" (em "emphasized item")
      "and a" (b "bold face item")_".")

Program: The document from above embedded in the LAML framework. Besides initial loading, we see the imperative writing of the functionally generated document to a specific target file. The if the source file is doc1.laml, the target file will be doc1.html.
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))
(style "simple-html4.0-loose")

   (title "This is the document title")

   (h1 "Document title")

   (p "Here is the first paragraph of the document")

   (p "The second paragraph has an" (em "emphasized item")
      "and a" (b "bold face item")_".")
 (full-source-path-with-extension "html"))

Program: The document from above abstracted with the procedure www-document. We also show the definition of www-document, which typically will be moved to some LAML library for general use. By the way, the LAML libraries already has similar procedures, such as generic-page in the style simple-html4.0-loose.
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))
(style "simple-html4.0-loose")
(lib-load "color.scm")

(define (www-document ttl bd background-color)
     (title ttl)
    (body 'bgcolor (rgb-color-list background-color) bd))
   (full-source-path-with-extension "html")))

  "This is the document title"
   (h1 "Document title")

   (p "Here is the first paragraph of the document")

   (p "The second paragraph has an" (em "emphasized item")
      "and a" (em "bold face item")_"."))


Program: The document from above with pretty printing of the generated HTML document. We only on very rare occasions pretty print the resulting HTML document. The reason is that the HTML document is a derived, low level representation of the document which is only rarely consulted by humans. The parsing and pretty printing functions are part of a LAML tool for HTML parsing and pretty printing.
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))
(style "simple-html4.0-loose")
(lib-load "color.scm")
(load (string-append laml-dir "tools/xml-html-support/html-support.scm"))

(define (www-document ttl bd background-color)
       (title ttl)
      (body 'bgcolor (rgb-color-list background-color) bd))))
   (full-source-path-with-extension "html")))

  "This is the document title"
   (h1 "Document title")

   (p "Here is the first paragraph of the document")

   (p "The second paragraph has an" (em "emphasized item")
      "and a" (em "bold face item")_"."))



Quiz example
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The example on this page stems from the paper A Programmatic Approach to WWW authoring using Functional Programming.

The example illustrates the development of a little language for handling of multiple choice quizzes

Program: The LAML source of a multiple choice quiz.
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(style "demo-quiz")

      (question-formulation "What is programmatic WWW authoring?")
            (answer-formulation "Authoring for programmers"))
            (answer-formulation "Authoring by means of program development")))))

      (question-formulation "What is LAML?")
            (answer-formulation "A markup language in the SGML family"))
            (answer-formulation "A set of Scheme libraries for textual markup purposes"))
            (answer-formulation "A Lisp abstracted markup language")))))


Program: An equivalent HTML document for the presentation of the quiz. Notice that this document only contains a subset of the information in the quiz. Notice the difference in abstration level of the two documents.
   <head> <title> Quiz Example </title> </head>
      <font color="#ff0000"> <b> What is programmatic WWW authoring? </b> </font>
      <input type="CHECKBOX" value="true" name="a-1-1">
      &nbsp;Authoring for programmers
      <input type="CHECKBOX" value="true" name="a-1-2">
      &nbsp;Authoring by means of program development
      <font color="#ff0000"> <b> What is LAML? </b> </font>
      <input type="CHECKBOX" value="true" name="a-2-1">
      &nbsp;A markup language in the SGML family
      <input type="CHECKBOX" value="true" name="a-2-2">
      &nbsp;A set of Scheme libraries for textual markup purposes
      <input type="CHECKBOX" value="true" name="a-2-3">
      &nbsp;A Lisp abstracted markup language

Program: A more comprehensive variant of the LAML quiz. The document contains information about correctness and clarification of the individual answers.
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(style "demo-quiz")

      (question-formulation "What is programmatic WWW authoring?")
            (answer-formulation "Authoring for programmers")
            (answer-correctness 0)
              "Using programmatic authoring the document source is a program"))
            (answer-formulation "Authoring by means of program development")
            (answer-correctness 100)
            (answer-clarification "The source of each WWW document is program")))))

      (question-formulation "What is LAML?")
            (answer-formulation "A markup language in the SGML family")
            (answer-correctness 0)
            (answer-clarification "LAML is a markup language using Lisp syntax"))
            (answer-formulation "A set of Scheme libraries for textual markup purposes")
            (answer-correctness 90)
              "In addition there are various tools in the LAML package"))
            (answer-formulation "A Lisp abstracted markup language")
            (answer-correctness 100)
            (answer-clarification "The name covers document styles, libraries and tools")))))

Program: The implementation of the demo quiz document style. As the name indicates we consider this software as a demonstration of a simple LAML document style. We make use of quizzes in our educational material, with similar - but not identical - software behind.../../styles/demo-quiz.scm


The LAML System

LAML: Lisp Abstracted Markup Language
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We now introduce LAML, which basically is Scheme with access to libraries which mirror HTML. In addition, we support a number of functions which in our experience are very helpful during a typical WWW authoring process. Some of these functions are organized in document styles.

