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Document Description and Processing in Scheme
XML-in-LAML abstractions

How can I make my own functions with mirror function parameter passing?

(define indent-pixels
  (lambda (content attributes)
    (let ((i (get-prop 'indentation attributes))
          (reduced-attributes (but-props attributes '(indentation))))
      (table 'border 0
         (tr (td 'width i)
             (td 'width "*" content reduced-attributes)))))
  (required-implied-attributes '(indentation) '(*) "index-pixels")

The indent-pixels function. annotation


(write-html '(pp prolog)
   (title "Table Examples"))
    (p "First paragraph")
    (indent-pixels 'indentation "50" 'id "x"
      (p "Second paragraph")
      (p "Third paragraph"))
    (p "Fourth paragraph")))

The use of the indent-pixels function.