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XML Processing in LAML
Recipe abstractions on top of HTML

Introducing XML-in-LAML abstractions on top of the HTML clauses

(define recipe
    (lambda (c a)
      (let ((title (defaulted-get-prop 'title a "NO TITLE"))
            (ingredient-list (get-asts c "ingredient"))
            (step-list (get-asts c "step"))
            (comment (get-asts c "comment")))
        (div 'css:margin-bottom "2cm" (span "Recipe:" title) (br)
             "Ingredients:" (br)      (ul (map li ingredient-list))
             "Procedure:" (br)        (ol (map li step-list))
             (font 'size "1" comment))))))

The recipe XML-in-LAML function.

(recipe 'title "Pita Bread"
     (ingredient "1.5 tsp dry yeast") (ingredient "1 cup water") (ingredient "...")
     (step "Dissolve the yeast") (step "Add honey, folur and salt")  (step "...")

An application of recipe.

/user/normark/scheme/slides/goerlitz-05/xml-processing-in-laml/includes/recipes-html-abstr/recipes-xml-in-laml-abstracted.lamlThe entire document.

The entire document.


Better markup - Better parameter passing - Manual programming