  • LAML fundamentals:

    • The Scheme programming language itself

    • A mirror of HTML in Scheme

    • A number of useful libraries

    • A number of LAML document styles

    • An Emacs Environment for practical use of LAML

LAML = Scheme + The HTML mirror + The LAML document styles

HTML mirroring
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HTML is mirrored as functions in Scheme on an element by element basis

  • Three generations of HTML mirroring:

    • Ad hoc mirroring

      • Manual programming of 'tags' when needed

    • Simple generic mirroring

      • The HTML mirror is generated on the basis of lists of single of double tags

      • If you have made one mirror function you have made them all

    • Accurate and systematic mirroring

      • Based on a parsed representation of the HTML4.0 DTD

      • Accurate handling of attributes (but no validation)

      • Three layers: basis, surface, convenience


The HTML4.0 Mirror in LAML
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We will here describe the HTML4.0 loose mirror in LAML

The HTML4.0 mirror is an exact mirror of version 4.0 of HTML (loose)

Syntax: We show the syntax of a tag application f on some text. The tag application passes the attributes a1 and a2 with given values

<f a1="v1" a2="v2"> Some text. More text</f>

Syntax: We show a contrast between HTML syntax and LAML syntax. The tag application passes the attributes a1 and a2 with given values

(f 'a1 "v1" 'a2 "v2" "Some text." "More text")

The mirror function f distinguishes between attribute names, attribute values, and content strings via the runtime types of the parameters together with their mutual position in the parameter list

HTML4.0 Mirror Characteristics
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  • The syntactic differences between HTML and LAML are minimal

  • Textual contents is passed as quoted strings

  • White space is added in between content string unless explicitly suppressed

    • (f 'a1 "v1" 'a2 "v2" "Some text" _ ".")

  • CSS attributes can be given side by side with HTML attributes

    • (f 'css:a1 "v1" 'a2 "v2" "Some text.")

  • HTML attributes are checked during the evaluation process

  • As of now the syntactic composition of the resulting HTML document is not dealt with

Attribute Examples
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HTML attributes and CSS attributes are treated symmetrically in LAML.

Inline use of CSS attributes is useful when we in the LAML abstractions separate presentation concerns from declarative markup

Program: A LAML document with css attributes - doc1
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(style "simple-html4.0-loose")

(define (generic-page-2 tl bd c1 c2 c3 c4) 
  (generic-page-1 tl (b (font-size 4 bd)) c1 c2 c3 c4))

  "Attribute example"
    (ol 'css:list-style-type "lower-roman"
       (li "First line")
       (li "Second line")
       (li 'css:text-decoration "underline" 'value "10"
           'css:background-color "yellow" "Third line")
       (li "Final line")
  white black blue blue

Program: A LAML document without css attributes - doc2. In this document we use the native style attribute and inlined CSS attributes.
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(style "simple-html4.0-loose")

(define (generic-page-2 tl bd c1 c2 c3 c4) 
  (generic-page-1 tl (b (font-size 4 bd)) c1 c2 c3 c4))

  "Attribute example"
    (ol 'style "list-style-type: lower-roman;"
       (li "First line")
       (li "Second line")
       (li 'value "10"
           'style "background-color: yellow; text-decoration: underline;"
           "Third line")
       (li "Final line")
  white black blue blue

HTML attributes are checked - CSS attributes are not


Problems with nested markup
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When we compare an SGML family language with a Lisp family programming language we find some major syntactical differences. The observation about semi-constant strings is one of the most important

There is a fundamental problem of nested document fragments that must be dealt with

Program: This is a typical HTML/XML fragment
    A text with a 
    <a href="subsection/sec1.html">link</a> 
    to a <b>subsection</b>

Program: Here we attempt to use a semi-constant string in Scheme. This does actually not make sense.
    "A text with a 
     (a "link" 'href "subsection/sec.html")
     to a (b "subsection")

Program: Here we see the solution we use in all our examples. This uses a plain Scheme programming approach.
     "A text with a " 
     (a "link" 'href "subsection/sec.html")
     " to a " (b "subsection")))

We have dropped the blue approach in favor of the brown approach.
The Emacs environment supports the embedding of a selected substring in a Scheme function.

