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Program 5

(note-page 'id "laml-ex"
  (title (main-text "LAML example documents")
         (annotation "")

    (p "We show a couple of concrete LAML documents authored with XHTML")
    (p "We also show the LAML source of this slide") 

   'src "includes/basic.laml"
   'slide-mode "external"
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "html  " 'to-mark "" 'color "red" 'face "bold" )
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "head  " 'to-mark "" 'color "red" 'face "bold" )
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "meta  " 'to-mark "" 'color "red" 'face "bold" )
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "title  " 'to-mark "" 'color "red" 'face "bold" )
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "body  " 'to-mark "" 'color "red" 'face "bold" )
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "p  " 'to-mark "" 'color "red" 'face "bold" )
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "ol  " 'to-mark "" 'color "red" 'face "bold" )
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "li " 'to-mark "" 'color "red" 'face "bold" 'repetition "2")

    (color-decoration 'from-mark "map" 'to-mark "" 'color "purple" 'face "bold")
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "write-html" 'to-mark "" 'color "brown" 'face "bold")

    (color-decoration 'from-mark "(define" 'to-mark "))" 'color "blue" 'face "bold" 'repetition "3")
    "A simple XHTML document in LAML" )

   'src "includes/basic.html"
   'slide-mode "external"
    "The resulting XHTML page" )

   'src "includes/factorial.laml"
   'slide-mode "external"
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "(define map" 'to-mark "))" 'color "blue" 'face "bold")
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "(compose tr (map td))" 'to-mark "" 'color "red" 'face "bold")
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "(map (lambda (n)" 'to-mark "30))" 'color "brown" 'face "bold")
    (color-decoration 'from-mark "table" 'to-mark "" 'color "purple" 'face "bold")

    "An XHTML page with a table in LAML" )

   'src "includes/factorial.html"
   'slide-mode "external"
    "The resulting XHTML page" )

   'src "includes/this-page.leno"
   'slide-mode "external"
    "The LAML source of this page" )

    'href "../includes/basic.html"
    (main-text "The basic page"
              ) )

    'href "../includes/factorial.html"
    (main-text "The factorial page"
              ) )