Section 2.3 of the time conversion example

<section label="year">
   To calculate which year a given UT time occur in the <slink
   role="describes" href="@calcYear(long)">calcYear(long)</slink> method
   uses successive counting.<br/><br/>
   It starts out with the <slink role="describes"
   href="@BASE_YEAR">base year</slink> and <slink role="mentions" href="@calcYear(long)@e:b">
   succesivly adds</slink> the number of seconds for the year in the loop until it ends
   up with <slink role="mentions" href="@calcYear(long)@e:a">less seconds</slink> 
   than the next year contains.<br/><br/>

   The length of a given year is returned by the method <slink
   role="describes" href="@yearLength(long)">yearLength(long)</slink>,
   which check if the year is a <dlink role="mentions" href="/Time.edoc@leapyear">leap
   year</dlink> and returns the correct amount of seconds.


Generated: 21. September 2000, 00:10:49