LAML processing
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The LAML System supports a number of different ways to process a document

  • From the command prompt (shell)

    • Good for some Unix users

    • Good for tool composition - piping

  • From a Scheme prompt (LAML prompt)

    • Makes it possible to interact with LAML at a more fine grained level

  • From Emacs

    • Direct support of LAML from an advanced text editor

    • Synchronous and asynchronous processing

    • Keyboard shortcuts and menu support

    • Support of embedding of a substring in a Lisp form - and the inverse unembedding

The Emacs support of LAML can be seen as powerful environment for programmatic authoring

A practical LAML exercise

A practical LAML programming exercise
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In this part of the seminar we will develop some aspects of a LAML-based WWW site

  • Handling of bookmarks:

    • Motivation: It is not practical to bind WWW bookmarks to a single machine nor to a single browser

    • We will assume that we maintain a list of bookmark entries, each of the form

      • (bookmark URL title category comment)

      • The first constituent is a symbol (tag) and the others are text strings.

    • The exercise: Given a list of bookmarks make a frame-based bookmark browser

This exercise illustrates LAML programming - not really programmatic authoring - due the very structured nature of the problem domain.


Other examples

Ad hoc abstraction
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In order to control the complexity of a programmatic WWW document it is often useful to introduce ad hoc abstractions

  • URL abstractions

    • Document with lots of full URLs to the same site are difficult to maintains

Program: An example with URL abstractions
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(style "simple-html4.0-loose")

(define laml-absolute-prefix "http://www.cs.auc.dk/~normark/scheme/")

(define laml-relative-prefix "../../../../")

; relative
; (define (laml-url suffix) (string-append laml-relative-prefix suffix))

; absolute
(define (laml-url suffix) (string-append laml-absolute-prefix suffix))

   "URL Abstractions"
      (a-tag (laml-url "index.html") "LAML software home page")
      "contains lots of information, such as"
      (a-tag (laml-url "info/laml-easy-installation.html") "installation guide")
      (a-tag (laml-url "info/laml-motivation.html") "my own motivation")
      "for using LAML")
   white black blue blue)

Program: The example without URL abstractions
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(laml-style "simple-html4.0-loose")

      (head (title "URL Abstractions"))
         (h1 "URL Abstractions")
         "The "
            "LAML software home page")
         "contains lots of information, such as "
            "installation guide")
         "and "
            "my own motivation")
         "for using LAML"

   (string-append (startup-directory) laml-source-file-name-without-extension ".html"))

  • Table abstractions

    • Tables are complicated and rich constructs in HTML. It is useful capture and abstract typical tables as LAML functions

Program: An example with a table abstraction
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(style "simple-html4.0-loose")

(define row list)

   "Table Abstractions"

   (table-1 3
     (list 50 100 150)
     (list white green blue)
       (row "Her" "er" "første")
       (row "Her" "er" "anden")
       (row "Her" "er" "tredie")
       (row "Her" "er" "fjerde")
   white black blue blue)

Program: The example without table abstractions
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(laml-style "simple-html4.0-loose")

      (head  (title "Table Abstractions"))

         (h1 "Table Abstractions")
               (td 'width "50" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#ffffff" "Her")
               (td 'width "100" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#00ff00" "er")
               (td 'width "150" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#0000ff" "første"))
               (td 'width "50" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#ffffff" "Her")
               (td 'width "100" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#00ff00" "er")
               (td 'width "150" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#0000ff" "anden"))
               (td 'width "50" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#ffffff" "Her")
               (td 'width "100" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#00ff00" "er")
               (td 'width "150" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#0000ff" "tredie"))
               (td 'width "50" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#ffffff" "Her")
               (td 'width "100" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#00ff00" "er")
               (td 'width "150" 'valign "top" 'bgcolor "#0000ff" "fjerde")))

   (string-append (startup-directory) laml-source-file-name-without-extension ".html"))

  • Signature abstraction

    • Most of my documents contains my name, email address and WWW home page address

Program: An example with signature abstraction
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(style "simple-html4.0-loose")

(define row list)

   "Signature Abstractions"

     "Her er mit dokument"

   white black blue blue)

Program: The example without signature abstractions
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(laml-style "simple-html4.0-loose")

      (head (title "Signature Abstractions"))
         (h1 "Signature Abstractions")
         "Her er mit dokument"
         "Kurt Nørmark"
         (a 'href "mailto:normark@cs.auc.dk" "normark@cs.auc.dk")
         (a 'href "http://www.cs.auc.dk/~normark/" "http://www.cs.auc.dk/~normark/")))

   (string-append (startup-directory) laml-source-file-name-without-extension ".html"))


LAML languages
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The use of abstraction may ultimately lead to definition of new LAML languages

In LAML we call such languages for document styles.

