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XML Processing in LAML
Recipe abstractions on top of HTML

Introducing simple Scheme functions on top of the HTML clauses

(define (recipe title ingredient-list step-list comment)
  (div 'css:margin-bottom "2cm"
     (span "Recipe:" title) (br)
     "Ingredients:" (br)
     (ul (map li ingredient-list))
     "Procedure:" (br)
     (ol (map li step-list))
     (font 'size "1" comment)))

The recipe function.

       "Pita Bread" 
       (list "1.5 tsp dry yeast" "1 cup water" "...")
       (list "Dissolve the yeast" "Add honey, flour and salt" "...") 

A call of the show-recipe function.

/user/normark/scheme/slides/goerlitz-05/xml-processing-in-laml/includes/recipes-html-abstr/recipes-abstracted.lamlThe entire document.

The entire document.


Poor markup - Use of positional parameters - Use of lists as generic markup