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Program 1

(load (string-append laml-dir "laml.scm"))
(laml-style "simple-xhtml1.0-transitional-validating")
(lib-load "xhtml1.0-convenience.scm")

(define laml-generation-meta (meta 'name "Generator" 'content "LAML"))
(define meta-props (list 'http-equiv "Content-Type" 'content "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"))
(define html-props (list 'xmlns ""))

(define ttl "My Favorite Recipies")

(write-html '(pp prolog)
 (html html-props
   (meta meta-props) laml-generation-meta
  (title ttl))
    (h1 ttl)

    (div 'css:margin-bottom "2cm"
     (span (b "Recipe:") "Pita bread") (br)
      (li "1.5 tsp dry yeast") (li "1 cup water")
      (li "1 tbs honey")       (li "1.5 tsp salt")
      (li "3 cups flour")

      (li "Dissolve the yeast")  (li "Add honey, folur and salt")
      (li "Oil the mixing bowl") (li "Punch the dough down")
      (li "Roll each ball to 0.5 inch thickness")

    (div 'css:margin-bottom "2cm"
     (span (b "Recipe:") "Apricot Compote") (br)
     "Ingredients:" (br)
      (li "3 cups dried pears")
      (li "0.5 cups maple suryp")
      (li "1 cup water")
      (li "dash of salt")
      (li "2 cups heavy cream")
     "Procedure:" (br)
      (li "Cook the pears, sury and water")
      (li "Simer over low heat until soft")
      (li "Add salt")
      (li "Pure'e in blender")
      (li "Cool completely")
      (li "Add whiped cream and fold")