  • Examples of existing LAML document styles:

    • LENO - Lecture Notes and teaching material

      • These slides are examples - more later in this seminar

    • Manual - Scheme library manuals

    • Course plan - Course home pages

    • Article - Scientific papers ala Latex (ad hoc)

    • Questionnaire

On the next page we will take a closer look at the questionnaire document style

The Questionnaire Document Style
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The questionnaire document style is a little language for authoring of questionnaires

Program: A sample questionnaire - please answer when you come home. This document is a good example of programmatic WWW source program. The document is formulated in a little language, which is very easy to use for the end user.
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(laml-style "questionnaire/questionnaire")
(lib-load "time.scm")

(define language-preference 'english)

  "The LAML Questionnaire"

  (identification-question 'name "What is your name?")

  (identification-question 'email "What is your email address?")

  (free-style-question 'www-approach "Describe briefly your approach and tools for WWW authoring (if any)")

  (rating-question 'laml-rating
     "How do you rate LAML as a 'tool' for WWW authoring and Internet programming?"
     (list "Poor" "Not good" "OK" "Good" "Very good")

  (free-style-question 'functional-opinion
     "What is your opions on functional programming in the Internet programming domain?"

  (multi-choice-question 'laml-use
     "Would you be able to use LAML for"
     (list "business purposes" "private purposes" "major WEB tasks" "minor WEB tasks")

  (rating-question 'laml-seminar-rating
     "How do you rate the seminar about LAML?"
     (list "Poor" "Not good" "OK" "Good" "Very good")

  (rating-question 'laml-material-rating
     "How do you rate the paper and the CD received on the seminar?"
     (list "Poor" "Not good" "OK" "Good" "Very good")

  (single-choice-question 'future-info
     "Would you like to receive email about future LAML distributions?"
     (list "yes" "no")

  (free-style-question 'laml-others "Other comments can be stated here")


  (font-1 1 red (when-generated))


Program: The implementation of the questionnaire document style. ../../styles/questionnaire/questionnaire.scm

Program: The similar HTML document. includes/laml-opinions-pp.html


We also support generic LAML CGI programs for accept and presentation of answers

Automation of routine tasks
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Many tedious tasks can be solved directly by pieces of programs embedded in an LAML document

  • Verbatim HTML documents

    • Manual escaping of tag characters '<' and '>' is tedious

Program: An example of programmed HTML escaping - external HTML
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(style "simple-html4.0-loose")

  "HTML Protection"
  (font-size 4 
       (read-text-file (string-append (startup-directory) "../" "simple-page-1.html"))

  white black blue blue

Program: The example html document with manual escaping - inlined HTMLincludes/automations/d1-without.html

Program: The html-protect function from the HTML4.0 convenience library.
(define (html-protect str)
         str #\& (character-entity "amp"))
     #\> (character-entity "gt")) 
    #\< (character-entity "lt")))

  • Insertion of textual material

    • Copying of textual material into slide presentations leaves us with two copies

    • The 'HTML verbatim example' illustrate the LAML approach to inclusion of textual material

  • URL Checking

    • Check of valid URLs by manual clicking takes long time - and you easily forget to check some links

    • It is attractive to try out the targets of URLs when they appear as href attributes in anchor tags

Program: An example with automated URL checking
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))

(style "simple-html4.0-loose")

(lib-load "url-read.scm")

(define (newline-string) cr)  ; due to conflic between general and url-read.

