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Program 1

(note-page 'id "leno"
  (title (main-text "LENO") )

    (p "These slides are made with the LENO system ")
    (p "LENO is an XML language for programmatic authoring of lecture notes")

  (items 'margin-top "1.5cm"
    (main-text "LENO features:" )
      (main-text "Several different views" ))
      (main-text "Especially oriented towards slides with program examples" ))
      (main-text "Allows the author to grow a text book from a set of slides" ))
      (main-text "And more..."

  (source-program 'margin-top "1.5cm"
   'src (in-startup-directory "xp.leno")
   'from-mark "(note-page 'id \"leno\""
   'to-mark end-of-slide-marker
   'slide-mode "external"
   'book-mode "inline"
   (color-decorations )
   (main-text "The XML-in-LAML Scheme source of this page" )

    (internet-reference 'href "" 'target "c-prog"
                        (main-text "C Programming Material (in Danish)" ))
    (internet-reference 'href "" 'target "c-prog"
                        (main-text "The LENO Home page (WEB)"))

) ; end leno slide