(define (a-tag-check url anchor-text)
   (if (page-ok? url)
       (a-tag url anchor-text)
       (con (u anchor-text) (b (font-color red " (broken)")))))

  "URL Checking"
  (font-size 4
      "The "
      (a-tag-check "http://www.cs.auc.dk" "first")
      " link is fine. The "
      (a-tag-check "http://www.cs.auc.dk/~kurt.normark" "second")
      " is bad (~normark, not ~kurt.normark). And the "
      (a-tag-check "http://abc.efg.hij" "last")
      " is also bad "))

   white black blue blue)


LENO - A large example of a LAML Document Style

What is LENO?
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LENO is a lecture note language for creating slides-related teaching materials on the World Wide Web

  • Overall LENO properties

    • Can produce slides that are played directly from a WWW browser in the auditorium

    • Supports annotations of the slide material

    • Supports multiple views on the material

    • Integrated with a number of other educational tools

    • Supports automatic playing of the slides together with the speaker's voice

    • Grown from a simple system to a more complex system - never designed from scratch

I have used LENO more than three years in most of my courses

LENO - strengths
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LENO is a WWW based system for presentation of teaching material

  • LENO properties:

    • Generates simple HTML that can be rendered on all platforms.

    • Three levels of presentations: slide, note, and aggregated views.

    • Inclusion of textual material without user involved copying.

      • Superimposing colors and typography

    • Supports trails without copying

    • Full keyboard navigation

    • Integrated exercises and solutions in the teaching material

    • Can support multiple versions - via URL abstractions

      • WWW, CD, labtop, ...

LENO har en række egenskaber, som omtales nærmere her.

I nogle sammenhænge taler vi om slide syn, annoteret slide syn og et aggregeret syn.

In reality LENO is tool for generation and linking of a lot of small HTML files and gif pictures.


LENO - weaknesses
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LENO is a system in constant development with a number of well-known weaknesses.

  • LENO weaknesses

    • Aestitics

      • Layout, colors, graphical features

    • Handling of images

      • Too complicated to handle graphical images

    • Better animations

      • It would be attractive to make it easier for the author

    • Printable version

      • Not yet possible to make a printable version - postscript or PDF

    • The author's interface is in LAML

      • An XML interface would make it easier for others to use LENO

LENO har en række svagheder, som omtales nærmere her.

Example of the lecture note document style
Slide Note Contents Index
On this page we show an example of the most substantial LAML document style developed to date. It is called LENO: A lecture note style. The slides you are looking at right now are written in LENO. Therefore we show the underlying LENO source of this page to illustrate our approach.

These slides are written in LAML by means of the lecture note style

Program: This is the LAML expression which generates the current slide. You can easily recognize the point clauses above and below. The source-program clause inserts the large middle LAML document excerpt.
(note-page 'leno-ex
  (title "Example of the lecture note document style"
         "On this page we show an example of the most substantial
          LAML document style developed to date. It is called LENO:
          A lecture note style. The slides you are looking at right
          now are written in LENO. Therefore we show the underlying LENO
          source of this page to illustrate our approach."

     "These slides are written in LAML by means of the lecture note style"

     (list "(note-page 'leno-ex" demo-end-mark)
       (list "note-page" "" level-1-color 'bold)

       (list "title" "" level-2-color 'bold)
       (list point-form "" level-2-color 'bold 2)
       (list "source-program" "" level-2-color 'bold)
       (list index-word-form "" level-2-color 'bold)
     (list 'slide-inline 'book-inline)
     "This is the LAML expression which generates the current slide. 
      You can easily recognize the point clauses above and below. The
      source-program clause inserts the large middle LAML document excerpt."

     "The program excerpt above is taken directly from the LAML source
      of these slides"

  (index-words  "LENO" "Lecture note style (example of)")

) ; end leno-ex

The program excerpt above is taken directly from the LAML source of these slides

WWW tools around LENO
Slide Note Contents Index

There exists a number of server dynamic systems around LENO


LAML and Server Side Programming

CGI Programming
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In order to explore the nature of CGI programming we here take a closer look at the overall CGI scheme

Figure. The interaction between a browser and a CGI program

The functional programming paradigm fits well with the CGI programming model

The state of the system can be carried from one WWW page to the other by functional means

CGI Programming with Program State
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In many CGI programs we need to store a 'program state'. Often, data is transferred to and from a database. We modify the previous picture in include this observation.

Figure. The interaction between a browser and a CGI program, which uses a database for storing the program state

Many real world applications need to maintain program state which changes as a function of time

This calls for imperative programming techniques

CGI Programming in Scheme
Slide Note Contents Index
We now return to CGI programming in Scheme.

CGI programming is mainly functional programming

The programmatic authoring approach creates a seamless integration between server side programs (calculated documents) and more static WWW documents

  • LAML support of CGI Programming in Scheme

    • A library to deal with the Common Gateway Interface

      • Decoding of URL and browser data to Lisp data structures

        • Both from URL encoding and multipart encoding

      • Encoding of Lisp data structures to URL format

    • Generation of HTML (via mirrors).

    • Other libraries, for instance dealing with time, colors, and reading/writing of text files.

From a practical point of view Scheme is a realistic language for CGI programming

This conclusion is drawn from a variety of different examples, which we have implemented. Most of the examples have been used to support various aspects of 'Open University' students located off campus.


CGI Examples
Slide Note Contents Index

We will here look at concrete server pages in LAML and similar WWW frameworks.

Program: An excerpt of a LAML CGI program with an interface to the LAML calendar tool. We have omitted a fair number of functions that are applied in the procedure calendar-entry-page. We are only interested to give the reader and viewer a feel for LAML CGI program. Notice that the program is represented entirely in the programming language - Scheme and LAML functions/procedures.
   (string-append "Calendar entry page" ": " (as-string calendar-name))
               (con "Calendar entry definition" (br) calendar-entry-title)))
         (if (not (equal? "" calendar-id-word))
                   (string-append data-url-prefix calendar-id-word ".html")
                   "Your current calendar")
            (make-list 11 calendar-entry-background-color)
                  (lambda (entry) (entry-row (row-id-gen "r") entry))
                     (empty-calendar-entries number-of-empty-entries)))))
         (i (b "Calendar color key:"))
         (horizontal-space 2)
            "Here you can describe the meaning of the colors in the calendar")
            (list 350 100)
            (make-list 2 calendar-entry-background-color)
            (list "Text" "Color")
                  (calendar-color-key-entry (row-id-gen "c") entry))
                  (empty-color-key-entries number-of-empty-color-keys))))
         (i (b "Calendar span:"))
               (b "Month: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "start-month" 2 calendar-start-month)
               (horizontal-space 12)
               (b "Year: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "start-year" 4 calendar-start-year)
               (horizontal-space 2)
               (font-size 2 "Not earlier than 1970")
               (horizontal-space 12)
               (b "Number of months: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "number-of-months" 2 calendar-number-of-months)
               (horizontal-space 2)
                     "Minimum 1, maximum"
                     (as-string max-calendar-length)
               (horizontal-space 12)))
         (i (b "Calendar owner:"))
               (b "Owner or purpose id: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "owner" 15 calendar-id-word)
               (horizontal-space 2)
               (font-size 2 "One word, no spaces")
               (horizontal-space 12)
               (b "Password: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (password-line "password" 10 "")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (font-size 2 "Never use your system password")))
         (i (b "Other calendar properties:"))
               (b "Calendar title: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "description" 55 calendar-entry-title)
               (b "Calendar column width: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
                  (as-string calendar-actual-column-width))
               (horizontal-space 1)
                     "in pixels, minimum "
                     (as-string min-month-width)
                     ", maximum "
                     (as-string max-month-width)))
               (horizontal-space 12)
               (b "Font size: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "font-size" 2 calendar-font-size)
               (horizontal-space 2)
                  "A number between 1 and 6, 1 is smallest, 6 is largest")
               (b "Language: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
                  (list "danish" "english")
                  (list "danish" "english")
               (horizontal-space 12)
               (b "Week separator: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
                  (list "thin" "thick")
                  (list "thin" "thick")
               (horizontal-space 12)))
         (i (b "Calendar merging:"))
         (horizontal-space 2)
               "Merge with another calendar (or with entries exported from the "
                  "course plan tool")
         (font-size 2 "Type 'owner or purpose id' of other calendars")
               (b "Merge with calendar: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "merge-1" 25 merge-1-start)
               (horizontal-space 2)
                  "Another calendar which you want to include in this calendar")
               (b "Merge with calendar: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "merge-2" 25 merge-2-start)
               (horizontal-space 2)
                  "Another calendar which you want to include in this calendar")
               (b "Merge with calendar: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "merge-3" 25 merge-3-start)
               (horizontal-space 2)
                  "Another calendar which you want to include in this calendar")
               (b "Merge with calendar: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "merge-4" 25 merge-4-start)
               (horizontal-space 2)
                  "Another calendar which you want to include in this calendar")
               (b "Merge with calendar: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "merge-5" 25 merge-5-start)
               (horizontal-space 2)
                  "Another calendar which you want to include in this calendar")
               (b "Merge with calendar: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "merge-6" 25 merge-6-start)
               (horizontal-space 2)
                  "Another calendar which you want to include in this calendar")
               (b "Merge with calendar: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (text-line "merge-7" 25 merge-7-start)
               (horizontal-space 2)
                  "Another calendar which you want to include in this calendar")
                     "Danish holidays for 2001 and 2002 are available as "
                     (kbd "helligdage-01")
                     " and "
                     (kbd "helligdage-02")))
         (i (b "Auto deletion:"))
               (b "Auto delete old entries: ")
               (horizontal-space 1)
               (checkbox "auto-delete")
         (submit "Remake Calendar")
         (vertical-space 2)
         (font-size 2 calendar-credit))))

Program: An excerpt of a PHP server program. Notice the mix of HTML and PHP expressions - the latter is a C-like programming language.
function display_form() {
  global $PHP_SELF;

$dotw = array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday',
$months = array( 1 => 'January','February','March','April','May','June',
Find the first 
<SELECT NAME="dotw">
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
    echo "<OPTION> $dotw[$i]";
echo '</SELECT> after <SELECT NAME="month">';
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
    echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"$i\"> $months[$i]";
echo '</SELECT> <SELECT NAME="day">';
for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
    echo "<OPTION> $i";
echo '</SELECT>, <SELECT NAME="year">';
$start_year = date('Y') - 10;
$end_year = $start_year + 20;
for ($i = $start_year; $i <= $end_year; $i++) {
    echo "<OPTION> $i";
echo '<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="stage" VALUE="process">';
echo '</SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Do it!"7></FORM>';


Program: An excerpt of a JSP server program - using Java as the programming language.
  Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.  
  Use is subject to license terms.

<%@ include file="initdestroy.jsp" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.*, cart.*" %>

<jsp:useBean id="bookDB" class="database.BookDB" scope="page" >
  <jsp:setProperty name="bookDB" property="database" value="<%=bookDBEJB%>" />
<jsp:useBean id="cart" scope="session" class="cart.ShoppingCart"/>
<jsp:useBean id="currency" class="util.Currency" scope="session">
  <jsp:setProperty name="currency" property="locale" value="<%=request.getLocale()%>"/>

<head><title>Shopping Cart</title></head>
<%@ include file="banner.jsp" %>
  String bookId = request.getParameter("Remove");
  if (bookId != null) {
  		BookDetails book = bookDB.getBookDetails();

<font color="red" size="+2">You just removed: <strong><%=book.getTitle()%>


if (request.getParameter("Clear") != null) {

<font color="red" size="+2"><strong> 
You just cleared your shopping cart! 

  // Print a summary of the shopping cart
  int num = cart.getNumberOfItems();
  if (num > 0) {

<font size="+2">You have <%=num%> <%=(num==1 ? " item" : " items")%> in your shopping cart.

<th align=left>Quantity</TH> 
<th align=left>Title</TH> 
<th align=left>Price</TH> 

    Iterator i = cart.getItems().iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
      ShoppingCartItem item = (ShoppingCartItem)i.next();
      BookDetails book = (BookDetails)item.getItem();

<td align="right" bgcolor="#ffffff"> 

<td bgcolor="#ffffaa"> 
<strong><a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/bookdetails?bookId=<%=book.getBookId()%>">

<td bgcolor="#ffffaa" align="right"> 
<jsp:setProperty name="currency" property="amount" value="<%=book.getPrice()%>"/>
<jsp:getProperty name="currency" property="format"/>&nbsp;</td>  

<td bgcolor="#ffffaa"> 
<a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/showcart?Remove=<%=book.getBookId()%>">Remove Item</a></strong> 

    // End of while

<tr><td colspan="5" bgcolor="#ffffff"> 

<td colspan="2" align="right" "bgcolor="#ffffff"> 
<td bgcolor="#ffffaa" align="right"> 
<jsp:setProperty name="currency" property="amount" value="<%=cart.getTotal()%>"/>
<jsp:getProperty name="currency" property="format"/>

<strong><a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/catalog">Continue Shopping</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  
<a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/cashier">Check Out</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
<a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/showcart?Clear=clear">Clear Cart</a></strong>
} else { 

<font size="+2">There is nothing in your shopping cart.</font> 
<center><a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/catalog">Back to the Catalog</a> </center>

  // End of if


Program: An excerpt of an ASP server program - using Visual Basic as the programming language
<% @Language=VBScript %>
<html dir=ltr>
<title>View Guest Book</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
'This section makes it possible for visitors to sort the data in the
   columns in ascending order.
if request.form("sort")<> "" THEN
StrSort="TB1 ASC"
strQuery="SELECT * FROM Guestbook ORDER BY " &StrSort
'Database path statement describing the driver to use and the
   path to the desired database.
strProvider = "Driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb); DBQ=C:\Inetpub\Wwwroot\Tutorial\guestbook.mdb;"
IF Request("ID") <> "" THEN
'Creates an instance of an Active server component
set objConn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
'Opens the connection to the data store
objConn.Open strProvider
'Instantiate Command object and use ActiveConnection property to
'attach connection to Command object
set cm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cm.ActiveConnection = objConn
'Define SQL query
cm.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Guestbook WHERE ID = " &strIDNum
'Instantiate a Recordset object and open a recordset using
'the Open method
Set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rst.Open strQuery, strProvider
<h1>Guest Book</h1>
<form name=viewdb.asp action=viewdb.asp method=post>
<table border=1 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=3 rules=box>
Response.Write "There are no entries in the database."
'Deletes rows from the database, this cannot be undone
Response.Write "<td width=200><center>Delete Record</center></td>"
FOR i = 1 to rst.Fields.Count -1
Response.Write "<td width=200><input name=sort value=" & rst(i).Name 
   & " type=submit></td>"
Response.Write "<td align=left valign=top bgcolor='#ffffff'>
   <a href=viewdb.asp?id=" & rst(0) & ">Delete</a></td>"
FOR i = 1 to rst.fields.count - 1
Response.Write "<td align=left valign=top bgcolor='#ffffff'>" & rst(i)

The main difference between the LAML approach and the more widespread alternatives (ASP, JSP, PHP) is represented in the use of HTML relative to the use of the programming language.


LAML in relation to XML

Overall comparison between XML and LAML
Slide Note Contents Index



SGML tradition and syntax

Lisp tradition and syntax

Markup imposed on textual document

Textual strings passed to functions

No dynamic capabilities - relies on external tools

The textual document is fully integrated in a programming context

Calls for advanced structure editing support

Immediate and simple structure editing on Lisp ground

Less anarchistic use of LAML
Slide Note Contents Index

LAML can be used as a strict parallel notation to XML

  • Transformation between XML and LAML - bridges

    • Parsing XML to LAML

    • Generating XML from LAML

  • Using XML notation for existing LAML styles and tools

    • To make use of existing LAML document styles, such as LENO

  • Using LAML for existing XML languages

    • To bring XML into a programmatic context

How to integrate programming power
Slide Note Contents Index

How does XML relate to programming?

  • Add programming power to XML

    • XEXPR

  • Mirror XML into a programming apparatus

    • A less anarchistic LAML

  • Apply external tools (programs) on XML

    • Transformation, querying, presentation, ...

The solutions above represent various degrees of integration between the markup language and a programming language



Slide Note Contents Index

For more than three years I have used LAML consistently for production of all my WWW pages and server applications.

  • Positive conclusions

    • A programmatic approach gives the author much power

    • The functional paradigm - not least in Lisp - is well suited for WWW work

  • Negative conclusions

    • Only people with a Lisp background will really appreciate the power of LAML

    • LAML still misses some key capabilities - not least database access.

LAML is now mature for more general use

Collected references
Contents Index
Schemers.org home page
The abstracted LAML document as rendered in a browser - pretty printed
The abstracted LAML document as rendered in a browser
The LAML generated document as rendered in a browser
The initial HTML document as rendered in a browser
The HTML document that renders the quiz
The convenience library
The HTML4.0 loose accurate mirror - surface
The HTML4.0 loose accurate mirror - basis
The HTML simple generic mirror
The HTML Ad hoc mirror
The doc2 HTML document
The doc1 HTML document
An elucidative program for the browser
An example of the resulting browser
Signature abstraction HTML page
Table abstraction HTML page
URL abstraction HTML page
The questionnaire answers
The questionnaire form
Questionnaire manual
URL checked document
Verbatim HTML document (non-auto)
Verbatim HTML document (auto)
Qualy Quiz - multiple choice - net only
Public annotations- net only
Exercises and solutions
Trails and image series
Inclusion of textual material and coloring
IDAFUS - an example WWW system using LAML (net, protected)
Library overview
The HTML convenience library
The primitive HTML library
The encode/decode library
The CGI library
The JSP page - and more
The LAML page
XEXPR example - net

Source files in this lecture
Contents Index References


A Programmatic Approach to WWW Authoring
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